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031 – CHAPTER 31 – 007

He jumped to the ground, ran up to the donkey on whose back he had been riding, and taking his nose in his hands, looked at him.
Think how great was his surprise when he saw that the donkey was weeping—weeping just like a boy!

“Hey, Mr.
Driver!” cried the Marionette.
“Do you know what strange thing is happening here! This donkey weeps.”

“Let him weep.
When he gets married, he will have time to laugh.”

“Have you perhaps taught him to speak?”

“No, he learned to mumble a few words when he lived for three years with a band of trained dogs.”

“Poor beast!”

“Come, come,” said the Little Man, “do not lose time over a donkey that can weep.
Mount quickly and let us go.
The night is cool and the road is long.”

Pinocchio obeyed without another word.
The wagon started again.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. He jumped / to the ground, / ran up to the donkey / on whose back / he had been riding, / and taking his nose / in his hands, / looked at him.

    그는 땅으로 뛰어내려 / 그가 타고 있던 / 당나귀에게 달려가 / 그의 코를 손으로 잡고 / 그를 들여다보았다.

  2. ⦁ ground: 땅
    – The ground was wet after the rain. (비가 내린 후 땅이 젖었다.)

    ⦁ riding: 타는 것
    – She enjoys riding her bicycle. (그녀는 자전거 타는 것을 즐긴다.)

  3. Think / how great / was his surprise / when he saw that the donkey / was weeping—weeping / just like a boy!

    생각해봐 / 얼마나 큰 / 그의 놀라움이었는지 / 그가 당나귀가 울고 있는 것을 보았을 때 / 꼭 소년처럼!

  4. ⦁ surprise: 놀라움
    – The birthday party was a big surprise. (생일 파티는 큰 놀라움이었다.)

    ⦁ weeping: 울음
    – The actress was weeping during the sad scene. (여배우는 슬픈 장면에서 울고 있었다.)

  5. “Hey, Mr. Driver!” / cried the Marionette. / “Do you know / what strange thing / is happening / here! / This donkey weeps.”

    “이봐요, 운전기사님!” / 마리오네트가 외쳤다. / “알고 있나요 / 무슨 이상한 일이 / 벌어지고 있는 걸요 / 여기서! / 이 당나귀가 울고 있어요.”

  6. ⦁ strange: 이상한
    – She heard a strange noise last night. (그녀는 어젯밤 이상한 소리를 들었다.)

    ⦁ happening: 일어나는 일
    – What’s happening in your neighborhood? (네 이웃에서는 무슨 일이 일어나고 있어?)

  7. “Let him weep. / When he gets married, / he will have time / to laugh.”

    “울게 내버려둬. / 그가 결혼하면 / 웃을 시간이 있을 거야.”

  8. ⦁ married: 결혼한
    – They have been married for ten years. (그들은 결혼한 지 10년이 되었다.)

    ⦁ laugh: 웃다
    – The comedian made everyone laugh. (코미디언은 모두를 웃겼다.)

  9. “Have you perhaps taught him / to speak?”

    “혹시 그에게 가르쳤나요 / 말하는 것을?”

  10. ⦁ taught: 가르쳤다
    – She taught the children how to read. (그녀는 아이들에게 읽는 법을 가르쳤다.)

    ⦁ speak: 말하다
    – He can speak three languages. (그는 세 가지 언어를 말할 수 있다.)

  11. “No, / he learned to mumble / a few words / when he lived for three years / with a band / of trained dogs.” / “Poor beast!” / “Come, come,” / said the Little Man, / “do not lose time / over a donkey / that can weep. / Mount quickly / and let us go. / The night is cool / and the road is long.”

    “아니, / 그는 중얼거리는 것을 배웠어 / 몇 마디 / 그가 세 해 동안 살았을 때 / 한 무리 / 훈련된 개들과 함께.” / “불쌍한 동물!” / “어서, 어서,” / 작은 남자가 말했다, / “시간을 낭비하지 마 / 우는 당나귀를 두고. / 빨리 올라타 / 그리고 가자. / 밤은 서늘하고 / 길은 길어.”

  12. ⦁ mumble: 중얼거리다
    – He mumbled something under his breath. (그는 숨죽여 무언가를 중얼거렸다.)

    ⦁ beast: 야수
    – The lion is considered the king of beasts. (사자는 야수의 왕으로 여겨진다.)

  13. Pinocchio obeyed / without another word. / The wagon started again.

    피노키오는 순종했다 / 다른 말 없이. / 마차는 다시 출발했다.

  14. ⦁ obeyed: 순종했다
    – The dog obeyed its master’s command. (그 개는 주인의 명령을 따랐다.)

    ⦁ wagon: 마차
    – The wagon was filled with hay. (마차는 건초로 가득 차 있었다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)