❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
The sun rose upon a tranquil world, and beamed down upon the peaceful village like a benediction.Breakfast over, Aunt Polly had family worship: it began with a prayer built from the ground up of solid courses of Scriptural quotations, welded together with a thin mortar of originality; and from the summit of this she delivered a grim chapter of the Mosaic Law, as from Sinai.Then Tom girded up his loins, so to speak, and went to work to “get his verses.” Sid had learned his lesson days before.Tom bent all his energies to the memorizing of five verses, and he chose part of the Sermon on the Mount, because he could find no verses that were shorter.At the end of half an hour Tom had a vague general idea of his lesson, but no more, for his mind was traversing the whole field of human thought, and his hands were busy with distracting recreations.Mary took his book to hear him recite, and he tried to find his way through the fog:“Blessed are the—a—a—”“Poor”—“Yes—poor; blessed are the poor—a—a—”“In spirit—”“In spirit; blessed are the poor in spirit, for they—they—”“Theirs—”“For theirs.Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The sun rose / upon a tranquil world, / and beamed down / upon the peaceful village / like a benediction.
태양이 고요한 세상에 떠올라, 축복처럼 평화로운 마을에 빛을 비추었다.
Breakfast over, / Aunt Polly had family worship: / it began / with a prayer / built from / the ground up / of solid courses / of Scriptural quotations, / welded together / with a thin mortar / of originality; / and from the summit of this / she delivered / a grim chapter / of the Mosaic Law, / as from Sinai.
아침 식사가 끝난 후, 폴리 아줌마는 가족 예배를 가졌다: 기도는 성경 구절로 꽉 채워져 있었고, 약간의 창의성이 결합된 것이었다; 이것의 절정에서 그녀는 마치 시내산에서 내려온 것처럼 모세 율법의 엄숙한 한 장을 낭독했다.
Then Tom girded up his loins, / so to speak, / and went to work / to “get his verses.”
그 후 톰은 마음을 다잡고, 이른바, 구절을 외우기 시작했다.
Sid had learned his lesson / days before.Tom bent / all his energies / to the memorizing of five verses, / and he chose / part of the Sermon on the Mount, / because he could find / no verses / that were shorter.
시드는 며칠 전에 이미 자신의 숙제를 끝냈다. 톰은 다섯 구절을 외우기 위해 모든 에너지를 쏟았고, 그는 짧은 구절을 찾을 수 없었기 때문에 산상수훈의 일부를 선택했다.
At the end of half an hour / Tom had a vague general idea / of his lesson, / but no more, / for his mind / was traversing / the whole field / of human thought, / and his hands / were busy / with distracting recreations.
반시간이 지난 후 톰은 그의 과제에 대한 모호한 일반적인 아이디어를 갖게 되었을 뿐이었고, 더 이상은 아니었다. 그의 마음은 인간 사고의 모든 영역을 떠돌았고, 그의 손은 산만한 오락으로 바빴기 때문이다.
Mary took his book / to hear him recite, / and he tried / to find his way / through the fog:
메리가 그의 책을 가져와 그가 암송하는 것을 듣고, 그는 안개를 헤치며 길을 찾으려 노력했다.
“Blessed are the—a—a—”
“복이 있나니—가—가—”
“Yes—poor; / blessed are the poor—a—a—”
“예—가난한; 복이 있나니—가—가—”
“In spirit—”
“In spirit; / blessed are the poor in spirit, / for they—they—”
“심령이; 심령이 가난한 자는 복이 있나니, 그들은—그들은—”
“For theirs. / Blessed are the poor in spirit, / for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“그들의 것. 심령이 가난한 자는 복이 있나니, 천국이 그들의 것이다.
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