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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

031 – CHAPTER 31 – 010

They wandered everywhere, they looked into every nook and corner, house and theater.
They became everybody’s friend.
Who could be happier than they?

What with entertainments and parties, the hours, the days, the weeks passed like lightning.

“Oh, what a beautiful life this is!” said Pinocchio each time that, by chance, he met his friend Lamp-Wick.

“Was I right or wrong?” answered Lamp-Wick.
“And to think you did not want to come! To think that even yesterday the idea came into your head to return home to see your Fairy and to start studying again! If today you are free from pencils and books and school, you owe it to me, to my advice, to my care.
Do you admit it? Only true friends count, after all.”

“It’s true, Lamp-Wick, it’s true.
If today I am a really happy boy, it is all because of you.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. They wandered everywhere, / they looked into every nook and corner, / house and theater.

    그들은 모든 곳을 돌아다니며, / 집과 극장을 포함한 / 모든 구석구석을 살폈다.

  2. ⦁ wander: 방랑하다
    – He likes to wander in the forest. (그는 숲에서 방랑하는 것을 좋아한다.)

    ⦁ nook: 구석
    – There’s a cozy nook in the corner of the room. (방 구석에 아늑한 구석이 있다.)

  3. They became everybody’s friend. / Who could be happier than they?

    그들은 모든 이의 친구가 되었다. / 그들보다 행복한 사람이 있을까?

  4. ⦁ everybody: 모든 사람
    – Everybody laughed at the joke. (모든 이가 농담에 웃었다.)

    ⦁ happier: 더 행복한
    – She felt happier than ever. (그녀는 그 어느 때보다 더 행복함을 느꼈다.)

  5. What with entertainments and parties, / the hours, the days, the weeks / passed like lightning.

    오락과 파티 때문에, / 시간, 날들, 주들은 / 번개처럼 지나갔다.

  6. ⦁ entertainment: 오락
    – The concert was great entertainment. (콘서트는 훌륭한 오락이었다.)

    ⦁ lightning: 번개
    – The flash of lightning was followed by thunder. (번개의 섬광 뒤에 천둥이 따랐다.)

  7. “Oh, what a beautiful life this is!” said Pinocchio / each time that, / by chance, / he met his friend Lamp-Wick.

    “아, 이 얼마나 아름다운 삶인가!” / 피노키오는 운 좋게도 친구 램프-윅을 만날 때마다 말했다.

  8. ⦁ beautiful: 아름다운
    – The sunset was incredibly beautiful. (일몰은 놀랍도록 아름다웠다.)

    ⦁ chance: 우연
    – By chance, we met at the park. (우연히, 우리는 공원에서 만났다.)

  9. “Was I right or wrong?” answered Lamp-Wick.

    “내가 맞았어 아니면 틀렸어?” 램프-윅이 대답했다.

  10. ⦁ right: 맞는
    – You were right about the forecast. (너의 예보가 맞았다.)

    ⦁ answered: 대답했다
    – She answered him with a smile. (그녀는 미소로 그에게 대답했다.)

  11. “And to think you did not want to come! / To think that even yesterday / the idea came into your head / to return home to see your Fairy / and to start studying again!”

    “그리고 네가 오기를 원하지 않았다고 생각하다니! / 심지어 어제도 / 네 머릿속에 그 생각이 떠올라 / 집으로 돌아가 요정을 보고 / 다시 공부를 시작하겠다고 했잖아!”

  12. ⦁ think: 생각하다
    – Think before you speak. (말하기 전에 생각해라.)

    ⦁ return: 돌아가다
    – We decided to return home early. (우리는 일찍 집에 돌아가기로 결정했다.)

  13. “If today you are free from pencils and books and school, / you owe it to me, / to my advice, / to my care.

    “네가 오늘 연필과 책과 학교에서 자유롭다면, / 그건 나에게, / 내 조언에, / 내 보살핌 덕분이야.

  14. ⦁ free: 자유로운
    – She felt free as a bird. (그녀는 새처럼 자유로움을 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ advice: 조언
    – His advice was very helpful. (그의 조언은 매우 도움이 되었다.)

  15. Do you admit it? / Only true friends count, after all.”

    인정하니? / 결국 진정한 친구들만이 중요한 법이야.”

  16. ⦁ admit: 인정하다
    – He admitted his mistake. (그는 자신의 실수를 인정했다.)

    ⦁ true: 진정한
    – She was a true friend. (그녀는 진정한 친구였다.)

  17. “It’s true, Lamp-Wick, it’s true. / If today I am a really happy boy, / it is all because of you.”

    “그건 진짜야, 램프-윅, 맞아. / 오늘 내가 정말로 행복한 소년이라면, / 그건 전부 네 덕분이야.”

  18. ⦁ happy: 행복한
    – She always looked happy. (그녀는 항상 행복해 보였다.)

    ⦁ because: ~때문에
    – He was late because of traffic. (그는 교통 때문이 늦었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)