❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
031 – CHAPTER 31 – 009
Some played at blindman’s buff, others at tag.Here a group played circus, there another sang and recited.A few turned somersaults, others walked on their hands with their feet in the air.Generals in full uniform leading regiments of cardboard soldiers passed by.Laughter, shrieks, howls, catcalls, hand-clapping followed this parade.One boy made a noise like a hen, another like a rooster, and a third imitated a lion in his den.All together they created such a pandemonium that it would have been necessary for you to put cotton in your ears.The squares were filled with small wooden theaters, overflowing with boys from morning till night, and on the walls of the houses, written with charcoal, were words like these: HURRAH FOR THE LAND OF TOYS! DOWN WITH ARITHMETIC! NO MORE SCHOOL!As soon as they had set foot in that land, Pinocchio, Lamp-Wick, and all the other boys who had traveled with them started out on a tour of investigation.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Some played at blindman’s buff, / others at tag. Here / a group played circus, / there another sang / and recited.
몇몇은 눈 가리고 술래잡기를 했고, 다른 애들은 태그놀이를 했다. 여기서는 일단의 무리가 서커스를 하고, 저기서는 다른 아이들이 노래하고 낭송했다.
⦁ buff: 가볍게 치다/ 때리다 – He likes to buff his shoes until they shine. (그는 신발을 빛날 때까지 닦는 걸 좋아한다.) ⦁ circus: 서커스 – The circus came to town and performed amazing acts. (서커스가 마을에 와서 놀라운 공연을 했다.) -
A few turned somersaults, / others walked on their hands / with their feet / in the air.
몇몇은 공중제비를 돌았고, 다른 아이들은 손으로 걸으면서 발을 허공에 띄웠다.
⦁ somersault: 공중제비 – The gymnast performed a perfect somersault. (그 체조 선수는 완벽한 공중제비를 했다.) ⦁ air: 공기, 허공 – Birds fly in the air. (새들은 공중을 난다.) -
Generals / in full uniform / leading regiments / of cardboard soldiers / passed by.
제복을 완전히 갖춘 장군들이 카드보드 군인들을 이끄는 부대가 지나갔다.
⦁ regiment: 연대, 부대 – The regiment marched proudly through the streets. (부대가 거리를 자랑스럽게 행진했다.) ⦁ soldier: 군인 – The soldier stood guard at the gate. (군인이 문에서 경비를 섰다.) -
Laughter, shrieks, howls, catcalls, / hand-clapping / followed this parade.
웃음, 비명, 울부짖음, 야유, 손뼉이 이 퍼레이드를 따랐다.
⦁ laughter: 웃음 – Her laughter was infectious. (그녀의 웃음은 전염성이 있었다.) ⦁ parade: 행진, 퍼레이드 – The parade featured floats and marching bands. (퍼레이드에는 플로트와 행진 밴드가 나왔다.) -
One boy / made a noise / like a hen, / another / like a rooster, and a third / imitated a lion / in his den. / All together they created / such a pandemonium / that it would have been necessary / for you / to put cotton / in your ears.
한 소년이 닭처럼 소리를 내고, 또 다른 소년은 수탉처럼 소리를 내며, 세 번째 소년은 우리 안의 사자를 흉내냈다. 그들은 모두 함께 혼란을 만들어서 귀에 솜을 넣어야 할 정도였다.
⦁ pandemonium: 대혼란 – There was pandemonium when the concert tickets went on sale. (콘서트 티켓이 판매되자 대혼란이 벌어졌다.) ⦁ imitate: 흉내내다 – He likes to imitate famous actors. (그는 유명한 배우들을 흉내내는 것을 좋아한다.) -
The squares / were filled with / small wooden theaters, / overflowing with boys / from morning / till night, / and on the walls / of the houses, / written with charcoal, / were words / like these: / HURRAH FOR THE LAND OF TOYS! / DOWN WITH ARITHMETIC! / NO MORE SCHOOL!
광장들은 작은 나무 극장들로 가득 차 있었고, 아침부터 저녁까지 소년들로 넘쳐났으며, 집들의 벽에는 목탄으로 이런 글들이 적혀 있었다: 장난감의 나라 만세! 산수는 그만! 학교는 그만!
⦁ theater: 극장 – They went to the theater to see a play. (그들은 연극을 보기 위해 극장에 갔다.) ⦁ arithmetic: 산수 – She was good at arithmetic in school. (그녀는 학교에서 산수를 잘했다.) -
As soon as they / had set foot / in that land, / Pinocchio, Lamp-Wick, / and all the other boys / who had traveled / with them / started out on / a tour / of investigation.
그 땅에 발을 딛자마자, 피노키오, 램프윅, 그리고 함께 여행한 다른 소년들이 탐험을 시작했다.
⦁ investigation: 조사 – The police began an investigation into the crime. (경찰은 그 범죄에 대한 조사를 시작했다.) ⦁ foot: 발, 땅에 딛다 – He slipped and hurt his foot. (그는 미끄러져서 발을 다쳤다.)
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