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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

035 – CHAPTER 35 – 006

We must try to escape.”

“Escape! How?”

“We can run out of the Shark’s mouth and dive into the sea.”

“You speak well, but I cannot swim, my dear Pinocchio.”

“Why should that matter? You can climb on my shoulders and I, who am a fine swimmer, will carry you safely to the shore.”

“Dreams, my boy!” answered Geppetto, shaking his head and smiling sadly.
“Do you think it possible for a Marionette, a yard high, to have the strength to carry me on his shoulders and swim?”

“Try it and see! And in any case, if it is written that we must die, we shall at least die together.”

Not adding another word, Pinocchio took the candle in his hand and going ahead to light the way, he said to his father:

“Follow me and have no fear.”

They walked a long distance through the stomach and the whole body of the Shark.
When they reached the throat of the monster, they stopped for a while to wait for the right moment in which to make their escape.

I want you to know that the Shark, being very old and suffering from asthma and heart trouble, was obliged to sleep with his mouth open.
Because of this, Pinocchio was able to catch a glimpse of the sky filled with stars, as he looked up through the open jaws of his new home.

“The time has come for us to escape,” he whispered, turning to his father.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. We must try / to escape.” “Escape! / How?”

    우리는 탈출 시도해야 해.” “탈출! 어떻게?”

  2. ⦁ escape: 탈출
    – He managed / to escape / from the burning building. (그는 불타는 건물에서 탈출했다.)

    ⦁ try: 시도하다
    – She decided / to try / baking a cake. (그녀는 케이크를 구워보기로 결심했다.)

  3. “We can run out / of the Shark’s mouth / and dive / into the sea.”

    우리는 상어 입에서 뛰어나와 바다로 뛰어들 수 있어.”

  4. ⦁ dive: 뛰어들다
    – The dolphin / dived / into the pool. (돌고래는 수영장으로 뛰어들었다.)

    ⦁ run out: 뛰어 나가다
    – The children / ran out / of the classroom / when the bell rang. (종이 울리자 아이들은 교실에서 뛰어나갔다.)

  5. “You speak well, / but I cannot swim, / my dear Pinocchio.”
    “Why should that matter? / You can climb / on my shoulders / and I, / who am a fine swimmer, / will carry you safely / to the shore.”

    “너는 잘 말하지만, 나는 수영할 수 없어, 사랑하는 피노키오야.”
    “그게 무슨 상관이야? 너는 내 어깨에 올라타고, 나는 훌륭한 수영선수이니, 너를 안전하게 물가로 데려갈게.”

  6. ⦁ swim: 수영하다
    – He learned / to swim / when he was young. (그는 어렸을 때 수영을 배웠다.)

    ⦁ shoulder: 어깨
    – She carried the bag / over her shoulder. (그녀는 가방을 어깨에 걸치고 다녔다.)

  7. “Dreams, / my boy!” answered Geppetto, / shaking his head / and smiling sadly.
    “Do you think it possible / for a Marionette, / a yard high, / to have the strength / to carry me on his shoulders / and swim?”

    “꿈이에요, 아들아!” 제페토는 고개를 절레절레 흔들며 슬프게 미소 지으며 말했다.
    “높이가 한 야드인 마리오네트가 나를 어깨에 메고 수영할 힘이 있다고 생각하니?”

  8. ⦁ dream: 꿈
    – She often dreams / about flying. (그녀는 자주 나는 꿈을 꾼다.)

    ⦁ strength: 힘
    – The athlete / showed amazing strength. (그 운동선수는 놀라운 힘을 보여주었다.)

  9. “Try it / and see! And / in any case, / if it is written / that we must die, / we shall at least / die together.”
    Not adding / another word, / Pinocchio took the candle / in his hand / and going ahead / to light the way, / he said / to his father:
    “Follow me / and have / no fear.”

    “해보고 알아봐! 그리고 어쨌든, 우리가 죽어야 한다면, 적어도 함께 죽을 거야.”
    더 이상 말하지 않고, 피노키오는 손에 양초를 들고 길을 밝히며 아버지에게 말했다:
    “나를 따라오세요 그리고 두려워 하지 마세요.”

  10. ⦁ fear: 두려워하다
    – Many people / fear spiders. (많은 사람들이 거미를 두려워한다.)

    ⦁ candle: 양초
    – She lit a candle / to read by. (그녀는 읽기 위해 양초를 켰다.)

  11. They walked a long distance / through the stomach / and the whole body / of the Shark. When they reached / the throat / of the monster, / they stopped / for a while / to wait for the right moment / in which to make their escape.

    그들은 상어의 위와 몸 전체를 멀리 걸어갔다. 그들이 괴물의 목에 도착했을 때, 탈출할 적절한 순간을 기다리기 위해 잠시 멈췄다.

  12. ⦁ distance: 거리
    – They ran / a long distance. (그들은 긴 거리를 달렸다.)

    ⦁ throat: 목구멍
    – He felt / a lump / in his throat. (그는 목구멍에 이물감을 느꼈다.)

  13. I want you to know / that the Shark, / being very old / and suffering / from asthma / and heart trouble, / was obliged / to sleep / with his mouth open.
    Because of this, / Pinocchio was able / to catch a glimpse / of the sky / filled with stars, / as he looked up / through the open jaws / of his new home.

    나는 너에게 상어가 나이가 많이 들고 천식과 심장 질환으로 고통받아 입을 벌리고 잘 수밖에 없음을 알리고 싶다. 이 때문에, 피노키오는 새 집의 열린 턱을 통해 별이 가득한 하늘을 엿볼 수 있었다.

  14. ⦁ glimpse: 흘끗 보다
    – She caught / a glimpse / of him / through the window. (그녀는 창문을 통해 그를 잠깐 본다.)

    ⦁ obliged: 어쩔 수 없이 하다
    – He felt obliged / to apologize. (그는 어쩔 수 없이 사과했다.)

  15. “The time / has come / for us / to escape,” / he whispered, / turning / to his father.

    “우리가 탈출할 시간이 왔어요,” 그가 아버지에게 몸을 돌리며 속삭였다.

  16. ⦁ time: 시간
    – It’s time / to go home. (집에 갈 시간이다.)

    ⦁ whisper: 속삭이다
    – She whispered / a secret / to her friend. (그녀는 친구에게 비밀을 속삭였다.)

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