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036 – CHAPTER 36 – 012

With some of the money he had earned, he bought himself a secondhand volume that had a few pages missing, and with that he learned to read in a very short time.
As far as writing was concerned, he used a long stick at one end of which he had whittled a long, fine point.
Ink he had none, so he used the juice of blackberries or cherries.
Little by little his diligence was rewarded.
He succeeded, not only in his studies, but also in his work, and a day came when he put enough money together to keep his old father comfortable and happy.
Besides this, he was able to save the great amount of fifty pennies.
With it he wanted to buy himself a new suit.

One day he said to his father:

“I am going to the market place to buy myself a coat, a cap, and a pair of shoes.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. With some of the money / he had earned, / he bought himself / a secondhand volume / that had a few pages / missing, / and with that / he learned to read / in a very short time.

    그가 번 돈 중 일부로, / 그는 중고 책을 샀고, / 그 책에는 몇 페이지가 / 없었지만, / 그는 그것으로 / 아주 짧은 시간에 / 읽는 법을 배웠다.

    ⦁ volume: 책
    – She checked out a volume / of short stories. (그녀는 단편 소설을 한 권 / 빌렸다.)

    ⦁ missing: 없는
    – There are four boys / missing from the class. (수업에 네 명의 학생이 / 결석했다.)
  2. As far as writing / was concerned, / he used a long stick / at one end / of which / he had whittled a long, / fine point.

    쓰기와 관련해서는, / 그는 한쪽 끝을 / 길고 / 뾰족하게 깎은 / 긴 막대를 사용했다.

    ⦁ whittled: 깎은
    – He whittled the piece of wood / into a small figure. (그는 나무 조각을 / 작은 형상으로 깎았다.)

    ⦁ fine: 미세한
    – She has a fine / sense of humor. (그녀는 / 훌륭한 유머 감각을 지니고 있다.)
  3. Ink / he had none, / so he used the juice / of blackberries or cherries.

    잉크는 / 없어서, / 검은딸기나 / 체리의 / 즙을 사용했다.

    ⦁ juice: 즙
    – You should drink the juice / with breakfast. (넌 아침 식사와 함께 주스를 / 마셔야 해.)

    ⦁ blackberries: 검은딸기
    – They picked blackberries / from the bush. (그들은 덤불에서 / 검은딸기를 수확했다.)
  4. Little by little / his diligence was rewarded.

    조금씩 / 그의 성실함이 / 보답을 받았다.

    He succeeded, / not only in his studies, / but also in his work, / and a day came / when he put enough money together / to keep his old father / comfortable and happy.

    그는 / 공부뿐만 아니라 / 일에서도 성공했다, / 그리고 / 그의 나이든 아버지를 / 편안하고 행복하게 / 할 만큼의 돈을 모은 날이 왔다.

    ⦁ diligence: 성실함
    – His diligence in studying / paid off. (그의 공부에 대한 성실함은 / 보답받았다.)

    ⦁ succeeded: 성공했다
    – She succeeded / after many failures. (그녀는 / 많은 실패 끝에 / 성공했다.)
  5. Besides this, / he was able to save / the great amount of / fifty pennies.

    이 외에도, / 그는 오십 푼을 / 상당량 / 저축할 수 있었다.

    With it, / he wanted to buy himself / a new suit.

    그 돈으로 / 그는 새 양복을 / 사고 싶었다.

    ⦁ save: 저축하다
    – You should save your money / for the future. (너는 미래를 위해 / 돈을 저축해야 한다.)

    ⦁ suit: 양복
    – He wore a suit / to the interview. (그는 면접에 / 양복을 입고 갔다.)
  6. One day / he said to his father:

    어느 날 / 그는 그의 아버지에게 말했다:

    “I am going to the market place / to buy myself / a coat, / a cap, / and a pair of shoes.

    “나는 시장에 가서 / 코트 / 모자 / 그리고 신발 한 켤레를 / 살 거예요. “

    ⦁ market: 시장
    – She went to the market / to buy vegetables. (그녀는 채소를 사기 위해 / 시장에 갔다.)

    ⦁ shoes: 신발
    – These shoes are / very comfortable. (이 신발은 / 매우 편하다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)