❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
034 – CHAPTER 34 – 006
After swimming for a long time, Pinocchio saw a large rock in the middle of the sea, a rock as white as marble.High on the rock stood a little Goat bleating and calling and beckoning to the Marionette to come to her.There was something very strange about that little Goat.Her coat was not white or black or brown as that of any other goat, but azure, a deep brilliant color that reminded one of the hair of the lovely maiden.Pinocchio’s heart beat fast, and then faster and faster.He redoubled his efforts and swam as hard as he could toward the white rock.He was almost halfway over, when suddenly a horrible sea monster stuck its head out of the water, an enormous head with a huge mouth, wide open, showing three rows of gleaming teeth, the mere sight of which would have filled you with fear.Do you know what it was?That sea monster was no other than the enormous Shark, which has often been mentioned in this story and which, on account of its cruelty, had been nicknamed “The Attila of the Sea” by both fish and fishermen.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
After swimming / for a long time, / Pinocchio saw / a large rock /in the middle of the sea, / a rock / as white as marble.
오랜 시간 수영을 한 후, 피노키오는 바다 한가운데 큰 바위를 보았다, 대리석처럼 하얀 바위를.
High / on the rock / stood a little Goat / bleating and calling / and beckoning / to the Marionette / to come / to her.
높은 바위 위에 작은 염소가 서 있었다, 울고 부르고 손짓하며 꼭두각시 피노키오에게 오라고.
There was / something very strange / about that little Goat.
그 작은 염소에게는 아주 이상한 점이 있었다.
Her coat / was not white / or black / or brown / as that of any other goat, / but azure, / a deep brilliant color / that reminded one / of the hair / of the lovely maiden.
그 염소의 털은 다른 염소들처럼 흰색, 검은색 또는 갈색이 아니었고, 푸른빛, 깊고 빛나는 색으로 사랑스러운 소녀의 머리카락을 연상케 했다.
Pinocchio’s heart / beat fast, / and then / faster and faster.
피노키오의 심장은 빨리 뛰기 시작했다, 그리고 점점 더 빠르고 더 빠르게.
He redoubled / his efforts / and swam / as hard as he could / toward the white rock. / He was almost / halfway / over, / when suddenly / a horrible sea monster / stuck its head / out of the water, / an enormous head / with a huge mouth, / wide open, / showing three rows / of gleaming teeth, / the mere sight of which / would have filled you / with fear.
그는 노력을 배가하여 가능한 한 열심히 하얀 바위 쪽으로 수영했다. 그는 거의 절반쯤 왔을 때, 갑자기 무시무시한 바다 괴물이 물 밖으로 머리를 내밀었다, 거대한 입을 벌린 커다란 머리, 세 줄의 반짝이는 이빨을 보여주는 모습은 보기만 해도 공포를 느끼게 할 것이다.
Do you know / what it was?
그게 무엇인지 알고 있니?
That sea monster / was no other / than the enormous Shark, / which has often been mentioned / in this story / and which, / on account of its cruelty, / had been nicknamed / “The Attila of the Sea” / by both fish and fishermen.
그 바다 괴물은 이전에도 이야기에서 자주 언급된 거대한 상어였다, 잔인함 때문에 “바다의 아틸라”라는 별명이 붙여진.
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