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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

035 – CHAPTER 35 – 001

In the Shark’s body Pinocchio finds whom? Read this chapter, my children, and you will know.

Pinocchio, as soon as he had said good-by to his good friend, the Tunny, tottered away in the darkness and began to walk as well as he could toward the faint light which glowed in the distance.

As he walked his feet splashed in a pool of greasy and slippery water, which had such a heavy smell of fish fried in oil that Pinocchio thought it was Lent.

The farther on he went, the brighter and clearer grew the tiny light.
On and on he walked till finally he found—I give you a thousand guesses, my dear children! He found a little table set for dinner and lighted by a candle stuck in a glass bottle; and near the table sat a little old man, white as the snow, eating live fish.
They wriggled so that, now and again, one of them slipped out of the old man’s mouth and escaped into the darkness under the table.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Pinocchio, / as soon as / he had said good-by to / his good friend, / the Tunny, / tottered away / in the darkness / and began to walk / as well as he could / toward the faint light / which glowed / in the distance.

    피노키오는 좋은 친구인 참치에게 작별 인사를 하고 바로 어둠 속에서 비틀거리며 멀리서 희미하게 빛나는 불빛을 향해 갈 수 있는 대로 걸어가기 시작했다.

  2. ⦁ tottered: 비틀거리다
    – The child tottered as he took his first steps. (아이가 첫 걸음을 디디며 비틀거렸다.)

    ⦁ faint: 희미한
    – We heard a faint sound in the distance. (우리는 멀리서 희미한 소리를 들었다.)

  3. As he walked / his feet splashed / in a pool / of greasy and slippery water, / which had such a heavy smell / of fish fried in oil / that Pinocchio thought / it was Lent.

    그가 걸으면서 그의 발은 기름지고 미끄러운 물 웅덩이에서 첨벙거렸다. 기름에 튀겨진 생선 냄새가 너무 강해서 피노키오는 사순절이라 생각했다.

  4. ⦁ splashed: 튀기다
    – Water splashed everywhere when he jumped into the pool. (그가 수영장에 뛰어들자 물이 사방으로 튀었다.)

    ⦁ greasy: 기름진
    – The pan was very greasy after cooking. (요리한 후 팬이 매우 기름졌다.)

  5. The farther on / he went, / the brighter and clearer / grew the tiny light.

    On and on / he walked / till finally / he found—I give you a thousand guesses, / my dear children! / He found a little table / set for dinner / and lighted by a candle / stuck in a glass bottle;

    그가 더 걸어갈수록 작은 불빛은 점점 더 밝고 선명해졌다. 계속해서 걸어가던 그는 마침내—내 사랑하는 아이들아, 천 번을 맞혀 보거라! 그는 저녁식사 준비가 된 작은 테이블과 유리병에 꽂힌 촛불을 발견했다.

  6. ⦁ clearer: 더 선명한
    – The water in the lake became clearer after the rain. (비가 온 후 호수의 물이 더 맑아졌다.)

    ⦁ stuck: 꽂힌
    – The notice was stuck on the wall. (공지사항이 벽에 붙어 있었다.)

  7. and near the table / sat a little old man, / white as the snow, / eating live fish.

    They wriggled / so that, / now and again, / one of them slipped / out of the old man’s mouth / and escaped / into the darkness / under the table.

    그리고 테이블 근처에는 눈처럼 흰 작은 할아버지가 살아 있는 물고기를 먹고 있었다. 물고기들은 꿈틀거리다가 가끔씩 하나가 할아버지의 입에서 미끄러져 나와 테이블 아래로 어둠 속으로 도망쳤다.

  8. ⦁ wriggled: 꿈틀거리다
    – The worm wriggled in the dirt. (벌레가 흙 속에서 꿈틀거렸다.)

    ⦁ escaped: 도망치다
    – The cat escaped from the house. (고양이가 집에서 도망쳤다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)