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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

035 – CHAPTER 35 – 007

“The Shark is fast asleep.
The sea is calm and the night is as bright as day.
Follow me closely, dear Father, and we shall soon be saved.”

No sooner said than done.
They climbed up the throat of the monster till they came to that immense open mouth.
There they had to walk on tiptoes, for if they tickled the Shark’s long tongue he might awaken—and where would they be then? The tongue was so wide and so long that it looked like a country road.
The two fugitives were just about to dive into the sea when the Shark sneezed very suddenly and, as he sneezed, he gave Pinocchio and Geppetto such a jolt that they found themselves thrown on their backs and dashed once more and very unceremoniously into the stomach of the monster.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The Shark / is fast asleep.

    상어는 깊이 잠들어 있다.

  2. ⦁ fast: 빠른
    – He ran fast. (그는 빠르게 달렸다.)

    ⦁ asleep: 잠든
    – She is asleep. (그녀는 잠들어 있다.)

  3. The sea is calm and / the night is as bright / as day.

    바다는 고요하고 밤은 낮처럼 밝았다.

  4. ⦁ calm: 고요한
    – The lake is calm. (호수는 고요하다.)

    ⦁ bright: 밝은
    – The light is bright. (불빛이 밝다.)

  5. Follow me closely, dear Father, / and we shall soon be saved.

    아버지, 저를 바싹 따라오세요. 곧 구출될 거예요.

  6. ⦁ follow: 따르다
    – Follow the leader. (지도자를 따르세요.)

    ⦁ saved: 구출된
    – They are saved. (그들은 구출되었다.)

  7. No sooner said / than done.

    말이 끝나기 무섭게 행동에 옮겼다.

  8. ⦁ sooner: 더 빨리
    – Sooner is better. (더 빠른 것이 좋다.)

    ⦁ done: 끝난
    – It is done. (그것은 끝났다.)

  9. They climbed up / the throat of the monster / till they came / to that immense open mouth.

    그들은 괴물의 목구멍을 타고 올라가서 거대한 입까지 도달했다.

  10. ⦁ climbed: 올라갔다
    – She climbed the hill. (그녀는 언덕을 올라갔다.)

    ⦁ immense: 거대한
    – The building is immense. (그 건물은 거대하다.)

  11. There they had to / walk on tiptoes, / for if they tickled / the Shark’s long tongue / he might awaken—and where would they be then?

    거기서 그들은 발끝으로 걸어야 했다. 만약 상어의 긴 혀를 간지럽히면, 상어가 깨어날 수도 있었다. 그리고 그들이 그러면 어디로 갈 수 있겠는가?

  12. ⦁ tiptoes: 발끝
    – Walk on tiptoes. (발끝으로 걷다.)

    ⦁ awaken: 깨어나다
    – He might awaken. (그가 깨어날지도 모른다.)

  13. The tongue was / so wide and so long / that it looked / like a country road.

    혀는 매우 넓고 길어서 시골 도로처럼 보였다.

  14. ⦁ wide: 넓은
    – The river is wide. (강이 넓다.)

    ⦁ road: 도로
    – It is a bumpy road. (그것은 울퉁불퉁한 길이다.)

  15. The two fugitives / were just about to / dive into the sea / when the Shark sneezed / very suddenly

    두 도망자는 막 바다에 뛰어들려는 찰나에 상어가 매우 갑작스럽게 재채기를 했다.

  16. ⦁ fugitives: 도망자들
    – The fugitives were caught. (도망자들이 잡혔다.)

    ⦁ suddenly: 갑자기
    – She arrived suddenly. (그녀가 갑자기 도착했다.)

  17. and, as he sneezed, / he gave Pinocchio and Geppetto / such a jolt / that they found themselves / thrown on their backs / and dashed / once more and very unceremoniously / into the stomach of the monster.

    그가 재채기를 하자 핀노키오와 제페토는 엄청난 충격을 받아 다시 한 번 몹시 당황스러운 상태로 괴물의 뱃속으로 던져졌다.

  18. ⦁ jolt: 충격
    – His words had a jolt. (그의 말은 충격적이었다.)

    ⦁ monster: 괴물
    – The monster roared. (괴물이 으르렁거렸다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)