❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
I just knowed it.”He well knew the futility of trying to contend against witches, so he gave up discouraged.But it occurred to him that he might as well have the marble he had just thrown away, and therefore he went and made a patient search for it.But he could not find it.Now he went back to his treasure-house and carefully placed himself just as he had been standing when he tossed the marble away; then he took another marble from his pocket and tossed it in the same way, saying:“Brother, go find your brother!”He watched where it stopped, and went there and looked.But it must have fallen short or gone too far; so he tried twice more.The last repetition was successful.The two marbles lay within a foot of each other
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
He well knew / the futility / of trying to contend / against witches, / so he gave up discouraged.
그는 마녀들과 싸우려는 시도의 / 무익함을 / 잘 알고 있었기 때문에 / 낙담해서 포기했다.
But it occurred to him / that he might as well / have the marble / he had just thrown away, / and therefore / he went and made / a patient search for it.
그러나 방금 던진 / 구슬을 / 다시 가지는 게 좋겠다고 / 생각이 들어 / 그는 가서 / 인내심을 가지고 / 그것을 찾기 시작했다.
But he could / not find it.
하지만 그는 / 그것을 찾을 수 없었다.
Now he went back / to his treasure-house / and carefully placed himself / just as he had been standing / when he tossed the marble away; / then he took / another marble / from his pocket / and tossed it / in the same way, / saying:
그는 다시 / 보물 창고로 가서 / 자신을 / 구슬을 던졌을 때처럼 / 조심스럽게 위치시킨 후 / 또 다른 구슬을 / 주머니에서 꺼내 / 똑같이 던지며 말했다:
“Brother, / go find your brother!”
“형제여, / 네 형제를 찾으러 가라!”
He watched / where it stopped, / and went there / and looked.
그는 / 구슬이 멈춘 곳을 보고 / 거기로 가서 / 찾았다.
But it must have fallen short / or gone too far; / so he tried twice more.The last repetition was successful.
하지만 구슬이 / 덜 떨어졌거나 / 너무 멀리 갔음에 틀림없었다; / 그래서 그는 두 번 더 시도했다.마지막 시도는 성공적이었다.
The two marbles / lay within / a foot / of each other.
두 구슬은 / 서로 1피트 내에 / 놓여 있었다.
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