❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
030 – CHAPTER 30 – 003
Lamp-Wick was the laziest boy in the school and the biggest mischief-maker, but Pinocchio loved him dearly.That day, he went straight to his friend’s house to invite him to the party, but Lamp-Wick was not at home.He went a second time, and again a third, but still without success.Where could he be? Pinocchio searched here and there and everywhere, and finally discovered him hiding near a farmer’s wagon.“What are you doing there?” asked Pinocchio, running up to him.“I am waiting for midnight to strike to go—”“Where?”“Far, far away!”“And I have gone to your house three times to look for you!”“What did you want from me?”“Haven’t you heard the news? Don’t you know what good luck is mine?”“What is it?”“Tomorrow I end my days as a Marionette and become a boy, like you and all my other friends.”“May it bring you luck!”“Shall I see you at my party tomorrow?”“But I’m telling you that I go tonight.”“At what time?”“At midnight.”“And where are you going?”“To a real country—the best in the world—a wonderful place!”“What is it called?”“It is called the Land of Toys.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Lamp-Wick was the laziest boy in the school / and the biggest mischief-maker, / but Pinocchio loved him dearly.
램프윅은 학교에서 가장 게으르고 / 가장 장난꾸러기였지만, / 피노키오는 그를 매우 사랑했다.
That day, / he went straight to his friend’s house / to invite him to the party, / but Lamp-Wick was not at home.
그날, 그는 직접 친구의 집으로 가서 / 파티에 초대하려고 했지만, / 램프윅은 집에 없었다.
He went a second time, / and again a third, / but still without success.
그는 두 번째로 갔고, / 또 세 번째로 갔지만 / 여전히 성공하지 못했다.
Where could he be? / Pinocchio searched here and there and everywhere, / and finally discovered him / hiding near a farmer’s wagon.
그는 어디에 있을까? / 피노키오는 여기저기 / 그리고 모든 곳에서 찾았고, / 결국 그가 농부의 마차 근처에 숨어 있는 것을 발견했다.
“What are you doing there?” / asked Pinocchio, / running up to him.
“거기서 뭐하고 있어?” / 피노키오가 물었다, / 그에게 달려가면서.
“I am waiting for midnight to strike / to go—”
“난 자정을 기다리고 있어 / 가기 위해—”
“Far, far away!”
“멀리, 아주 멀리!”
“And I have gone / to your house / three times / to look for you!”
“그리고 나는 / 네 집에 갔었어 / 세 번이나 / 너를 찾으러!”
“What did you want from me?”
“나에게 뭘 원했어?”
“Haven’t you heard the news? / Don’t you know / what good luck is mine?”
“소식을 못 들었어? / 무슨 행운이 내 것인지 모르겠어?”
“What is it?”
“그게 뭔데?”
“Tomorrow I end my days as a Marionette / and become a boy, / like you and all my other friends.”
“내일이면 내가 더 이상 마리오네트가 아니게 되고 / 소년이 되겠어, / 너와 다른 모든 친구들처럼.”
“May it bring you luck!”
“행운을 빌어!”
“Shall I see you / at my party tomorrow?”
“내일 파티에서 볼 수 있을까?”
“But I’m telling you / that I go tonight.”
“At what time?”
“몇 시에?”
“At midnight.”
“And where are you going?”
“그리고 어디로 가는 거야?”
“To a real country—the best in the world—a wonderful place!”
“진짜 나라로—세상에서 최고의—멋진 곳으로!”
“What is it called?”
“그곳 이름이 뭐야?”
“It is called the Land of Toys.
“그것은 장난감 나라라고 불려.”
“하지만 나는 / 오늘 밤에 간다고 말하고 있어.”
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)