❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
But Sid’s fingers slipped and the bowl dropped and broke.Tom was in ecstasies.In such ecstasies that he even controlled his tongue and was silent.He said to himself that he would not speak a word, even when his aunt came in, but would sit perfectly still till she asked who did the mischief; and then he would tell, and there would be nothing so good in the world as to see that pet model “catch it.” He was so brimful of exultation that he could hardly hold himself when the old lady came back and stood above the wreck discharging lightnings of wrath from over her spectacles.He said to himself, “Now it’s coming!” And the next instant he was sprawling on the floor! The potent palm was uplifted to strike again when Tom cried out:“Hold on, now, what ’er you belting me for?—Sid broke it!”Aunt Polly paused, perplexed, and Tom looked for healing pity.But when she got her tongue again, she only said:“Umf! Well, you didn’t get a lick amiss, I reckon
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
But Sid’s fingers slipped / and the bowl / dropped and broke.
하지만 Sid의 손가락이 미끄러졌고 / 그릇이 떨어져 깨졌다.
Tom was in ecstasies.In such ecstasies / that he / even controlled his tongue / and was silent.
Tom은 희열에 가득 차 있었다.그는 너무 희열에 가득 차서 / 심지어 혀를 제어하며 / 침묵을 유지했다.
He said to himself / that he would not speak / a word, / even when his aunt came in, / but would sit perfectly still / till she asked / who did the mischief; / and then he would tell, / and there would be nothing so good / in the world / as to see / that pet model / “catch it.”
그는 자기 자신에게 말했다 / 한 마디도 하지 않겠다고, / 심지어 이모가 들어왔을 때도, / 하지만 완전히 가만히 앉아 있을 거라고 / 그녀가 누구 잘못인지 물어볼 때까지; / 그리고 나서 그는 말할 것이고, / 세상에 그 무엇도 / 그 애완 모델이 / 걸리는 것을 보는 것만큼 좋지는 않을 거라고.
He was so brimful of exultation / that he / could hardly hold himself / when the old lady / came back / and stood above / the wreck / discharging lightnings of wrath / from over her spectacles.
그는 너무 기쁨에 가득 차서 / 그 자신을 제대로 유지하기 어려웠다 / 그 나이든 여자가 돌아왔을 때 / 그리고 파편들 위에 서서 / 안경 너머로 분노의 번개를 발사할 때.
He said to himself, / “Now it’s coming!” / And the next instant / he was sprawling on the floor!
그는 자신에게 말했다, / “이제 시작이다!” / 그리고 다음 순간 / 그는 바닥에 벌러덩 누워 있었다!
The potent palm / was uplifted / to strike / again / when Tom cried out:“Hold on, now, / what ’er you belting me for?—Sid broke it!”
강력한 손바닥이 / 들려 있었다 / 다시 때리려고 / 때 Tom이 외쳤다:“잠깐만요, / 왜 저를 때리시는 건가요?—Sid가 깼어요!”
Aunt Polly paused, / perplexed, / and Tom looked for healing pity.
폴리 이모는 잠시 멈춰서, / 당황스러운, / 그리고 Tom은 치유의 연민을 기대하며 쳐다봤다.
But when she / got her tongue again, / she only said:“Umf! / Well, / you didn’t get a lick amiss, / I reckon.”
그러나 그녀가 / 다시 말을 할 수 있게 되었을 때, / 그녀는 단지 말했다:“음! / 자, / 너는 한 대 잘못 맞은 것도 아니야, / 내 생각에.”
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