❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
He put his hand there and uttered this incantation impressively:“What hasn’t come here, come! What’s here, stay here!”Then he scraped away the dirt, and exposed a pine shingle.He took it up and disclosed a shapely little treasure-house whose bottom and sides were of shingles.In it lay a marble.Tom’s astonishment was boundless! He scratched his head with a perplexed air, and said:“Well, that beats anything!”Then he tossed the marble away pettishly, and stood cogitating.The truth was, that a superstition of his had failed, here, which he and all his comrades had always looked upon as infallible.If you buried a marble with certain necessary incantations, and left it alone a fortnight, and then opened the place with the incantation he had just used, you would find that all the marbles you had ever lost had gathered themselves together there, meantime, no matter how widely they had been separated.But now, this thing had actually and unquestionably failed
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
He put his hand there / and uttered this incantation impressively:
그는 손을 대고 이 주문을 인상 깊게 읊었다:
“What hasn’t come here, come! What’s here, stay here!”
“여기로 오지 않은 것들아, 와라! 여기에 있는 것들아, 여기에 머물러라!”
Then he scraped away / the dirt, / and exposed / a pine shingle.
그런 다음 그는 흙을 긁어내어 송진 기와를 노출시켰다.
He took it up / and disclosed / a shapely little treasure-house / whose bottom and sides / were of shingles.
그는 그것을 들어 올리고, 바닥과 측면이 기와로 만든 모양이 아름다운 작은 보물 창고를 드러냈다.
In it / lay a marble.
그 안에 구슬이 있었다.
Tom’s astonishment was boundless!
톰의 놀라움은 끝이 없었다!
He scratched his head with a perplexed air, / and said:
그는 난처한 표정으로 머리를 긁으며 말했다:
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