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Tom swept his brush daintily back and forth—stepped back to note the effect—added a touch here and there—criticised the effect again—Ben watching every move and getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed.
Presently he said:

“Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little.”

Tom considered, was about to consent; but he altered his mind:

“No—no—I reckon it wouldn’t hardly do, Ben.
You see, Aunt Polly’s awful particular about this fence—right here on the street, you know—but if it was the back fence I wouldn’t mind and she wouldn’t.
Yes, she’s awful particular about this fence; it’s got to be done very careful; I reckon there ain’t one boy in a thousand, maybe two thousand, that can do it the way it’s got to be done.”

“No—is that so? Oh come, now—lemme just try.
Only just a little—I’d let you, if you was me, Tom.”

“Ben, I’d like to, honest injun; but Aunt Polly—well, Jim wanted to do it, but she wouldn’t let him; Sid wanted to do it, and she wouldn’t let Sid.
Now don’t you see how I’m fixed? If you was to tackle this fence and anything was to happen to it—”

“Oh, shucks, I’ll be just as careful.
Now lemme try

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Tom swept his brush / daintily back and forth—stepped back / to note the effect—added a touch / here and there—criticised the effect / again—Ben watching every move / and getting more and more interested, / more and more absorbed.

    톰은 붓을 조심스럽게 왔다 갔다 하며 쓸었다—효과를 확인하기 위해 한 걸음 물러섰다—여기저기 손질을 더했다—다시 효과를 평가했다—벤은 톰의 모든 움직임을 지켜보고 점점 더 관심을 가지며 몰입했다.

  2. ⦁ daintily: 조심스럽게
    – She picked up the fragile antique daintily. (그녀는 부서지기 쉬운 골동품을 조심스럽게 집어 들었다.)

    ⦁ absorb: 몰입하다
    – The scientist was completely absorbed in his research. (그 과학자는 그의 연구에 완전히 몰입해 있었다.)

  3. Presently he said: “Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little.”

    마침내 그가 말했다: “톰, 나도 좀 페인트칠하게 해줘.”

  4. ⦁ presently: 곧
    – She’ll be here presently. (그녀는 곧 여기에 올 것이다.)

    ⦁ whitewash: 페인트칠하다
    – They decided to whitewash the old barn. (그들은 헛간을 페인트칠하기로 결정했다.)

  5. Tom considered, / was about to consent; / but he altered his mind:

    톰은 고민했다가 동의하려 했으나 마음을 바꿨다:

    “No—no—I reckon it wouldn’t hardly do, Ben. / You see, Aunt Polly’s awful particular / about this fence—right here / on the street, you know—but if it was the back fence / I wouldn’t mind and she wouldn’t.

    “아니—아니—내 생각에 이건 좀 그렇지, 벤.
    보아라, 폴리 숙모는 이 울타리에 엄청 까다로워—여기 바로 길가에 있잖아—하지만 뒷울타리였으면 나도 신경 안 쓰고 숙모도 안 쓰셔.

  6. ⦁ consent: 동의하다
    – He consented to the proposal. (그는 제안에 동의했다.)

    ⦁ particular: 까다로운
    – She is very particular about her food. (그녀는 음식에 매우 까다롭다.)

  7. Yes, she’s awful particular / about this fence; / it’s got to be done very careful; I reckon / there ain’t one boy in a thousand, / maybe two thousand, that can do it / the way it’s got to be done.”

    네, 그녀는 이 울타리에 대해 정말 까다로워;
    조심스럽게 해야 해; 내 생각엔 천명, 아니면 이천명 중에 제대로 할 수 있는 아이는 없어.”

  8. ⦁ careful: 조심스러운
    – Be careful while driving. (운전할 때 조심해라.)

    ⦁ reckon: 생각하다
    – I reckon it’s going to rain. (내 생각엔 비가 올 것 같다.)

  9. “No—is that so? Oh come, now—lemme just try. / Only just a little—I’d let you, if you / was me, Tom.”

    “정말이야? 아이고—이봐, 나도 해보게 해줘. / 조금만이라도—내가 너였으면 널 하게 해줄 텐데, 톰.”

  10. ⦁ only: 오직
    – This is only the beginning. (이건 시작에 불과하다.)

    ⦁ try: 시도하다
    – Let’s try a different approach. (다른 접근 방식을 시도해보자.)

  11. “Ben, I’d like to, / honest injun; but Aunt Polly—well, / Jim wanted to do it, / but she wouldn’t let him; / Sid wanted to do it, and she wouldn’t let Sid.
    / Now don’t you see how I’m fixed? / If you was to tackle this fence and anything / was to happen to it—”

    “벤, 나도 정말 그러고 싶은데, / 정말이야; 하지만 폴리 숙모가—잘 봐, / 짐도 하고 싶어 했는데 못 하게 했고; / 시드도 하고 싶어 했는데 시드도 못 하게 했어.
    이제 내가 왜 이렇게 어려운 상황인지 알겠지? / 네가 이 울타리 건드려서 무슨 일이라도 생기면—”

  12. ⦁ honest: 정직한
    – He’s an honest person. (그는 정직한 사람이다.)

    ⦁ tackle: 다루다
    – Let’s tackle this problem together. (이 문제를 함께 해결하자.)

  13. “Oh, shucks, I’ll be just as careful. / Now lemme try.”

    “아, 됐어, 나도 똑같이 조심할 거야. / 이제 내가 해보게 해줘.”

  14. ⦁ careful: 조심스러운
    – Be careful not to spill it. (쏟지 않도록 조심해.)

    ⦁ shucks: 귀찮아
    – Aw, shucks! I forgot my keys. (아, 귀찮아! 열쇠를 잊어버렸네.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)