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029 – CHAPTER 29 – 004

“No, he is now alive and he has already returned home.”

“Really? Really?” cried the Marionette, jumping around with joy.
“Then the wound was not serious?”

“But it might have been—and even mortal,” answered the old man, “for a heavy book was thrown at his head.”

“And who threw it?”

“A schoolmate of his, a certain Pinocchio.”

“And who is this Pinocchio?” asked the Marionette, feigning ignorance.

“They say he is a mischief-maker, a tramp, a street urchin—”

“Calumnies! All calumnies!”

“Do you know this Pinocchio?”

“By sight!” answered the Marionette.

“And what do you think of him?” asked the old man.

“I think he’s a very good boy, fond of study, obedient, kind to his Father, and to his whole family—”

As he was telling all these enormous lies about himself, Pinocchio touched his nose and found it twice as long as it should be.
Scared out of his wits, he cried out:

“Don’t listen to me, good man! All the wonderful things I have said are not true at all.
I know Pinocchio well and he is indeed a very wicked fellow, lazy and disobedient, who instead of going to school, runs away with his playmates to have a good time.”

At this speech, his nose returned to its natural size.

“Why are you so pale?” the old man asked suddenly.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. No, he is now alive / and he has already returned home.

    아니요, 그는 이제 살아있고 이미 집으로 돌아갔어요.

  2. ⦁ alive: 살아 있는
    – He is still alive. (그는 여전히 살아있어요.)

    ⦁ returned: 돌아온
    – He has returned from his trip. (그는 여행에서 돌아왔어요.)

  3. Really? Really? / cried / the Marionette, / jumping around with joy.

    정말요? 정말요? / 마리오네트가 외쳤어요, / 기쁨으로 점프하면서.

  4. ⦁ cried: 외쳤다
    – The baby cried loudly. (아기가 크게 울었어요.)

    ⦁ joy: 기쁨
    – She felt pure joy. (그녀는 순수한 기쁨을 느꼈어요.)

  5. Then the wound was not serious?

    그러면 상처가 심각하지 않았나요?

  6. ⦁ wound: 상처
    – The wound is healing. (상처가 치유되고 있어요.)

    ⦁ serious: 심각한
    – This is a serious problem. (이건 심각한 문제예요.)

  7. But it might have been—/ and even mortal, / answered the old man, / for a heavy book / was thrown / at his head.

    하지만 그랬을지도 몰라요— / 치명적일 수도 있었어요, / 늙은 남자가 답했어요, / 무거운 책이 / 던져졌으니까요 / 그의 머리에.

  8. ⦁ mortal: 치명적인
    – It was a mortal wound. (그것은 치명적인 상처였어요.)

    ⦁ thrown: 던져진
    – The ball was thrown far. (공이 멀리 던져졌어요.)

  9. And who threw it?

    그리고 누가 그것을 던졌나요?

  10. ⦁ threw: 던졌다
    – He threw the ball. (그는 공을 던졌어요.)

    ⦁ it: 그것
    – He found it. (그는 그것을 찾았어요.)

  11. A schoolmate of his, / a certain Pinocchio.

    그의 학교 친구인 어떤 피노키오가요.

  12. And who is this Pinocchio? / asked the Marionette, / feigning ignorance.

    그런데 피노키오는 누구죠? / 마리오네트가 물었어요, / 모르는 척하면서.

  13. ⦁ schoolmate: 학교 친구
    – He met his old schoolmate. (그는 그의 옛 학교 친구를 만났어요.)

    ⦁ ignorance: 무지
    – Ignorance is bliss. (무지는 행복이다.)

  14. They say / he is a mischief-maker, / a tramp, / a street urchin—

    사람들은 말하길 / 그는 말썽꾸러기고, / 부랑자이며, / 거리의 아이라고—

  15. ⦁ mischief-maker: 말썽꾸러기
    – The child is a real mischief-maker. (그 아이는 정말 말썽꾸러기예요.)

    ⦁ tramp: 부랑자
    – He lived like a tramp. (그는 부랑자처럼 살았어요.)

  16. Calumnies! / All calumnies!

    중상모략! / 전부 중상모략이에요!

  17. Do you know this Pinocchio?

    당신 피노키오를 아나요?

  18. ⦁ calumnies: 중상모략
    – He spread calumnies about her. (그는 그녀에 대해 중상모략을 퍼뜨렸어요.)

    ⦁ know: 알다
    – I know the truth. (나는 진실을 알아요.)

  19. By sight! / answered the Marionette.

    얼굴만 알아요! / 마리오네트가 대답했어요.

  20. And what do you think of him? / asked the old man.

    그럼 그에 대해 어떻게 생각하나요? / 노인이 물었어요.

  21. ⦁ sight: 시야
    – Love at first sight. (첫눈에 반하다.)

    ⦁ think: 생각하다
    – I think about you. (너를 생각해.)

  22. I think / he’s a very good boy, / fond of study, / obedient, / kind to his Father, / and to his whole family—

  23. As he was telling / all these enormous lies about himself, / Pinocchio touched his nose / and found it / twice as long / as it should be.

  24. 저는 생각해요 / 그가 정말 좋은 아이고, / 공부를 좋아하고, / 순종적이며, / 아버지에게 친절하고, / 그의 온 가족에게 친절하다고—

  25. 그가 자기 자신에 대한 / 이 모든 엄청난 거짓말을 하고 있을 때, / 피노키오는 자기 코를 만졌어요 / 그리고 그것이 발견되었어요 / 두 배나 길게 / 원래보다.

  26. ⦁ fond: 좋아하는
    – She is fond of cats. (그녀는 고양이를 좋아해요.)

    ⦁ enormous: 엄청나게 큰
    – He has an enormous dog. (그는 엄청나게 큰 개를 키워요.)

  27. Scared out of his wits, / he cried out:

    겁에 질린 그는 / 외쳤어요:

  28. ⦁ scared: 겁에 질린
    – He was scared of the dark. (그는 어둠을 무서워했어요.)

    ⦁ cried: 외쳤다
    – She cried for help. (그녀는 도움을 요청하며 외쳤어요.)

  29. Don’t listen to me, / good man! / All the wonderful things / I have said / are not true at all.

  30. I know Pinocchio well / and he is indeed a very wicked fellow, / lazy and disobedient, / who instead of going to school, / runs away / with his playmates / to have a good time.

  31. 제 말을 듣지 마세요, / 좋은 분! / 제가 말한 모든 멋진 것들은 / 전혀 사실이 아니에요.

    저는 피노키오를 잘 알고 있어요 / 그리고 그는 정말로 아주 나쁜 친구이며, / 게으르고 불순종적인, / 학교에 가는 대신, / 도망쳐 나가요 / 그의 친구들과 함께 / 좋은 시간을 보내려고.

    ⦁ wonderful: 멋진
    – It was a wonderful day. (그날은 멋진 날이었어요.)

    ⦁ disobedient: 불순종하는
    – The disobedient dog did not listen. (순종적이지 않은 개는 듣지 않았어요.)

  32. At this speech, / his nose returned / to its natural size.

  33. Why are you so pale? / the old man asked suddenly.

  34. 이 말을 듣자마자, / 그의 코는 돌아왔어요 / 본래 크기로.

    왜 그렇게 창백한가? / 노인이 갑자기 물었어요.

    ⦁ returned: 돌아오다
    – He returned home safely. (그는 안전하게 집으로 돌아왔어요.)

    ⦁ pale: 창백한
    – She looked pale. (그녀는 창백해 보였어요.)

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