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029 – CHAPTER 29 – 003

We are in this world to help one another.”

“But how did you get in that cave?”

“I was lying here on the sand more dead than alive, when an appetizing odor of fried fish came to me.
That odor tickled my hunger and I followed it.
Oh, if I had come a moment later!”

“Don’t speak about it,” wailed Pinocchio, still trembling with fright.
“Don’t say a word.
If you had come a moment later, I would be fried, eaten, and digested by this time.
Brrrrrr! I shiver at the mere thought of it.”

Alidoro laughingly held out his paw to the Marionette, who shook it heartily, feeling that now he and the Dog were good friends.
Then they bid each other good-by and the Dog went home.

Pinocchio, left alone, walked toward a little hut near by, where an old man sat at the door sunning himself, and asked:

“Tell me, good man, have you heard anything of a poor boy with a wounded head, whose name was Eugene?”

“The boy was brought to this hut and now—”

“Now he is dead?” Pinocchio interrupted sorrowfully.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. We are / in this world / to help / one another.

    우리는 이 세상에서 서로를 돕기 위해 있습니다.

  2. ⦁ help: 돕다
    – Can you help me with my homework? (내 숙제를 도와줄 수 있나요?)

    ⦁ another: 또 다른, 서로
    – Please hand me another glass. (또 하나의 잔을 건네주세요.)

  3. But / how did you / get / in that cave?

    하지만, 어떻게 그 동굴에 들어갔나요?

  4. ⦁ cave: 동굴
    – The cave was very dark. (동굴은 매우 어두웠다.)

    ⦁ get: 얻다, 도착하다
    – Did you get my message? (내 메시지 받았나요?)

  5. I was lying / here on the sand / more dead than / alive, when an appetizing odor / of fried fish / came to me. / That odor tickled / my hunger / and I followed it. / Oh, if I had come / a moment later!

    나는 죽음에 가까운 상태로 여기 모래 위에 누워있었어요, 그때 맛있는 튀긴 생선 냄새가 나에게 왔죠. 그 냄새가 나의 배고픔을 자극했고 난 그걸 따라갔어요. 아, 만약 내가 한순간 늦었더라면!

  6. ⦁ lying: 누워 있는
    – He was lying on the couch. (그는 소파에 누워 있었다.)

    ⦁ odor: 냄새
    – The odor of fresh bread filled the room. (신선한 빵 냄새가 방을 가득 채웠다.)

  7. Don’t speak / about it, wailed / Pinocchio, / still trembling / with fright. / Don’t say / a word. / If you had come / a moment later, / I would be fried, / eaten, and digested / by this time. / Brrrrrr! / I shiver / at the mere thought / of it.

    그것에 대해 말하지 마세요, 피노키오는 무서움에 떨며 울부짖었습니다. 말하지 마요. 만약 당신이 한순간 늦게 왔다면, 나는 지금쯤 튀겨지고, 먹히고, 소화되고 있을 거예요. 브르르르! 그것만으로도 생각하니 나는 떨려요.

  8. ⦁ trembling: 떨고 있는
    – He was trembling with cold. (그는 추위로 떨고 있었다.)

    ⦁ fright: 무서움
    – She screamed in fright. (그녀는 무서워 비명을 질렀다.)

  9. Alidoro laughingly / held out / his paw / to the Marionette, / who shook it / heartily, feeling / that now he / and the Dog / were good friends. / Then they bid / each other good-by / and the Dog / went home.

    알리도로는 웃으면서 그의 발을 마리오네트에게 내밀었고, 마리오네트는 흔쾌히 그 손을 잡았습니다. 이제 그와 개는 좋은 친구가 되었다고 느끼며. 그리고 나서 그들은 작별 인사를 나누고 개는 집으로 갔습니다.

  10. ⦁ laughingly: 웃으며
    – He laughingly agreed to the plan. (그는 웃으며 계획에 동의했다.)

    ⦁ friends: 친구들
    – They have been friends since childhood. (그들은 어렸을 때부터 친구였다.)

  11. Pinocchio, / left alone, / walked toward / a little hut / near by, / where an old man / sat at the door / sunning himself, / and asked: / Tell me, / good man, / have you heard / anything of / a poor boy / with a wounded head, / whose name was Eugene?

    홀로 남은 피노키오는 근처에 있는 작은 오두막으로 걸어갔고, 그곳에는 한 노인이 문 앞에 앉아 햇볕을 쬐고 있었습니다. 그리고 물었습니다: 저기, 좋은 분, 머리에 부상을 입은 가난한 소년, 이름이 유진인, 그런 아이에 대해 들으신 적이 있나요?

  12. ⦁ hut: 오두막
    – They lived in a small hut in the forest. (그들은 숲 속의 작은 오두막에서 살았다.)

    ⦁ wounded: 부상을 입은
    – He was taken to the hospital with a wounded leg. (그는 다리를 다쳐 병원으로 옮겨졌다.)

  13. The boy / was brought / to this hut / and now— / Now he is dead? / Pinocchio interrupted / sorrowfully.

    그 소년은 이 오두막으로 옮겨졌고 지금— 지금 그는 죽었나요? 피노키오는 슬프게 끼어들었다.

  14. ⦁ brought: 가져왔다
    – He brought a gift for her birthday. (그는 그녀의 생일 선물을 가져왔다.)

    ⦁ dead: 죽은
    – The flowers are dead. (꽃들이 죽었다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)