❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Don’t wait—come quick!”“Rubbage! I don’t believe it!”But she fled upstairs, nevertheless, with Sid and Mary at her heels.And her face grew white, too, and her lip trembled.When she reached the bedside she gasped out:“You, Tom! Tom, what’s the matter with you?”“Oh, auntie, I’m—”“What’s the matter with you—what is the matter with you, child?”“Oh, auntie, my sore toe’s mortified!”The old lady sank down into a chair and laughed a little, then cried a little, then did both together.This restored her and she said:“Tom, what a turn you did give me.Now you shut up that nonsense and climb out of this.”The groans ceased and the pain vanished from the toe.The boy felt a little foolish, and he said:“Aunt Polly, it seemed mortified, and it hurt so I never minded my tooth at all.”“Your tooth, indeed! What’s the matter with your tooth?”“One of them’s loose, and it aches perfectly awful.”“There, there, now, don’t begin that groaning again.Open your mouth.Well—your tooth is loose, but you’re not going to die about that.Mary, get me a silk thread, and a chunk of fire out of the kitchen.”Tom said:“Oh, please, auntie, don’t pull it out
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Don’t wait— / come quick!”
기다리지 마— / 빨리 와!
Rubbage! / I don’t believe it!”But she fled upstairs, / nevertheless, / with Sid and Mary / at her heels.
헛소리야! / 그걸 믿지 않아! / 하지만 그녀는 위층으로 달려갔어, / 그럼에도 불구하고, / 시드와 메리가 / 뒤에서 쫓아가고 있었어.
And her face / grew white, / too, / and her lip / trembled.When she reached / the bedside / she gasped out:
그리고 그녀의 얼굴은 / 하얗게 변했어, / 그리고 그녀의 입술은 / 떨렸지.그녀가 / 침대 옆에 / 도착했을 때 / 그녀는 숨을 헐떡였어:
“You, Tom! / Tom, what’s / the matter / with you?”“Oh, auntie, / I’m—”
“너, 톰! / 톰, 무슨 / 일이야 / 너한테?”“오, 이모, / 나…”
“What’s / the matter / with you— / what is / the matter / with you, child?”“Oh, auntie, / my sore toe’s / mortified!”
“무슨 / 일이야 / 너한테— / 무슨 / 일이야 / 너한테, 아이야?”“오, 이모, / 내 아픈 발가락이 / 썩었어요!”
The old lady / sank down / into a chair / and laughed a little, / then cried a little, / then did both / together.
노부인은 / 의자에 / 주저앉아서 / 조금 웃으며, / 다음에는 조금 울고, / 그런 다음 / 둘 다 같이 했어.
This restored her / and she said:“Tom, / what a turn / you did / give me.Now you shut up / that nonsense / and climb out / of this.”
이로써 그녀는 / 회복되었고 / 그녀는 말했어:“톰, / 얼마나 놀라게 / 했는지 / 알아?이제 그만 / 그 헛소리 / 멈추고 / 여기서 나와.”
The groans / ceased / and the pain / vanished from the toe.The boy / felt a little foolish, / and he said:
신음 소리가 / 멈추고 / 통증이 / 발가락에서 사라졌어.소년은 / 조금 어리석게 느꼈어, / 그리고 그는 말했어:
“Aunt Polly, / it seemed mortified, / and it hurt / so I never / minded my tooth / at all.”“Your tooth, indeed! / What’s / the matter / with your tooth?”
“폴리 이모, / 썩은 것 같았어요, / 그리고 너무 아팠어요 / 그래서 전혀 / 제 이를 신경 쓸 수가 없었어요.”“네 이라니, 정말! / 무슨 / 일이야 / 네 이?”
“One of them’s / loose, / and it aches / perfectly awful.”“There, there, now, / don’t begin / that groaning again.Open your mouth.Well— / your tooth is loose, / but you’re / not going to die / about that.
“그 중 하나가 / 흔들려, / 그리고 그게 아파 / 너무 끔찍하게.“자, 자, 이제, / 다시는 / 그 신음소리 / 시작하지 마.입을 열어봐.음— / 네 이는 흔들려, / 하지만 너는 / 죽지 않아 / 그거 때문에.
Mary, / get me / a silk thread, / and a chunk / of fire / out of the kitchen.”Tom said: / “Oh, please, auntie, / don’t pull it out.
메리, / 가져와 / 실크 실, / 그리고 한 덩어리 / 불 / 부엌에서.”톰이 말했어: / “오, 제발요, 이모, / 빼지 말아 주세요.
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