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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

035 – CHAPTER 35 – 005

The sailors were all saved, but the ship went right to the bottom of the sea, and the same Terrible Shark that swallowed me, swallowed most of it.”

“What! Swallowed a ship?” asked Pinocchio in astonishment.

“At one gulp.
The only thing he spat out was the main-mast, for it stuck in his teeth.
To my own good luck, that ship was loaded with meat, preserved foods, crackers, bread, bottles of wine, raisins, cheese, coffee, sugar, wax candles, and boxes of matches.
With all these blessings, I have been able to live happily on for two whole years, but now I am at the very last crumbs.
Today there is nothing left in the cupboard, and this candle you see here is the last one I have.”

“And then?”

“And then, my dear, we’ll find ourselves in darkness.”

“Then, my dear Father,” said Pinocchio, “there is no time to lose.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The sailors / were all saved, / but the ship / went right to the bottom / of the sea, / and the same Terrible Shark / that swallowed me, / swallowed most of it.

    선원들은 모두 구출되었지만, 배는 바다 밑으로 바로 가라앉았고, 나를 삼켰던 그 무시무시한 상어가 대부분을 삼켰어요.

  2. ⦁ sailor: 선원
    – The sailor navigated through rough waters. (선원은 거친 바다를 항해했어요.)

    ⦁ swallow: 삼키다
    – The bird swallowed the seed whole. (새가 씨앗을 통째로 삼켰어요.)

  3. “What! / Swallowed a ship?” / asked Pinocchio / in astonishment.

    “뭐라고요! 배를 삼켰다고요?” 핀노키오가 놀라서 물었어요.

  4. ⦁ astonishment: 놀라움
    – She stared in astonishment at the view. (그녀는 풍경을 놀라움에 빠진 채 바라봤어요.)

    ⦁ ask: 묻다
    – He asked for directions to the museum. (그는 박물관으로 가는 길을 물었어요.)

  5. “At one gulp. / The only thing / he spat out / was the main-mast, / for it stuck in his teeth.

    “한 번에 삼켰어요. 그가 뱉어낸 유일한 것은 주마스트였는데, 그것이 그의 이빨에 끼였기 때문이었죠.

  6. ⦁ gulp: 한 입, 꿀꺽 삼키기
    – He took a large gulp of water. (그는 큰 물 한 모금을 삼켰어요.)

    ⦁ spit out: 뱉다
    – The child spit out the sour candy. (그 아이는 신 사탕을 뱉어냈어요.)

  7. To my own good luck, / that ship was loaded / with meat, / preserved foods, / crackers, / bread, / bottles of wine, / raisins, / cheese, / coffee, / sugar, / wax candles, / and boxes of matches.

    운 좋게도, 그 배에는 고기, 보존 식품, 크래커, 빵, 와인 병, 건포도, 치즈, 커피, 설탕, 왁스 초, 그리고 성냥 상자가 가득 실려 있었어요.

  8. ⦁ preserve: 보존하다
    – They preserve the fruit with sugar. (그들은 과일을 설탕으로 보존해요.)

    ⦁ load: 싣다
    – They loaded the truck with supplies. (그들은 트럭에 물자를 가득 실었어요.)

  9. With all these blessings, / I have been able / to live happily on / for two whole years, / but now / I am at the very last crumbs.

    이 모든 축복들 덕분에, 저는 두 해 동안 행복하게 살 수 있었어요. 하지만 이제는 마지막 부스러기만 남았어요.

  10. ⦁ blessing: 축복
    – The birth of a child is a blessing. (아이의 탄생은 축복이에요.)

    ⦁ crumb: 부스러기
    – She brushed the crumbs off the table. (그녀는 테이블 위의 부스러기를 털어냈어요.)

  11. Today / there is nothing left / in the cupboard, / and this candle / you see here / is the last one / I have.”

    오늘은 찬장에 아무것도 남아있지 않아요. 네가 보는 이 촛불이 내가 가진 마지막 촛불이에요.

  12. ⦁ cupboard: 찬장
    – She stored the dishes in the cupboard. (그녀는 접시들을 찬장에 보관했어요.)

    ⦁ candle: 촛불
    – The room was lit by a single candle. (방은 하나의 촛불로 밝혀졌어요.)

  13. “And then?” / “And then, my dear, / we’ll find ourselves / in darkness.”

    “그리고 나서?” “그리고 나서, 내 사랑아, 우리는 어둠 속에 놓이게 될 거야.”

  14. ⦁ darkness: 어둠
    – He feared the darkness of the forest. (그는 숲의 어둠을 두려워했어요.)

    ⦁ find oneself: 처지에 놓이다
    – She found herself alone in the city. (그녀는 도시에서 혼자 있는 처지에 놓였어요.)

  15. “Then, / my dear Father,” / said Pinocchio, / “there is no time / to lose.

    “그럼, 아버지,” 핀노키오가 말했어요, “아낄 시간이 없네요.”

  16. ⦁ lose: 잃다
    – Don’t lose your keys. (열쇠를 잃어버리지 마세요.)

    ⦁ time: 시간
    – Time flies when you’re having fun. (즐겁게 놀 때는 시간이 빨리 간다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)