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029 – CHAPTER 29 – 009
A few minutes later midnight struck; then one o’clock—two o’clock.And the door still remained closed!Then Pinocchio, losing all patience, grabbed the knocker with both hands, fully determined to awaken the whole house and street with it.As soon as he touched the knocker, however, it became an eel and wiggled away into the darkness.“Really?” cried Pinocchio, blind with rage.“If the knocker is gone, I can still use my feet.”He stepped back and gave the door a most solemn kick.He kicked so hard that his foot went straight through the door and his leg followed almost to the knee.No matter how he pulled and tugged, he could not pull it out.There he stayed as if nailed to the door.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
A few minutes later midnight struck; then one o’clock—two o’clock.
몇 분 후 자정이 되었다; 그런 다음 한 시, 두 시가 되었다.
And the door / still remained closed!
그리고 문은 여전히 닫혀 있었다!
Then Pinocchio, / losing all patience, / grabbed the knocker / with both hands, / fully determined to / awaken the whole house / and street / with it.
As soon as / he touched the knocker, / however, / it became an eel / and wiggled away / into the darkness.
“Really?” / cried Pinocchio, / blind with rage.
“If the knocker is gone, / I can still use my feet.”
He stepped back / and gave the door / a most solemn kick.
He kicked so hard / that his foot went straight / through the door / and his leg followed / almost to the knee.
No matter how he pulled / and tugged, / he could not pull it out.
There he stayed / as if nailed to the door.
그러자 피노키오는 모든 참을성을 잃고, 두 손으로 문고리를 잡고, 그것으로 온 집과 거리를 깨우기로 결심했다. 그러나 문고리에 손을 대자마자, 그것은 장어가 되어 어둠 속으로 꿈틀거리며 사라졌다.
“정말?” 화가 나서 앞이 보이지 않는 피노키오가 외쳤다. “문고리가 없다면, 내 발을 쓸 수 있지.”
그는 뒤로 물러서서 문을 가장 심각한 발길질로 찼다. 그는 너무 강하게 차서 발이 문을 뚫고 직진했으며 그의 다리는 거의 무릎까지 따랐다. 그는 아무리 당겨도 빼낼 수 없었다. 그는 마치 문에 못 박힌 것처럼 그 자리에 머물러 있었다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)