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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


“Well, all right,” said Huckleberry, “it’s a trade.”

Tom enclosed the tick in the percussion-cap box that had lately been the pinchbug’s prison, and the boys separated, each feeling wealthier than before.

When Tom reached the little isolated frame school-house, he strode in briskly, with the manner of one who had come with all honest speed.
He hung his hat on a peg and flung himself into his seat with business-like alacrity.
The master, throned on high in his great splint-bottom arm-chair, was dozing, lulled by the drowsy hum of study.
The interruption roused him.

“Thomas Sawyer!”

Tom knew that when his name was pronounced in full, it meant trouble.


“Come up here.
Now, sir, why are you late again, as usual?”

Tom was about to take refuge in a lie, when he saw two long tails of yellow hair hanging down a back that he recognized by the electric sympathy of love; and by that form was the only vacant place on the girls’ side of the school-house.
He instantly said:

“I stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn!”

The master’s pulse stood still, and he stared helplessly

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Well, all right, / said Huckleberry, / it’s a trade.

    그래, 좋아, / 허클베리가 말했다, / 거래가 성립됐어.

  2. ⦁ trade: 거래
    – We made a trade. (우리는 거래를 했다.)

    ⦁ said: 말했다
    – He said he was tired. (그는 피곤하다고 말했다.)

  3. Tom enclosed the tick / in the percussion-cap box / that had lately been the pinchbug’s prison, / and the boys separated, / each feeling wealthier than before.

    톰은 그 벼룩을 / 최근에 딱정벌레의 감옥이었던 / 뇌관 상자에 넣었고, / 소년들은 헤어졌으며, / 각각 이전보다 부자가 된 기분이었다.

  4. ⦁ separated: 헤어졌다
    – They separated and went different paths. (그들은 헤어져서 다른 길로 갔다.)

    ⦁ enclosed: 둘러싸다
    – The garden was enclosed by a fence. (그 정원은 울타리로 둘러싸여 있었다.)

  5. When Tom reached the little isolated frame school-house, / he strode in briskly, / with the manner of one who had come with all honest speed.

    톰이 외딴 작은 틀 학교에 도착했을 때, / 그는 활기차게 걸어 들어갔다, / 성실한 속도로 온 사람처럼.

  6. ⦁ strode: 성큼성큼 걸었다
    – He strode across the room. (그는 방을 성큼성큼 가로질렀다.)

    ⦁ briskly: 활기차게
    – She walked briskly to the store. (그녀는 가게로 활기차게 걸어갔다.)

  7. He hung his hat on a peg / and flung himself into his seat / with business-like alacrity.

    그는 모자를 못에 걸고 / 자리에 몸을 던졌다, / 일하는 태도로 활기차게.

  8. ⦁ alacrity: 민첩함
    – She accepted the invitation with alacrity. (그녀는 초대에 기꺼이 응했다.)

    ⦁ peg: 못
    – He hung his coat on a peg. (그는 외투를 못에 걸었다.)

  9. The master, throned on high in his great splint-bottom arm-chair, / was dozing, / lulled by the drowsy hum of study.

    큰 등뼈의 팔걸이 의자에 높이 앉아 있는 선생님은 / 졸고 있었다, / 졸린 공부 소리에 안심하며.

  10. ⦁ dozing: 졸다
    – She was dozing off. (그녀는 잠이 들고 있었다.)

    ⦁ drowsy: 졸린
    – The heat made me feel drowsy. (더위가 나를 졸리게 만들었다.)

  11. The interruption roused him.

    방해는 그를 깨웠다.

  12. ⦁ interruption: 방해
    – There was an interruption during the meeting. (회의 중에 방해가 있었다.)

    ⦁ roused: 깨우다
    – He was roused by the noise. (그는 소음에 의해 깨어났다.)

  13. Thomas Sawyer!

    토마스 소여!

  14. ⦁ Thomas: 토마스 (인명)
    – Thomas is a common name. (토마스는 흔한 이름이다.)

    ⦁ Sawyer: 소여 (인명)
    – Sawyer is a character in Mark Twain’s book. (소여는 마크 트웨인의 책에 나오는 캐릭터다.)

  15. Tom knew that / when his name was pronounced in full, / it meant trouble.

    톰은 알았다, / 그의 이름이 제대로 불릴 때, / 그것은 곧 문제가 있다는 것을.

  16. ⦁ pronounced: 발음되다
    – Her name was pronounced wrong. (그녀의 이름이 잘못 발음되었다.)

    ⦁ trouble: 문제
    – He is in trouble. (그는 곤경에 빠졌다.)

  17. Sir!


  18. ⦁ Sir: 선생님 (호칭)
    – Yes, Sir. (네, 선생님.)

    ⦁ (단어 없음)

  19. Come up here.
    Now, sir, / why are you late again, / as usual?

    이리 와. / 자, 너는 왜 또 늦었지, / 언제나처럼?

  20. ⦁ late: 늦은
    – He was late for school. (그는 학교에 늦었다.)

    ⦁ usual: 보통의
    – It’s his usual habit. (그것은 그의 보통 습관이다.)

  21. Tom was about to take refuge in a lie, / when he saw two long tails of yellow hair / hanging down a back / that he recognized by the electric sympathy of love; / and by that form / was the only vacant place on the girls’ side of the school-house.

    톰은 거짓말에 피난처를 / 찾으려 했을 때, / 그는 노란 머리의 두 긴 꼬리를 봤다, / 등이 / 사랑의 전기적 공감으로 / 그가 알아볼 수 있는; / 그리고 그 형상에서 / 학교 여학생 석의 빈자리 하나가 보였다.

  22. ⦁ refuge: 피난처
    – They sought refuge from the storm. (그들은 폭풍으로부터 피난처를 찾았다.)

    ⦁ vacant: 빈
    – The seat is vacant. (그 자리는 비어 있다.)

  23. He instantly said:
    I stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn!

    그는 즉시 말했다: / 나는 허클베리 핀과 이야기하느라 멈췄어요!

  24. ⦁ instantly: 즉시
    – She instantly recognized him. (그녀는 즉시 그를 알아봤다.)

    ⦁ talk: 이야기하다
    – They decided to talk about it later. (그들은 나중에 그것에 대해 이야기하기로 했다.)

  25. The master’s pulse stood still, / and he stared helplessly.

    선생님의 맥박이 멈췄고, / 그는 무기력하게 쳐다보았다.

  26. ⦁ pulse: 맥박
    – His pulse was weak. (그의 맥박은 약했다.)

    ⦁ helplessly: 무기력하게
    – He looked at her helplessly. (그는 그녀를 무기력하게 쳐다보았다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)