❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
He was fully as uncomfortable as he looked; for there was a restraint about whole clothes and cleanliness that galled him.He hoped that Mary would forget his shoes, but the hope was blighted; she coated them thoroughly with tallow, as was the custom, and brought them out.He lost his temper and said he was always being made to do everything he didn’t want to do.But Mary said, persuasively:“Please, Tom—that’s a good boy.”So he got into the shoes snarling.Mary was soon ready, and the three children set out for Sunday-school—a place that Tom hated with his whole heart; but Sid and Mary were fond of it.Sabbath-school hours were from nine to half-past ten; and then church service.Two of the children always remained for the sermon voluntarily, and the other always remained too—for stronger reasons
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
He was fully / as uncomfortable / as he looked; / for there was a restraint / about whole clothes / and cleanliness / that galled him.
그는 보기만큼이나 / 몹시 불편했는데, / 온전한 옷과 / 청결함이 / 그를 괴롭혔기 때문이었다.
He hoped / that Mary would forget his shoes, / but the hope was blighted; / she coated them thoroughly with tallow, / as was the custom, / and brought them out.
그는 / 메리가 그의 신발을 / 잊어버리기를 바랐지만, / 그 희망은 / 산산이 부서졌다; / 그녀는 관습대로 / 신발에 꼼꼼히 기름을 발라서 / 가져왔다.
He lost his temper / and said / he was always being made / to do everything / he didn’t want to do.
그는 화를 / 내며 말했다; / 그는 항상 하고 싶지 않은 일을 / 억지로 / 해야만 한다고.
But Mary said, / persuasively: / “Please, Tom—that’s a good boy.”
So he got into the shoes / snarling.
그러나 메리는 설득력 있게 / 말했다: / “부탁해요, 톰—좋은 아이죠.” / 그래서 그는 / 으르렁거리며 / 신발을 신었다.
Mary was soon ready, / and the three children set out / for Sunday-school—a place / that Tom hated / with his whole heart; / but Sid and Mary were fond of it.
메리는 곧 준비가 되었고, / 세 아이는 / 주일학교로 / 출발했다—톰이 진심으로 싫어하는 / 곳이었지만; / 시드와 메리는 / 좋아했다.
Sabbath-school hours / were from nine to half-past ten; / and then church service.
Two of the children / always remained / for the sermon voluntarily, / and the other / always remained too—/for stronger reasons.
주일학교 시간은 / 아홉 시부터 / 열 시 반까지였다; / 그리고 이어서 교회 예배가 있었다. / 두 명의 아이는 / 자발적으로 / 설교를 듣기 위해 / 항상 남아 있었고, / 또 다른 아이는 / 더 강력한 이유로 / 항상 남아 있었다.
– The chair was so uncomfortable (의자가 너무 불편했다).
⦁ restraint: 억제
– He showed great restraint (그는 큰 자제를 보였다).
– His plans were blighted (그의 계획이 망쳤다).
⦁ coated: 덮인
– The cake was coated with frosting (케이크는 아이싱으로 덮였다).
– He lost his temper (그는 화를 냈다).
⦁ made: 만들다
– She made a cake (그녀는 케이크를 만들었다).
– She spoke persuasively (그녀는 설득력 있게 말했다).
⦁ snarling: 으르렁거리는
– The dog was snarling (그 개는 으르렁거리고 있었다).
– They set out on a journey (그들은 여행을 떠났다).
⦁ hated: 싫어하다
– He hated the idea (그는 그 생각을 싫어했다).
– She volunteered for the role (그녀는 자발적으로 그 역할을 맡았다).
⦁ stronger: 더 강한
– He became stronger (그는 더 강해졌다).
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)