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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


Amy Lawrence was proud and glad, and she tried to make Tom see it in her face—but he wouldn’t look.
She wondered; then she was just a grain troubled; next a dim suspicion came and went—came again; she watched; a furtive glance told her worlds—and then her heart broke, and she was jealous, and angry, and the tears came and she hated everybody.
Tom most of all (she thought).

Tom was introduced to the Judge; but his tongue was tied, his breath would hardly come, his heart quaked—partly because of the awful greatness of the man, but mainly because he was her parent.
He would have liked to fall down and worship him, if it were in the dark.
The Judge put his hand on Tom’s head and called him a fine little man, and asked him what his name was.
The boy stammered, gasped, and got it out:


“Oh, no, not Tom—it is—”


“Ah, that’s it

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Amy Lawrence / was proud / and glad, / and she tried / to make Tom / see it / in her face— / but he wouldn’t look.

    Amy Lawrence는 자랑스럽고 기뻤으며, Tom이 그녀의 얼굴에서 그것을 보기를 바라며 노력했지만, Tom은 보지 않았다.

  2. ⦁ proud: 자랑스러워하는
    – She felt proud of her achievements. (그녀는 자신의 업적에 자랑스러워했다.)

    ⦁ glad: 기쁜
    – I’m glad you came to the party. (너가 파티에 와서 기뻐.)

  3. She wondered; / then she was / just a grain troubled; / next a dim suspicion / came and went— / came again; / she watched; a furtive glance / told her worlds— / and then / her heart broke, / and she was jealous, / and angry, / and the tears came / and she hated everybody.

    그녀는 궁금해했다; / 그녀는 조금 불안해졌고, / 희미한 의심이 왔다 떠났다— / 다시 왔다; / 그녀가 지켜보았을 때 / 그녀의 마음이 무너졌고, / 질투심이 생기며, / 화가 나서 / 눈물이 나고 / 모두가 싫어졌다.

  4. ⦁ wonder: 궁금해하다
    – I wonder if she will come. (그녀가 올지 궁금해.)

    ⦁ jealous: 질투하는
    – He felt jealous of his brother’s success. (그는 형제의 성공을 질투했다.)

  5. Tom most of all (she thought).

    Tom 특히나 더 그렇다고 (그녀는 생각했다).

  6. Tom was introduced / to the Judge; / but his tongue / was tied, / his breath / would hardly come, / his heart quaked— / partly / because of the awful greatness / of the man, / but mainly / because he was / her parent.

    Tom은 판사에게 소개되었다; / 하지만 그의 혀는 / 묶였고, / 숨이 / 제대로 나오지 않았고, / 심장이 떨렸다— / 부분적으로는 / 그 남자의 무시무시한 위대함 때문이었지만, / 주로 / 그녀의 부모님이기 때문이었다.

  7. ⦁ introduce: 소개하다
    – Please introduce yourself. (자기소개를 해주세요.)

    ⦁ quaked: 떨리다
    – The ground quaked during the earthquake. (지진 동안 땅이 떨렸다.)

  8. He would have liked / to fall down / and worship him, / if it were / in the dark.

    그는 무릎을 꿇고 / 존경심을 표하고 싶었을 것이다, / 만약 어둠 속이었다면.

  9. The Judge put / his hand / on Tom’s head / and called him / a fine little man, / and asked him / what his name was.

    판사는 Tom의 머리에 손을 얹고 / 그를 좋은 작은 남자라고 불렀으며, / 그의 이름이 무엇인지 물었다.

  10. ⦁ worship: 숭배하다
    – The villagers worship their ancestors. (마을 사람들은 조상을 숭배한다.)

    ⦁ introduce: 소개하다
    – Please introduce yourself. (자기소개를 해주세요.)

  11. The boy stammered, / gasped, and got it out: / “Tom.”

    소년은 말더듬었고, / 숨을 헐떡이며 / 말했다: / “Tom.”

  12. “Oh, no, / not Tom— / it is—”

    “아니야, / Tom이 아니고— / 그건—”

  13. “Thomas.”


  14. ⦁ stammer: 말더듬다
    – He often stammers when he’s nervous. (그는 긴장할 때 자주 말을 더듬는다.)

    ⦁ gasp: 헐떡거리다
    – She gasped for air after running up the stairs. (그녀는 계단을 뛰어 올라간 후 숨을 헐떡였다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)