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028 – CHAPTER 28 – 002

As he stuck his head out once more, the poor fellow’s eyes were bulging and he barked out wildly, “I drown! I drown!”

“Drown!” answered Pinocchio from afar, happy at his escape.

“Help, Pinocchio, dear little Pinocchio! Save me from death!”

At those cries of suffering, the Marionette, who after all had a very kind heart, was moved to compassion.
He turned toward the poor animal and said to him:

“But if I help you, will you promise not to bother me again by running after me?”

“I promise! I promise! Only hurry, for if you wait another second, I’ll be dead and gone!”

Pinocchio hesitated still another minute.
Then, remembering how his father had often told him that a kind deed is never lost, he swam to Alidoro and, catching hold of his tail, dragged him to the shore.

The poor Dog was so weak he could not stand.
He had swallowed so much salt water that he was swollen like a balloon.
However, Pinocchio, not wishing to trust him too much, threw himself once again into the sea.
As he swam away, he called out:

“Good-by, Alidoro, good luck and remember me to the family!”

“Good-by, little Pinocchio,” answered the Dog.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. As he stuck / his head out / once more, / the poor fellow’s eyes / were bulging / and he barked out / wildly, / “I drown! / I drown!”

    그가 머리를 다시 내밀며, 눈이 퉁퉁 부은 불쌍한 사내가 미친 듯이 외쳤다, “나 익사해! 나 익사해!”

  2. ⦁ bulging: 불룩한
    – Her eyes were bulging from sleep deprivation. (그녀의 눈은 수면 부족으로 불룩해졌다.)

    ⦁ wildly: 미친 듯이
    – The dog barked wildly during the storm. (폭풍 동안 개는 미친 듯이 짖었다.)

  3. “Drown!” / answered Pinocchio / from afar, / happy at his escape.

    “익사해!” 멀리서 피노키오가 대답하며, 탈출한 기쁨에 넘쳤다.

  4. ⦁ afar: 멀리
    – She could see the mountains from afar. (그녀는 멀리서 산을 볼 수 있었다.)

    ⦁ escape: 탈출
    – He made a daring escape from prison. (그는 감옥에서 대담하게 탈출했다.)

  5. “Help, / Pinocchio, / dear little Pinocchio! / Save me from death!”

    “도와줘, 피노키오, 귀여운 작은 피노키오! 죽음에서 나를 구해줘!”

  6. ⦁ dear: 사랑하는
    – Dear friends, welcome to the party. (친애하는 친구들, 파티에 오신 것을 환영합니다.)

    ⦁ death: 죽음
    – The doctors are working hard to prevent death. (의사들은 죽음을 막기 위해 열심히 일하고 있다.)

  7. At those cries / of suffering, / the Marionette, / who after all / had a very kind heart, / was moved / to compassion.

    그 고통의 외침에, 결국 매우 친절한 마음을 지닌 마리오네뜨는 연민을 느꼈다.

  8. ⦁ suffering: 고통
    – He went through a lot of suffering during the war. (그는 전쟁 동안 많은 고통을 겪었다.)

    ⦁ compassion: 연민
    – She showed great compassion for the homeless. (그녀는 노숙자들에게 큰 연민을 보였다.)

  9. He turned / toward the poor animal / and said to him:

    그는 불쌍한 동물 쪽으로 몸을 돌려 그에게 말했다:

  10. ⦁ turned: 돌았다
    – She turned her head to look at the noise. (그녀는 소리를 보기 위해 머리를 돌렸다.)

    ⦁ poor: 불쌍한
    – The poor children had no food to eat. (불쌍한 아이들은 먹을 음식이 없었다.)

  11. “But / if I help you, / will you promise / not to bother me again / by running after me?”

    “하지만 내가 널 도와주면, 나를 쫓아다니면서 다시는 나를 괴롭히지 않겠다고 약속할래?”

  12. ⦁ promise: 약속
    – I promise to be there on time. (나는 제시간에 그곳에 있을 것을 약속합니다.)

    ⦁ bother: 괴롭히다
    – Stop bothering your brother. (너의 형을 그만 괴롭혀라.)

  13. “I promise! / I promise! / Only hurry, / for if you wait / another second, / I’ll be dead and gone!”

    “약속해! 약속해! 빨리 해줘, 더 기다리면 나는 죽고 말거야!”

  14. ⦁ hurry: 서두르다
    – We need to hurry to catch the bus. (우리는 버스를 잡기 위해 서둘러야 한다.)

    ⦁ dead: 죽은
    – The plant is dead because it wasn’t watered. (식물은 물을 주지 않아 죽었다.)

  15. Pinocchio hesitated / still another minute.

    피노키오는 또 다시 잠시 망설였다.

  16. ⦁ hesitated: 주저했다
    – She hesitated before answering the question. (그녀는 질문에 답하기 전에 주저했다.)

    ⦁ minute: 분
    – It will take just a minute. (단 1분 밖에 걸리지 않을 거예요.)

  17. Then, / remembering / how his father / had often told him / that a kind deed / is never lost, / he swam to Alidoro / and, / catching hold / of his tail, / dragged him to the shore.

    그때, 그의 아버지가 “착한 행동은 절대 잊혀지지 않는다”고 자주 말했던 말을 기억하며, 피노키오는 알리도로에게 다가가 그의 꼬리를 잡아 해안으로 끌고 갔다.

  18. ⦁ remembering: 기억하기
    – I am remembering my trip to Paris. (나는 파리 여행을 기억하고 있다.)

    ⦁ dragged: 끌었다
    – He dragged the heavy bag across the floor. (그는 무거운 가방을 바닥에 끌고 갔다.)

  19. The poor Dog / was so weak / he could not stand.

    불쌍한 개는 너무 약해 서 있을 수 없었다.

  20. ⦁ weak: 약한
    – He felt weak after the illness. (그는 병을 앓고 나서 약해졌다.)

    ⦁ stand: 서다
    – It’s hard to stand for a long time. (오랜 시간 서 있는 것은 힘들다.)

  21. He had swallowed / so much salt water / that he was swollen / like a balloon.

    그는 많은 소금물을 삼켜서 풍선처럼 부풀어 올랐다.

  22. ⦁ swallowed: 삼켰다
    – The child accidentally swallowed a coin. (그 아이는 우연히 동전을 삼켰다.)

    ⦁ swollen: 부어오른
    – Her ankle was swollen after the fall. (넘어진 후 그녀의 발목이 부어올랐다.)

  23. However, / Pinocchio, / not wishing / to trust him / too much, / threw himself / once again / into the sea.

    하지만, 피노키오는 그를 너무 믿고 싶지 않아서, 다시 바다에 몸을 던졌다.

  24. ⦁ trust: 믿다
    – It’s hard to trust someone you don’t know. (모르는 사람을 믿는 것은 어렵다.)

    ⦁ threw: 던졌다
    – He threw the ball to his friend. (그는 공을 그의 친구에게 던졌다.)

  25. As he swam away, / he called out:

    그가 멀어지며, 그는 외쳤다:

  26. ⦁ swam: 수영했다
    – She swam in the lake every morning. (그녀는 매일 아침 호수에서 수영했다.)

    ⦁ called: 외쳤다
    – He called loudly for help. (그는 크게 도움을 외쳤다.)

  27. “Good-by, / Alidoro, / good luck / and remember me / to the family!”

    “안녕, 알리도로, 행운을 빌고 가족에게 안부 전해줘!”

  28. ⦁ good-by: 안녕
    – She said good-by and left the room. (그녀는 작별 인사를 하고 방을 떠났다.)

    ⦁ family: 가족
    – They spent the holidays with family. (그들은 가족과 함께 휴일을 보냈다.)

  29. “Good-by, / little Pinocchio,” / answered the Dog.

    “안녕, 작은 피노키오” 개가 대답했다.

  30. ⦁ answered: 대답했다
    – She answered all the questions correctly. (그녀는 모든 질문에 정확히 대답했다.)

    ⦁ little: 작은
    – The little kitten is very cute. (작은 새끼 고양이는 매우 귀엽다.)

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