❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
“Set her back on the stabboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow! ch-chow-wow! Chow!” His right hand, mean-time, describing stately circles—for it was representing a forty-foot wheel.“Let her go back on the labboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow-ch-chow-chow!” The left hand began to describe circles.“Stop the stabboard! Ting-a-ling-ling! Stop the labboard! Come ahead on the stabboard! Stop her! Let your outside turn over slow! Ting-a-ling-ling! Chow-ow-ow! Get out that head-line! lively now! Come—out with your spring-line—what’re you about there! Take a turn round that stump with the bight of it! Stand by that stage, now—let her go! Done with the engines, sir! Ting-a-ling-ling! SH’T! S’H’T! SH’T!” (trying the gauge-cocks).Tom went on whitewashing—paid no attention to the steamboat.Ben stared a moment and then said: “Hi-Yi! You’re up a stump, ain’t you!”No answer.Tom surveyed his last touch with the eye of an artist, then he gave his brush another gentle sweep and surveyed the result, as before.Ben ranged up alongside of him
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Set her back / on the stabboard! / Ting-a-ling-ling! / Chow! ch-chow-wow! / Chow!
스타보드 쪽으로 / 후진해! /띠-잉! / 찌익! / 찌익!
His right hand, / mean-time, describing stately circles—/for it was representing / a forty-foot wheel.
그의 오른손은, / 그 동안, / 위풍당당하게 원을 그리며— / 40피트 휠을 / 표현하고 있었다.
Let her go back / on the labboard! / Ting-a-ling-ling! / Chow-ch-chow-chow!
랩보드 쪽으로 / 후진해! / 띠-잉! / 찌이익!
The left hand / began to describe circles.
왼손이 / 원을 그리기 시작했다.
Stop the stabboard! / Ting-a-ling-ling! / Stop the labboard! / Come ahead / on the stabboard! / Stop her! / Let your outside turn / over slow! / Ting-a-ling-ling! / Chow-ow-ow! / Get out that head-line! / lively now! / Come—out / with your spring-line—/what’re you about / there!
스타보드를 멈춰! / 띠-잉! / 랩보드를 멈춰! / 스타보드로 / 전진해! / 멈춰! / 밖으로 천천히 돌려! / 띠-잉! / 찌예예익! / 헤드라인 빼내! / 신속하게! / 스프링 라인 / 꺼내서— / 거기서 뭐하는 거야!
Take a turn / round that stump / with the bight of it! / Stand by that stage, / now—let her go! / Done with the engines, / sir! / Ting-a-ling-ling! / SH’T! / S’H’T! / SH’T!” / (trying the gauge-cocks).
그루터기 주위를 / 그걸로 한 바퀴 감아! / 스테이지 곁에 / 서 있어, / 이제—가게 해! / 엔진 다 체크했어요, / 선생님! / 띠-잉! / 쉬익! / 쉬익! / 쉬익!” (게이지콕을 검사하며).
Tom went on / whitewashing— / paid no attention to / the steamboat.
톰은 / 하얗게 칠하는 일을 / 계속했다—/ 증기선에 / 전혀 신경 쓰지 않았다.
Ben stared a moment / and then said: / “Hi-Yi! / You’re up a stump, / ain’t you!”
벤은 잠시 동안 / 쳐다보더니 / 말했다: /“하-이! / 너 정말 일을 / 몰두해서 하고 있구나!”
No answer. / Tom surveyed / his last touch / with the eye of an artist, / then he gave his brush / another gentle sweep / and surveyed the result, / as before.
대답이 없었다. / 톰은 자신의 / 마지막 손길을 / 예술가의 눈으로 살핀 후, / 붓을 / 한 번 더 부드럽게 / 쓸어내렸고 / 결과를 살폈다, / 이전처럼.
Ben ranged up / alongside of him.
벤은 그의 / 옆에 다가섰다.
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