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He pictured himself lying sick unto death and his aunt bending over him beseeching one little forgiving word, but he would turn his face to the wall, and die with that word unsaid.Ah, how would she feel then? And he pictured himself brought home from the river, dead, with his curls all wet, and his sore heart at rest.How she would throw herself upon him, and how her tears would fall like rain, and her lips pray God to give her back her boy and she would never, never abuse him any more! But he would lie there cold and white and make no sign—a poor little sufferer, whose griefs were at an end.He so worked upon his feelings with the pathos of these dreams, that he had to keep swallowing, he was so like to choke; and his eyes swam in a blur of water, which overflowed when he winked, and ran down and trickled from the end of his nose.And such a luxury to him was this petting of his sorrows, that he could not bear to have any worldly cheeriness or any grating delight intrude upon it; it was too sacred for such contact; and so, presently, when his cousin Mary danced in, all alive with the joy of seeing home again after an age-long visit of one week to the country, he got up and moved in clouds and darkness out at one door as she brought song and sunshine in at the other.He wandered far from the accustomed haunts of boys, and sought desolate places that were in harmony with his spirit
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
He pictured himself / lying sick / unto death / and his aunt / bending over him / beseeching one little / forgiving word, / but he would turn his face / to the wall, / and die / with that word unsaid.
그는 자신이 죽을병에 걸려 누워있고 이모가 용서의 말을 간절히 빌면서 자신을 바라보는 것을 상상했다. 하지만 그는 얼굴을 벽으로 돌리고 그 말을 하지 않은 채 죽을 것이다.
Ah, / how would she feel then? / And he pictured himself / brought home / from the river, / dead, / with his curls all wet, / and his sore heart / at rest.
아, 그러면 그녀는 어떻게 느낄까? 그리고 그는 자신이 강에서 죽은 채로 집에 돌아오는 것을 상상했다, 그의 곱슬머리는 모두 젖어 있고, 그의 아픈 마음은 평안을 찾았다.
How she would throw herself / upon him, / and how her tears / would fall / like rain, / and her lips / pray God / to give her back / her boy / and she would never, / never abuse him / any more!
그녀가 그에게 몸을 던지고, 그녀의 눈물이 비처럼 내리고, 그녀의 입술이 하나님께 아들을 돌려달라고 기도하고 더 이상 그를 학대하지 않겠다고 맹세할 것이다!
But he would lie there / cold and white / and make no sign— / a poor little sufferer, / whose griefs / were at an end.
그러나 그는 차갑고 하얗게 누워있을 것이며, 아무런 신호도 보내지 않을 것이다 – 그의 고통이 끝난 불쌍한 작은 고통자인.
He so worked / upon his feelings / with the pathos / of these dreams, / that he had to keep swallowing, / he was so like / to choke; / and his eyes swam / in a blur of water, / which overflowed / when he winked, / and ran down / and trickled / from the end of his nose.
그는 이 꿈들의 비애로 그의 감정을 강화했다, 그래서 그는 계속 침을 삼켜야 했고, 거의 목이 메일 것 같았다; 그의 눈은 물로 가득 차 흐릿해졌고, 눈을 깜빡일 때 넘쳐흘러 내려가 코끝에서 떨어졌다.
And such a luxury / to him / was this petting / of his sorrows, / that he could not bear / to have any worldly cheeriness / or any grating delight / intrude upon it; / it was too sacred / for such contact; / and so, presently, / when his cousin Mary / danced in, / all alive / with the joy / of seeing home again / after an age-long visit / of one week / to the country, / he got up / and moved / in clouds and darkness / out at one door / as she brought / song and sunshine / in at the other.
그에게는 이런 슬픔을 애무하는 것이 너무 큰 사치였다; 그래서 그는 어떤 세속적인 즐거움이나 자극적인 기쁨이 그것을 침해하는 것을 견딜 수 없었다; 그것은 그런 접촉에 너무 신성했다; 그래서 곧 그의 사촌 메리가 시골에서 일주일 동안의 오랜 방문 후에 집을 다시 보는 기쁨으로 활기차게 춤추며 들어올 때, 그는 일어나 구름과 어둠 속으로 한 문 밖으로 나갔다, 그녀가 노래와 햇빛을 다른 문으로 가져오면서.
He wandered far / from the accustomed haunts / of boys, / and sought desolate places / that were in harmony / with his spirit.
그는 소년들이 익숙한 장소에서 멀리 떠돌아다니며, 그의 영혼과 조화로운 황량한 장소를 찾았다.
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