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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


How his name would fill the world, and make people shudder! How gloriously he would go plowing the dancing seas, in his long, low, black-hulled racer, the Spirit of the Storm, with his grisly flag flying at the fore! And at the zenith of his fame, how he would suddenly appear at the old village and stalk into church, brown and weather-beaten, in his black velvet doublet and trunks, his great jack-boots, his crimson sash, his belt bristling with horse-pistols, his crime-rusted cutlass at his side, his slouch hat with waving plumes, his black flag unfurled, with the skull and crossbones on it, and hear with swelling ecstasy the whisperings, “It’s Tom Sawyer the Pirate!—the Black Avenger of the Spanish Main!”

Yes, it was settled; his career was determined.
He would run away from home and enter upon it.
He would start the very next morning.
Therefore he must now begin to get ready.
He would collect his resources together.
He went to a rotten log near at hand and began to dig under one end of it with his Barlow knife.
He soon struck wood that sounded hollow

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. How his name / would fill the world, / and make people shudder!

    그의 이름이 / 세상을 채우고, / 사람들을 오싹하게 만들 것이다!

  2. ⦁ name: 이름
    – What is your name? (당신의 이름은 무엇입니까?)

    ⦁ shudder: 몸서리치다
    – She shuddered at the sight of the ghost. (그녀는 유령을 보고 몸서리쳤다.)

  3. How gloriously he would go / plowing the dancing seas, / in his long, low, black-hulled racer, / the Spirit of the Storm, / with his grisly flag flying at the fore!

    그가 얼마나 영광스럽게 / 춤추는 바다를 가로지르며 나가고, / 길고 낮은, 검은 선체의 경주용 배인 / 폭풍의 정신에서 / 흉측한 깃발을 올리고 떠날지!

  4. ⦁ gloriously: 영광스럽게
    – The athlete gloriously won the gold medal. (그 운동선수는 영광스럽게 금메달을 땄다.)

    ⦁ grisly: 소름끼치는
    – The horror movie had many grisly scenes. (그 공포 영화는 소름끼치는 장면이 많았다.)

  5. And at the zenith of his fame, / how he would suddenly appear / at the old village / and stalk into church, / brown and weather-beaten, / in his black velvet doublet and trunks, / his great jack-boots, / his crimson sash, / his belt bristling with horse-pistols, / his crime-rusted cutlass at his side, / his slouch hat with waving plumes, / his black flag unfurled, / with the skull and crossbones on it, / and hear with swelling ecstasy / the whisperings, / “It’s Tom Sawyer the Pirate!—the Black Avenger of the Spanish Main!”

    그리고 명성의 절정에서, / 그가 갑자기 구 마을에 나타나 / 교회로 들어가서, / 갈색이며 풍화된 모습으로, / 그의 검은 벨벳 더블렛과 바지, / 그의 큰 잭 부츠, / 진홍색 띠, / 그의 허리띠에 박혀있는 말 권총들, / 그의 범죄로 녹슨 칼, / 흔들리는 깃털이 달린 납작한 모자, / 그가 펼친 검은 깃발, / 해골과 십자뼈가 있는/ 것을 펼쳐서, / 환희에 차서 / 속삭임을 들을 것이다, / “저건 해적 톰 소여야! – 스페인 본토의 검은 복수자야!”

  6. ⦁ fame: 명성
    – She gained fame as a singer. (그녀는 가수로서 명성을 얻었다.)

    ⦁ weather-beaten: 풍화된
    – The old man’s face was weather-beaten from years of working outdoors. (그 노인의 얼굴은 바깥에서 오랜 세월 동안 일해서 풍화된 상태였다.)

  7. Yes, / it was settled; / his career was determined.

    그렇다, / 결정되었다; / 그의 진로가 결정되었다.

  8. He would run away from home / and enter upon it.

    그는 집에서 도망쳐 / 그것을 시작할 것이다.

  9. He would start / the very next morning.

    그는 / 바로 다음날 아침에 시작할 것이다.

  10. ⦁ start: 시작하다
    – We will start the meeting at 9 AM. (우리는 오전 9시에 회의를 시작할 것입니다.)

    ⦁ determined: 결심한
    – She was determined to win the race. (그녀는 경주에서 이기기로 결심했다.)

  11. Therefore / he must now / begin to get ready.

    따라서 / 그는 이제 / 준비를 시작해야 한다.

  12. He would collect / his resources together.

    그는 / 그의 자원을 함께 모을 것이다.

  13. He went to a rotten log / near at hand / and began to dig / under one end of it / with his Barlow knife.

    그는 썩은 통나무로 가서 / 가까이에 있는 / 그것의 한쪽 끝을 / 그의 발로우 나이프로 / 파기 시작했다.

  14. He soon struck / wood / that sounded hollow.

    그는 곧 / 속이 빈 것처럼 들리는 / 나무를 쳤다.

  15. ⦁ resources: 자원
    – The country is rich in natural resources. (그 나라는 천연 자원이 풍부하다.)

    ⦁ hollow: 속이 빈
    – The tree trunk was hollow inside. (그 나무 줄기는 속이 비어 있었다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)