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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

028 – CHAPTER 28 – 004

He tried to escape, but he was too late.
To his great surprise, he found himself in a huge net, amid a crowd of fish of all kinds and sizes, who were fighting and struggling desperately to free themselves.

At the same time, he saw a Fisherman come out of the cave, a Fisherman so ugly that Pinocchio thought he was a sea monster.
In place of hair, his head was covered by a thick bush of green grass.
Green was the skin of his body, green were his eyes, green was the long, long beard that reached down to his feet.
He looked like a giant lizard with legs and arms.

When the Fisherman pulled the net out of the sea, he cried out joyfully:

“Blessed Providence! Once more I’ll have a fine meal of fish!”

“Thank Heaven, I’m not a fish!” said Pinocchio to himself, trying with these words to find a little courage.

The Fisherman took the net and the fish to the cave, a dark, gloomy, smoky place.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. He tried / to escape, / but he was / too late.

    그는 도망치려 했으나, 너무 늦었다.

  2. ⦁ escape: 도망치다
    – The prisoner tried to escape. (죄수는 도망치려 했다.)

    ⦁ late: 늦은
    – He was late for the meeting. (그는 회의에 늦었다.)

  3. To his great surprise, / he found himself / in a huge net, / amid a crowd / of fish / of all kinds / and sizes, / who were fighting / and struggling / desperately / to free themselves.

    그는 매우 놀라며, 자신이 커다란 그물 안에, 여러 종류와 크기의 물고기들 사이에 갇혀 있음을 발견했다. 물고기들은 자신을 풀어내기 위해 필사적으로 싸우고 있었습니다.

  4. ⦁ surprise: 놀라움
    – The surprise party was a success. (깜짝 파티는 성공적이었다.)

    ⦁ desperately: 필사적으로
    – They were desperately searching for the lost child. (그들은 잃어버린 아이를 필사적으로 찾고 있었다.)

  5. At the same time, / he saw a Fisherman / come out of the cave, / a Fisherman so ugly / that Pinocchio thought / he was a sea monster.

    동시에, 그는 한 어부가 동굴에서 나오는 것을 보았고, 피노키오는 그 어부를 바다 괴물이라고 생각할 정도로 흉측하게 생겼다.

  6. ⦁ ugly: 흉측한
    – The old house looked ugly. (옛날 집은 흉측하게 보였다.)

    ⦁ monster: 괴물
    – The kids were scared of the monster. (아이들은 괴물을 무서워했다.)

  7. In place of hair, / his head was / covered by / a thick bush / of green grass.

    머리카락 대신 그의 머리는 두꺼운 초록색 풀로 덮여 있었다.

  8. ⦁ place: 대신
    – He took my place. (그는 나를 대신했다.)

    ⦁ thick: 두꺼운
    – The book is very thick. (그 책은 매우 두껍다.)

  9. Green was / the skin / of his body, / green were his eyes, / green was the long, / long beard / that reached down / to his feet.

    그의 몸의 피부는 녹색이었고, 그의 눈도 녹색이었으며, 발끝까지 내려오는 긴 녹색 수염이 있었다.

  10. ⦁ skin: 피부
    – Her skin is very smooth. (그녀의 피부는 매우 부드럽다.)

    ⦁ reach: 도달하다
    – The storm will reach the coast soon. (폭풍이 곧 해안에 도달할 것이다.)

  11. He looked like / a giant lizard / with legs / and arms.

    그는 다리와 팔이 있는 거대한 도마뱀 같았다.

  12. ⦁ giant: 거대한
    – They built a giant tower. (그들은 거대한 탑을 지었다.)

    ⦁ lizard: 도마뱀
    – A lizard scurried across the path. (도마뱀이 길을 가로질러 달려갔다.)

  13. When the Fisherman / pulled the net / out of the sea, / he cried out joyfully:

    “Blessed Providence! / Once more / I’ll have / a fine meal / of fish!”

    어부가 그물을 바다에서 끌어올렸을 때, 그는 기쁨에 차서 외쳤다: “고맙습니다! 또 한 번 맛있는 물고기 식사를 할 수 있겠군!”

  14. ⦁ pull: 끌어당기다
    – He pulled the door open. (그는 문을 열었다.)

    ⦁ meal: 식사
    – Dinner was a delicious meal. (저녁 식사는 맛있었다.)

  15. “Thank Heaven, / I’m not a fish!” / said Pinocchio / to himself, / trying with these words / to find a little courage.

    “하늘에 감사하길, 나는 물고기가 아니야!” 피노키오는 자신에게 말하며, 이 말로 조금의 용기를 얻으려 했다.

  16. ⦁ courage: 용기
    – She had the courage to stand up. (그녀는 일어설 용기가 있었다.)

    ⦁ thank: 감사하다
    – Don’t forget to thank him. (그에게 감사하는 것을 잊지 마라.)

  17. The Fisherman / took the net / and the fish / to the cave, / a dark, / gloomy, / smoky place.

    어부는 그물과 물고기를 어두운, 음울하고, 연기가 자욱한 동굴로 가져갔다.

  18. ⦁ smoky: 연기가 자욱한
    – The room was smoky from the fire. (방은 불로 인해 연기가 자욱했다.)

    ⦁ gloomy: 음울한
    – The weather was gloomy all day. (날씨가 하루 종일 음울했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)