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033 – CHAPTER 33 – 005
“Patience!” he repeated as he chewed.“If only my misfortune might serve as a lesson to disobedient boys who refuse to study! Patience! Have patience!”“Patience indeed!” shouted his master just then, as he came into the stable.“Do you think, perhaps, my little Donkey, that I have brought you here only to give you food and drink? Oh, no! You are to help me earn some fine gold pieces, do you hear? Come along, now.I am going to teach you to jump and bow, to dance a waltz and a polka, and even to stand on your head.”Poor Pinocchio, whether he liked it or not, had to learn all these wonderful things; but it took him three long months and cost him many, many lashings before he was pronounced perfect.The day came at last when Pinocchio’s master was able to announce an extraordinary performance.The announcements, posted all around the town, and written in large letters, read thus:That night, as you can well imagine, the theater was filled to overflowing one hour before the show was scheduled to start.Not an orchestra chair could be had, not a balcony seat, nor a gallery seat; not even for their weight in gold.The place swarmed with boys and girls of all ages and sizes, wriggling and dancing about in a fever of impatience to see the famous Donkey dance.When the first part of the performance was over, the Owner and Manager of the circus, in a black coat, white knee breeches, and patent leather boots, presented himself to the public and in a loud, pompous voice made the following announcement:“Most honored friends, Gentlemen and Ladies!“Your humble servant, the Manager of this theater, presents himself before you tonight in order to introduce to you the greatest, the most famous Donkey in the world, a Donkey that has had the great honor in his short life of performing before the kings and queens and emperors of all the great courts of Europe.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
“Patience!” / he repeated / as he chewed.
“인내심을 가져!”라며 / 그가 / 씹으면서 반복했다.
“If only my misfortune / might serve / as a lesson / to disobedient boys / who refuse to study! / Patience! / Have patience!”
“내 불운이 / 불순종하는 아이들에게 / 공부를 거부하는 / 교훈으로 도움이 되면 좋겠어! / 인내심을 가져! / 인내심을 가져라!”
“Patience indeed!” / shouted his master / just then, / as he came into the stable.
“참으로 인내심이구나!” / 주인이 외쳤다 / 바로 그때, / 그가 마구간으로 들어오며.
“Do you think, / perhaps, / my little Donkey, / that I have brought you here / only to give you food and drink? / Oh, no! / You are to help me earn some fine gold pieces, / do you hear? / Come along, now.
“네 생각에, / 아마도, / 내 작은 당나귀야, / 내가 너를 여기에 데려온 이유가 / 먹이를 주고 물을 주기 위함이라고 생각하니? / 오, 아니야! / 네가 나를 도와 멋진 금화를 벌도록 해야 해, / 알았니? / 자, 이리 와.
I am going to teach you / to jump and bow, / to dance a waltz and a polka, / and even to stand on your head.”
나는 너에게 가르칠 거야 / 점프하고 절하는 법을, / 왈츠와 폴카를 춤추는 법을, / 그리고 심지어 머리로 서는 법까지.”
Poor Pinocchio, / whether he liked it or not, / had to learn / all these wonderful things; / but it took him / three long months / and cost him / many, many lashings / before he was pronounced perfect.
불쌍한 피노키오, / 그가 좋아하든 말든, / 모든 이 멋진 것을 배워야 했다; / 그러나 그것은 그에게 / 세 달이 걸렸고 / 그리고 많은, 많은 채찍질을 당한 뒤 / 완벽하다고 인정받기 전까지.
The day came / at last / when Pinocchio’s master / was able to announce / an extraordinary performance.
마침내 그 날이 왔다 / 피노키오의 주인이 / 특별한 공연을 발표할 수 있었을 때.
The announcements, / posted all around the town, / and written in large letters, / read thus:
그 발표는, / 마을 곳곳에 게시되고, / 큰 글씨로 쓰여져 있었다, / 이렇게 읽힌다:
That night, / as you can well imagine, / the theater was filled / to overflowing / one hour before the show / was scheduled to start.
그날 밤, / 상상할 수 있듯이, / 극장은 / 넘쳐날 정도로 가득 찼다 / 공연이 시작되기로 예정된 / 한 시간 전부터.
Not an orchestra chair / could be had, / not a balcony seat, / nor a gallery seat; / not even for their weight / in gold.
오케스트라 좌석 하나도 / 구할 수 없었고, / 발코니 좌석도, / 갤러리 좌석도; / 심지어 그것들의 무게를 / 금으로 바꾸어도 없었다.
The place swarmed / with boys and girls / of all ages / and sizes, / wriggling and dancing about / in a fever of impatience / to see the famous Donkey dance.
그 장소는 / 남녀 아이들로 가득 찼다 / 모든 연령대와 / 크기의, / 안절부절 못하며 춤추는 / 유명한 당나귀 춤을 보려고.
When the first part of the performance was over, / the Owner and Manager of the circus, / in a black coat, white knee breeches, / and patent leather boots, / presented himself to the public / and in a loud, pompous voice made the following announcement:
공연의 첫 부분이 끝났을 때, / 서커스의 주인이자 매니저는, / 검은 코트, 흰색 무릎바지, / 특허 가죽 장화를 신고, / 대중 앞에 나타나 / 큰, 거만한 목소리로 다음과 같은 발표를 했다:
“Most honored friends, / Gentlemen and Ladies!
존경하는 친구들, / 신사 숙녀 여러분!
Your humble servant, / the Manager of this theater, / presents himself before you tonight / in order to introduce to you / the greatest, / the most famous Donkey in the world, / a Donkey that has had the great honor in his short life / of performing before the kings and queens and emperors / of all the great courts of Europe.
겸손한 종인 저, / 이 극장의 매니저는, / 여러분 앞에 오늘 밤 서서, / 소개하고자 합니다 / 가장 위대하고, / 세계에서 가장 유명한 당나귀를, / 짧은 생애에서 큰 영광을 누린 당나귀, / 모든 유럽의 위대하고 / 귀한 왕들, 여왕들 및 황제들 앞에서 공연을 했던.
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