❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
A log raft in the river invited him, and he seated himself on its outer edge and contemplated the dreary vastness of the stream, wishing, the while, that he could only be drowned, all at once and unconsciously, without undergoing the uncomfortable routine devised by nature.Then he thought of his flower.He got it out, rumpled and wilted, and it mightily increased his dismal felicity.He wondered if she would pity him if she knew? Would she cry, and wish that she had a right to put her arms around his neck and comfort him? Or would she turn coldly away like all the hollow world? This picture brought such an agony of pleasurable suffering that he worked it over and over again in his mind and set it up in new and varied lights, till he wore it threadbare.At last he rose up sighing and departed in the darkness.About half-past nine or ten o’clock he came along the deserted street to where the Adored Unknown lived; he paused a moment; no sound fell upon his listening ear; a candle was casting a dull glow upon the curtain of a second-story window
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
A log raft / in the river / invited him, / and he seated himself / on its outer edge / and contemplated / the dreary vastness / of the stream, / wishing, / the while, / that he could only be drowned, / all at once / and unconsciously, / without undergoing / the uncomfortable routine / devised by nature.
강에 떠 있는 통나무 뗏목이 그를 유혹했고, 그는 그 가장자리에 앉아 강의 음울한 광활함을 생각하며 자연이 고안한 불편한 절차 없이 단번에 무의식적으로 익사할 수 있기를 바랐다.
Then / he thought of / his flower.
그러고 나서 그는 자신의 꽃을 생각했다.
He got it out, / rumpled / and wilted, / and it mightily increased / his dismal felicity.
그는 그것을 꺼내었고, 구겨지고 시들었으며, 이는 그의 우울한 행복감을 크게 증가시켰다.
He wondered / if she would pity him / if she knew? / Would she cry, / and wish / that she had a right / to put her arms / around his neck / and comfort him? / Or would she turn / coldly away / like all the hollow world?
그는 그녀가 알았더라면 자신을 불쌍히 여겼을까 궁금해 했고, 그녀가 울면서 자신의 목에 팔을 감고 위로할 권리가 있기를 바랐을지, 아니면 세상 속 빈 껍데기처럼 차갑게 외면했을지 생각했다.
This picture / brought such an agony / of pleasurable suffering / that he worked it over / and over again / in his mind / and set it up / in new and varied lights, / till he wore it threadbare.
이 상상은 그에게 고통스러운 즐거움의 고통을 가져와 그는 그것을 머릿속에서 계속 반복하고 새로운 다양한 시각으로 설정했으며, 결국 그것이 닳도록 생각했다.
At last / he rose up sighing / and departed / in the darkness.
마침내 그는 한숨을 쉬며 일어서서 어둠 속으로 떠났다.
About half-past nine / or ten o’clock / he came along / the deserted street / to where the Adored Unknown lived; / he paused a moment; / no sound fell / upon his listening ear; / a candle was casting / a dull glow / upon the curtain / of a second-story window.
9시 반이나 10시쯤 그는 ‘사랑하는 미지의 사람’이 살고 있는 버려진 거리를 따라 걸었고, 잠시 멈췄다. 아무 소리도 그의 귀에 들리지 않았고, 2층 창문의 커튼에 촛불이 희미한 빛을 드리우고 있었다.
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