❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
032 – CHAPTER 32 – 007
And yours?”“Both of them, too.I wonder if it could be the same sickness.”“I’m afraid it is.”“Will you do me a favor, Lamp-Wick?”“Gladly! With my whole heart.”“Will you let me see your ears?”“Why not? But before I show you mine, I want to see yours, dear Pinocchio.”“No.You must show yours first.”“No, my dear! Yours first, then mine.”“Well, then,” said the Marionette, “let us make a contract.”“Let’s hear the contract!”“Let us take off our caps together.All right?”“All right.”“Ready then!”Pinocchio began to count, “One! Two! Three!”At the word “Three!” the two boys pulled off their caps and threw them high in air.And then a scene took place which is hard to believe, but it is all too true.The Marionette and his friend, Lamp-Wick, when they saw each other both stricken by the same misfortune, instead of feeling sorrowful and ashamed, began to poke fun at each other, and after much nonsense, they ended by bursting out into hearty laughter.They laughed and laughed, and laughed again—laughed till they ached—laughed till they cried.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
And yours?” / “Both of them, / too. / I wonder / if it could be / the same sickness.”
그리고 너는?” / “그들 둘 다, / 역시. / 같은 병일까 / 궁금해.”
“I’m afraid it is.” / “Will you do me / a favor, / Lamp-Wick?” / “Gladly! / With my whole heart.”
그럴 것 같아.” / “나한테 / 부탁 하나 / 들어줄래, / 램프윅?” / “기꺼이! / 진심으로.”
“Will you / let me see / your ears?” / “Why not? / But before I show / you mine, / I want to see / yours, dear Pinocchio.”
“너 혹시 / 귀를 보여줄래?” / “왜 안 돼? / 하지만 내가 / 너에게 보여주기 전에, / 난 네 것을 보고 싶어, / 사랑하는 피노키오.”
“No. / You must show yours / first.” / “No, my dear! / Yours first, / then mine.”
“안 돼. / 네가 먼저 / 보여줘야 해.” / “아니야, 내 사랑! / 네 것이 먼저고, / 그 다음에 내 것이야.”
“Well, then,” / said the Marionette, / “let us make / a contract.” / “Let’s hear / the contract!”
“그렇다면,” / 인형이 말했다, / “계약을 / 하자.” / “그 계약을 / 들어 보자!”
“Let us / take off / our caps / together. / All right?” / “All right.”
“우리 / 벗자 / 모자를 / 같이. / 좋아?” / “좋아.”
“Ready then!” / Pinocchio began / to count, / “One! / Two! / Three!”
“준비 됐어!” / 피노키오는 / 세기 시작했다, / “하나! / 둘! / 셋!”
At the word “Three!” / the two boys / pulled off / their caps / and threw them / high in air.
“셋!”이라는 말과 함께 / 두 소년은 / 벗어던졌다 / 모자를 / 높이 공중으로.
And then / a scene took place / which is hard / to believe, / but it is / all too true.
그리고 나서 / 믿기 어려운 / 장면이 벌어졌으나, / 하지만 / 이건 모두 / 사실이다.
The Marionette / and his friend, / Lamp-Wick, / when they saw / each other / both stricken / by the same misfortune, / instead of feeling / sorrowful and ashamed, / began to poke fun / at each other, / and after / much nonsense, / they ended / by bursting out / into hearty laughter.
인형과 그의 친구, / 램프윅은, / 서로를 보았을 때, / 같은 불행에 / 둘 다 걸린 것을 / 보고, / 슬프고 수치스러워하는 대신에, / 서로를 놀리기 시작했고, / 많은 장난을 친 후에, / 결국에는 터져나와서 / 크게 웃었다.
They laughed / and laughed, / and laughed again—laughed / till they ached—laughed / till they cried.
그들은 웃고 / 또 웃고, / 다시 웃었으며—아플 때까지 / 웃었고—울 때까지 / 웃었다.
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