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034 – CHAPTER 34 – 004
Some went at my legs and some at my back, and among the others, there was one tiny fish so gentle and polite that he did me the great favor of eating even my tail.”“From now on,” said the man, horrified, “I swear I shall never again taste fish.How I should enjoy opening a mullet or a whitefish just to find there the tail of a dead donkey!”“I think as you do,” answered the Marionette, laughing.“Still, you must know that when the fish finished eating my donkey coat, which covered me from head to foot, they naturally came to the bones—or rather, in my case, to the wood, for as you know, I am made of very hard wood.After the first few bites, those greedy fish found out that the wood was not good for their teeth, and, afraid of indigestion, they turned and ran here and there without saying good-by or even as much as thank you to me.Here, dear Master, you have my story.You know now why you found a Marionette and not a dead donkey when you pulled me out of the water.”“I laugh at your story!” cried the man angrily.“I know that I spent four cents to get you and I want my money back.Do you know what I can do; I am going to take you to the market once more and sell you as dry firewood.”“Very well, sell me.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Some went / at my legs / and some at my back, / and among / the others, / there was one tiny fish /so gentle / and polite / that he did me / the great favor / of eating / even my tail.”
어떤 물고기는 내 다리를 / 다른 물고기는 내 등에 덤벼들었는데 / 그 중에서 아주 작고 / 예의 바른 물고기 하나가 / 나를 배려해 / 내 꼬리를 먹어주었지.”
“From now on,” said / the man, / horrified, / “I swear I shall never again / taste fish.
How I should / enjoy opening / a mullet / or a whitefish / just to find / there the tail / of a dead donkey!”
“이제부터는 / 나는 다시는 / 물고기를 먹지 않겠다고 / 맹세하오.”
“나도 / 물고기 속에서 / 죽은 당나귀의 / 꼬리를 찾으면 / 얼마나 좋겠소.”
“I think / as you do,” / answered / the Marionette, / laughing.
“나도 / 그리 생각하오,” / 마리오네트가 / 웃으며 / 대답했다.
“Still, you must / know that / when the fish finished eating / my donkey coat, / which covered me / from head to foot, / they naturally came / to the bones / or rather, / in my case, / to the wood, / for as you know, / I am made / of very hard wood.
After the first few bites, / those greedy fish / found out / that the wood / was not good / for their teeth, / and, afraid / of indigestion, / they turned / and ran / here and there / without saying / good-by / or even as much as / thank you to me.
“그래도, / 물고기가 / 내 당나귀 칠을 다 먹고 나서 / 자연스럽게 / 뼈에 이르렀겠지만, / 내 경우에는 / 나무였고, / 나는 / 아주 단단한 나무로 / 만들어졌다는 것을 / 알아야 합니다.
몇 번 먹어본 후 / 그 욕심 많은 물고기들은 / 그 나무가 / 치아에 좋지 않다는 것을 알게 되어 / 소화 불량이 두려워 / 여기저기 달아나며 / 인사도 없이 / 고맙다는 말도 없이 / 떠났습니다.”
“Here, dear Master, / you have my story.
You know now / why you found / a Marionette / and not a dead donkey / when you pulled me / out of the water.”
“여기, 주인님, / 이게 내 이야기입니다.
이제 왜 / 물에서 나를 꺼냈을 때 / 죽은 당나귀가 아니고 / 마리오네트를 발견했는지 / 아실 겁니다.”
“I laugh / at your story!” / cried / the man / angrily.
“I know / that I spent / four cents / to get you / and I want / my money back.
“나는 / 네 이야기를 / 비웃는다!” / 남자가 / 화내며 / 외쳤다.
“내가 / 너를 얻기 위해서 / 4센트를 썼다는 것은 / 알고 있으며 / 내 돈을 돌려받고 싶다.”
“Do you know / what I can do? / I am going to take you / to the market / once more / and sell you / as dry firewood.”
“내가 / 뭘 할 수 있는지 / 알겠느냐? / 한번 더 / 너를 시장에 데려가서 / 마른 장작으로 / 팔 것이다.”
“Very well, / sell me.
“좋소, / 나를 팔아라.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)