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034 – CHAPTER 34 – 007
Poor Pinocchio! The sight of that monster frightened him almost to death! He tried to swim away from him, to change his path, to escape, but that immense mouth kept coming nearer and nearer.“Hasten, Pinocchio, I beg you!” bleated the little Goat on the high rock.And Pinocchio swam desperately with his arms, his body, his legs, his feet.“Quick, Pinocchio, the monster is coming nearer!”Pinocchio swam faster and faster, and harder and harder.“Faster, Pinocchio! The monster will get you! There he is! There he is! Quick, quick, or you are lost!”Pinocchio went through the water like a shot—swifter and swifter.He came close to the rock.The Goat leaned over and gave him one of her hoofs to help him up out of the water.Alas! It was too late.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Poor Pinocchio! / The sight of that monster / frightened him / almost to death! / He tried to swim away from him, / to change his path, / to escape, / but that immense mouth / kept coming / nearer and nearer.
불쌍한 피노키오! 그 괴물의 모습을 보고 / 피노키오는 죽을 만큼 / 무서워했습니다! / 그는 괴물에게서 헤엄쳐 / 도망치려고 / 노를 저었고 / 그의 경로를 / 바꾸려고 했으며 / 도망치려고 했으나, / 그 거대한 입은 / 점점 더 가까워져만 갔습니다.
“Hasten, Pinocchio, / I beg you!” bleated the little Goat / on the high rock.
“서둘러, 피노키오, / 부탁이야!” / 작은 염소가 / 높은 바위 위에서 / 울부짖었습니다.
And Pinocchio swam desperately / with his arms, / his body, / his legs, / his feet.
그리고 피노키오는 필사적으로 / 그의 팔과 / 몸통과 / 다리와 / 발로 / 헤엄쳤습니다.
“Quick, Pinocchio, / the monster is coming / nearer!”
“빨리, 피노키오, / 괴물이 / 더 가까이 오고 있어!”
Pinocchio swam faster and faster, / and harder and harder.
피노키오는 점점 더 빨리, / 그리고 더 강하게 / 헤엄쳤습니다.
“Faster, Pinocchio! / The monster will get you! / There he is! / There he is! / Quick, quick, / or you are lost!”
“더 빨리, 피노키오! / 괴물이 널 잡을 거야! / 저기 있다! / 저기 있어! / 빨리, 빨리, / 안 그러면 넌 끝이야!”
Pinocchio went through the water / like a shot—swifter and swifter. / He came close to the rock.
피노키오는 물살을 가르며 / 화살처럼—점점 더 빠르게 / 헤엄쳤습니다. / 그는 바위에 다다랐습니다.
The Goat leaned over / and gave him one of her hoofs / to help him up / out of the water.
염소가 몸을 숙여 / 그에게 뒷발 하나를 내주어 / 그를 물에서 / 건져 올리려 했습니다.
Alas! / It was too late.
아, / 너무 늦어버렸습니다.
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