❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
He always brought his mother to church, and was the pride of all the matrons.The boys all hated him, he was so good.And besides, he had been “thrown up to them” so much.His white handkerchief was hanging out of his pocket behind, as usual on Sundays—accidentally.Tom had no handkerchief, and he looked upon boys who had as snobs.The congregation being fully assembled, now, the bell rang once more, to warn laggards and stragglers, and then a solemn hush fell upon the church which was only broken by the tittering and whispering of the choir in the gallery
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
He always brought / his mother / to church, / and was the pride / of all the matrons.
그는 항상 어머니를 교회에 데려왔고, 모든 아줌마들의 자랑거리였다.
The boys / all hated him, / he was so good.
다른 남자 아이들은 그를 정말 싫어했다, 그는 너무 착했기 때문이다.
And besides, / he had been “thrown up to them” / so much.
게다가, 그가 그들에게 너무 많이 “떠올랐다”.
His white handkerchief / was hanging out / of his pocket behind, / as usual / on Sundays—accidentally.
그의 흰 손수건은 일요일마다 항상 그렇듯, 그의 뒷주머니에서 걸쳐있었다, 실수로.
Tom had no handkerchief, / and he looked upon boys / who had as snobs.
톰은 손수건이 없었고, 손수건을 가진 아이들을 잘난척 한다고 생각했다.
The congregation being / fully assembled now, / the bell rang / once more, / to warn laggards and stragglers, / and then / a solemn hush / fell upon the church / which was only broken / by the tittering and whispering / of the choir / in the gallery.
성도가 이제 완전히 모였고, 종이 한 번 더 울렸다, 지각자와 이탈자들을 경고하기 위해, 그리고 나서, 엄숙한 침묵이 교회에 내려앉았고, 이 침묵은 오직 갤러리의 합창단의 웃음과 속삭임으로 깨졌다.
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