❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
035 – CHAPTER 35 – 004
The trap caught me and the Farmer put a collar on me and made me a watchdog.He found out I was innocent when I caught the Weasels and he let me go.The Serpent with the tail that smoked started to laugh and a vein in his chest broke and so I went back to the Fairy’s house.She was dead, and the Pigeon, seeing me crying, said to me, ‘I have seen your father building a boat to look for you in America,’ and I said to him, ‘Oh, if I only had wings!’ and he said to me, ‘Do you want to go to your father?’ and I said, ‘Perhaps, but how?’ and he said, ‘Get on my back.I’ll take you there.’ We flew all night long, and next morning the fishermen were looking toward the sea, crying, ‘There is a poor little man drowning,’ and I knew it was you, because my heart told me so and I waved to you from the shore—”“I knew you also,” put in Geppetto, “and I wanted to go to you; but how could I? The sea was rough and the whitecaps overturned the boat.Then a Terrible Shark came up out of the sea and, as soon as he saw me in the water, swam quickly toward me, put out his tongue, and swallowed me as easily as if I had been a chocolate peppermint.”“And how long have you been shut away in here?”“From that day to this, two long weary years—two years, my Pinocchio, which have been like two centuries.”“And how have you lived? Where did you find the candle? And the matches with which to light it—where did you get them?”“You must know that, in the storm which swamped my boat, a large ship also suffered the same fate.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The trap caught me / and the Farmer put a collar on me / and made me a watchdog.
덫에 걸려서 농부가 내 목에 목걸이를 걸고 망치개로 만들었어요.
He found out I was innocent / when I caught the Weasels, and he let me go.
내가 족제비들을 잡았을 때 내가 무죄임을 알아내고 나를 풀어주었습니다.
The Serpent with the tail that smoked started to laugh / and a vein in his chest broke / and so I went back to the Fairy’s house.
연기 나는 꼬리를 가진 뱀이 웃기 시작하더니 가슴의 정맥이 터져서 요정의 집으로 돌아갔습니다.
She was dead, / and the Pigeon, seeing me crying, said to me, / ‘I have seen your father building a boat to look for you in America,’ / and I said to him, ‘Oh, if I only had wings!’
그녀는 죽었고, 비둘기가 내가 우는 것을 보고 나에게 말했습니다. ‘미국에서 당신을 찾기 위해 당신의 아버지가 배를 짓고 있는 것을 봤어요,’ 그래서 내가 말했어요, ‘아, 나도 날개가 있었으면 좋겠어요!’
and he said to me, ‘Do you want to go to your father?’ and I said, ‘Perhaps, but how?’
그가 나에게 말했습니다, ‘아버지에게 가고 싶어요?’ 내가 말했어요, ‘어쩌면, 하지만 어떻게?’
and he said, ‘Get on my back. / I’ll take you there.’
그가 말했어요, ‘내 등에 올라타. / 내가 데려다줄게.’
We flew all night long, / and next morning the fishermen were looking toward the sea, / crying, ‘There is a poor little man drowning,’ / and I knew it was you, / because my heart told me so and I waved to you from the shore—”
우리는 밤새도록 날았고, 다음날 아침 어부들이 바다를 향해 “가엾은 작은 남자가 물에 빠져 죽고 있어요”라고 외치고 있었습니다, 그리고 나는 그가 당신이라는 것을 알았어요, 왜냐하면 내 마음이 그렇게 말해줬고 그래서 내가 해안에서 당신에게 손을 흔들었어요—
“I knew you also,” / put in Geppetto, “and I wanted to go to you; / but how could I? / The sea was rough and the whitecaps overturned the boat.
“나도 당신을 알아차렸어요,” / 지페토가 말했습니다, “당신에게 가고 싶었지만; / 어떻게 할 수 있겠어요? / 바다는 거칠었고 하얀 파도가 배를 뒤집어버렸어요.
Then a Terrible Shark came up out of the sea / and, as soon as he saw me in the water, / swam quickly toward me, / put out his tongue, / and swallowed me as easily as if I had been a chocolate peppermint.”
그때 무서운 상어가 바다에서 솟아올라 / 물 속의 나를 보자마자 / 나를 향해 빠르게 헤엄쳐오더니 / 혀를 내밀어 / 나를 초콜릿 페퍼민트처럼 쉽게 삼켜버렸어요.”
“And how long have you been shut away in here?”
“여기 얼마나 갇혀 있었나요?”
“From that day to this, / two long weary years—two years, / my Pinocchio, / which have been like two centuries.”
“그 날부터 오늘까지/ 2년의 긴 고단한 세월—두 해입니다 / 내 피노키오야, / 마치 두 세기처럼 길었습니다.”
“And how have you lived? / Where did you find the candle? / And the matches with which to light it—where did you get them?”
“어떻게 살아남았어요? / 촛불은 어디서 찾았고? / 그것을 켜기 위한 성냥은 어디서 구했어요?”
“You must know that, / in the storm which swamped my boat, / a large ship also suffered the same fate.
“알아둬야 해요, / 내 배를 침몰시킨 폭풍 속에서, / 큰 배도 같은 운명을 겪었어요.”
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