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036 – CHAPTER 36 – 016

The bright face of a tall boy looked at him with wide-awake blue eyes, dark brown hair and happy, smiling lips.

Surrounded by so much splendor, the Marionette hardly knew what he was doing.
He rubbed his eyes two or three times, wondering if he were still asleep or awake and decided he must be awake.

“And where is Father?” he cried suddenly.
He ran into the next room, and there stood Geppetto, grown years younger overnight, spick and span in his new clothes and gay as a lark in the morning.
He was once more Mastro Geppetto, the wood carver, hard at work on a lovely picture frame, decorating it with flowers and leaves, and heads of animals.

“Father, Father, what has happened? Tell me if you can,” cried Pinocchio, as he ran and jumped on his Father’s neck.

“This sudden change in our house is all your doing, my dear Pinocchio,” answered Geppetto.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The bright face of a tall boy / looked at him / with wide-awake blue eyes, / dark brown hair / and happy, / smiling lips.

    키 큰 소년의 밝은 얼굴이 / 더 크게 뜬 파란 눈, / 짙은 갈색 머리 / 그리고 행복하고, / 웃고 있는 입술로 / 그를 바라보았다.

  2. ⦁ bright: 밝은, 밝다.
    – The future looks bright. (미래가 밝아 보인다.)

    ⦁ happy: 행복한, 기쁜.
    – She looks happy today. (그녀는 오늘 행복해 보여.)

  3. Surrounded by so much splendor, / the Marionette hardly knew / what he was doing.

    많은 화려함에 둘러싸여, / 마리오네트는 거의 알지 못했다 / 그가 무엇을 하고 있는지를.

  4. ⦁ surrounded: 둘러싸이다.
    – She was surrounded by friends. (그녀는 친구들에게 둘러싸여 있었다.)

    ⦁ splendor: 화려함, 웅장함.
    – The palace is full of splendor. (궁전은 화려함으로 가득 차 있다.)

  5. He rubbed his eyes two or three times, / wondering if he / were still asleep / or awake / and decided / he must be awake.

    그는 두세 번 눈을 문질렀다, / 그가 여전히 잠들어 있는지 / 깨어 있는지 / 궁금해하며 / 그리고 / 그는 깨어 있어야 한다고 / 결심했다.

  6. ⦁ rubbed: 문지르다.
    – He rubbed his hands together. (그는 손을 문질렀다.)

    ⦁ decided: 결심하다.
    – We decided to go home. (우리는 집에 가기로 결심했다.)

  7. “And where is Father?” / he cried suddenly.

    “그리고 아버지는 어디 계시는 거야?” / 그가 갑자기 외쳤다.

    He ran into the next room, / and there stood Geppetto, / grown years younger overnight, / spick and span in his new clothes / and gay as a lark in the morning.

    그는 다음 방으로 뛰어갔다, / 그리고 / 그곳에 / 몇 년은 젊어 보이는 / 새로운 옷을 입고 / 아침의 종달새처럼 / 명랑한 제페토가 서 있었다.

  8. ⦁ suddenly: 갑자기.
    – He suddenly left the room. (그는 갑자기 방을 떠났다.)

    ⦁ younger: 더 젊은.
    – She looks younger than before. (그녀는 전보다 더 젊어 보인다.)

  9. He was once more / Mastro Geppetto, / the wood carver, / hard at work / on a lovely picture frame, / decorating it with flowers, / and leaves, / and heads of animals.

    그는 다시 한 번 / 목각 장인 제페토, / 나무 조각가였으며, / 아름다운 액자에 꽃, / 나뭇잎, / 동물의 머리 등을 / 장식하는 / 열심히 일하고 있었다.

  10. ⦁ carver: 조각가.
    – The carver made a beautiful statue. (조각가는 아름다운 조각상을 만들었다.)

    ⦁ decorating: 장식하다.
    – She is decorating the cake. (그녀는 케이크를 장식하고 있다.)

  11. “Father, Father, / what has happened? / Tell me if you can,” / cried Pinocchio, / as he ran / and jumped on his Father’s neck.

    “아버지, 아버지, / 무슨 일이 일어난 거예요? / 가능하면 말해주세요,” / 피노키오가 외쳤다, / 뛰어가며 / 아버지의 목에 매달렸다.

  12. ⦁ happened: 일어나다.
    – What happened at the party? (파티에서 무슨 일이 일어났나요?)

    ⦁ jumped: 점프하다, 뛰어오르다.
    – She jumped over the fence. (그녀는 울타리를 뛰어넘었다.)

  13. “This sudden change in our house / is all your doing, / my dear Pinocchio,” / answered Geppetto.

    “우리 집의 이 갑작스런 변화는 / 전부 네 덕분이다, / 내 사랑하는 피노키오,” / 제페토가 대답했다.

  14. ⦁ sudden: 갑작스러운.
    – There was a sudden change in the weather. (날씨에 갑작스러운 변화가 있었다.)

    ⦁ answered: 대답하다.
    – She answered the phone. (그녀는 전화를 받았다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)