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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

036 – CHAPTER 36 – 001

“My dear Father, we are saved!” cried the Marionette.
“All we have to do now is to get to the shore, and that is easy.”

Without another word, he swam swiftly away in an effort to reach land as soon as possible.
All at once he noticed that Geppetto was shivering and shaking as if with a high fever.

Was he shivering from fear or from cold? Who knows? Perhaps a little of both.
But Pinocchio, thinking his father was frightened, tried to comfort him by saying:

“Courage, Father! In a few moments we shall be safe on land.”

“But where is that blessed shore?” asked the little old man, more and more worried as he tried to pierce the faraway shadows.
“Here I am searching on all sides and I see nothing but sea and sky.”

“I see the shore,” said the Marionette.
“Remember, Father, that I am like a cat.
I see better at night than by day.”

Poor Pinocchio pretended to be peaceful and contented, but he was far from that.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. My dear Father, / we are saved!

    아버지, 우리 구조됐어요!

  2. ⦁ saved: 구조된
    – The lifeguard saved the drowning swimmer. (구조 요원이 물에 빠진 수영객을 구했다.)

    ⦁ dear: 소중한
    – He is a dear friend of mine. (그는 나의 소중한 친구이다.)

  3. All we have to do now / is to get to the shore, / and that is easy.

    이제 우리에게 남은 일은 해안에 도착하는 것뿐인데, 그것은 쉬워요.

  4. ⦁ shore: 해안
    – The waves crashed onto the shore. (파도가 해안으로 몰아쳤다.)

    ⦁ get: 도착하다
    – I need to get to the airport by 3 PM. (오후 3시까지 공항에 도착해야 해.)

  5. Without another word, / he swam swiftly away / in an effort to reach land / as soon as possible.

    한 마디 더하지 않고, 그는 최대한 빨리 땅에 도달하려고 빠르게 헤엄쳤어요.

  6. ⦁ swiftly: 신속하게
    – She swiftly packed her bags. (그녀는 신속하게 가방을 쌌다.)

    ⦁ effort: 노력
    – He made an effort to solve the problem. (그는 문제를 해결하려고 노력했다.)

  7. All at once / he noticed / that Geppetto / was shivering and shaking / as if with a high fever.

    그는 한순간에 Geppetto가 마치 고열에 걸린 것처럼 떨고 있다는 것을 알아차렸어요.

  8. ⦁ noticed: 알아차렸다
    – She noticed a change in his behavior. (그녀는 그의 행동에서 변화를 알아차렸다.)

    ⦁ shivering: 떨고 있는
    – The cold wind had him shivering. (차가운 바람에 그는 떨고 있었다.)

  9. Was he shivering from fear / or from cold? / Who knows? / Perhaps a little of both.

    그가 두려움 때문에 떨고 있었던 걸까 아니면 추위 때문일까? 누구도 모르지? 아마 둘 다 조금씩 있었을 거야.

  10. ⦁ fear: 두려움
    – She was paralyzed with fear. (그녀는 두려움에 마비되었다.)

    ⦁ perhaps: 아마도
    – Perhaps we can go together. (아마도 우리는 함께 갈 수 있을 것이다.)

  11. But Pinocchio, / thinking his father was frightened, / tried to comfort him / by saying:

    하지만 Pinocchio는 그의 아버지가 겁에 질렸다고 생각해서 그를 위로하려고 말했어요.

  12. ⦁ frightened: 겁에 질린
    – The loud noise frightened the baby. (큰 소음이 아기를 겁먹게 했다.)

    ⦁ comfort: 위로하다
    – She tried to comfort her sad friend. (그녀는 슬픈 친구를 위로하려고 했다.)

  13. Courage, Father! / In a few moments / we shall be safe on land.

    용기를 내세요, 아버지! 잠시 후면 우리는 안전하게 땅에 도착할 거예요.

  14. ⦁ courage: 용기
    – He showed great courage in the face of danger. (그는 위험에 직면했을 때 큰 용기를 보였다.)

    ⦁ safe: 안전한
    – The children are safe at home. (아이들은 집에서 안전하다.)

  15. But where is that blessed shore? / asked the little old man, / more and more worried / as he tried to pierce the faraway shadows.

    그러나 그 축복받은 해안은 어디 있나요? 작은 노인은 점점 더 걱정하며 멀리 보이는 그림자를 뚫어보려 했어요.

  16. ⦁ blessed: 축복받은
    – They felt blessed with a new baby. (그들은 새로운 아기로 축복받았다고 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ pierce: 꿰뚫다
    – The ray of light pierced through the darkness. (한줄기 빛이 어둠을 꿰뚫었다.)

  17. Here I am searching on all sides / and I see nothing but sea and sky.

    여기저기 찾고 있지만, 바다와 하늘 밖에 보이지 않아요.

  18. ⦁ searching: 찾는
    – She is searching for her lost keys. (그녀는 잃어버린 열쇠를 찾고 있다.)

    ⦁ sea: 바다
    – They sailed across the sea. (그들은 바다를 건너 항해했다.)

  19. I see the shore, / said the Marionette. / Remember, Father, / that I am like a cat.

    저는 해안을 봐요,라고 Marionette가 말했어요. 아버지, 제가 고양이 같다는 것을 기억해 주세요.

  20. ⦁ shore: 해안
    – The fisherman headed back to the shore. (어부는 해안으로 돌아갔다.)

    ⦁ cat: 고양이
    – The cat climbed the tree. (고양이는 나무를 올랐다.)

  21. I see better / at night / than by day.

    저는 밤에 낮보다 더 잘 보죠.

  22. ⦁ night: 밤
    – The stars shine at night. (별들은 밤에 빛난다.)

    ⦁ day: 낮
    – We went to the beach during the day. (우리는 낮에 해변에 갔다.)

  23. Poor Pinocchio / pretended to be peaceful / and contented, / but he was far from that.

    가난한 Pinocchio는 평온하고 만족한 척했지만, 사실 그것과는 거리가 멀었어요.

  24. ⦁ pretended: 가장하다
    – He pretended to be asleep. (그는 잠든 척했다.)

    ⦁ peaceful: 평화로운
    – The park was quiet and peaceful. (공원은 조용하고 평화로웠다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)