❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
They found the sharp new heap they were seeking, and ensconced themselves within the protection of three great elms that grew in a bunch within a few feet of the grave.Then they waited in silence for what seemed a long time.The hooting of a distant owl was all the sound that troubled the dead stillness.Tom’s reflections grew oppressive.He must force some talk.So he said in a whisper:“Hucky, do you believe the dead people like it for us to be here?”Huckleberry whispered:“I wisht I knowed.It’s awful solemn like, ain’t it?”“I bet it is.”There was a considerable pause, while the boys canvassed this matter inwardly.Then Tom whispered:“Say, Hucky—do you reckon Hoss Williams hears us talking?”“O’ course he does.Least his sperrit does.”Tom, after a pause:“I wish I’d said Mister Williams.But I never meant any harm.Everybody calls him Hoss.”“A body can’t be too partic’lar how they talk ’bout these-yer dead people, Tom.”This was a damper, and conversation died again
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
They found / the sharp new heap / they were seeking, / and ensconced themselves / within the protection / of three great elms / that grew in a bunch / within a few feet / of the grave.
그들은 찾고 있던 날카로운 새 더미를 발견하고, 묘지 몇 피트 안에 다발로 자란 세 그루의 큰 느릅나무의 보호 아래 몸을 숨겼다.
Then they waited / in silence / for what seemed / a long time.
그리고 그들은 오랫동안 기다렸다.
The hooting / of a distant owl / was all / the sound / that troubled / the dead stillness.
먼 부엉이의 울음소리만이 죽은 듯한 고요를 깨트렸다.
Tom’s reflections / grew oppressive. / He must force / some talk.
톰의 생각이 점점 불안해졌다. 그는 억지로라도 대화를 나눠야 했다.
So he said / in a whisper:
그는 속삭였다:
“Hucky, / do you believe / the dead people / like it for us / to be here?”
“허키, 죽은 사람들이 우리가 여기 있는 걸 좋아할까?”
Huckleberry whispered: “I wisht I knowed. / It’s awful solemn like, ain’t it?”
“I bet / it is.”
There was / a considerable pause, / while the boys / canvassed this matter / inwardly. / Then Tom / whispered:
한참 동안 침묵이 있었다. 소년들이 이 문제를 마음속으로 분석하고 있었다. 그러고 나서 톰이 속삭였다:
“Say, / Hucky—do you reckon / Hoss Williams / hears us / talking?”
“이봐, 허키. 호스 윌리엄스가 우리 얘기하는 걸 듣고 있을까?”
“O’ course / he does. / Least / his sperrit does.”
“당연히 듣고 있어. 적어도 그의 영혼은 듣고 있어.”
Tom, after a pause: “I wish / I’d said / Mister Williams. / But I never / meant any harm. / Everybody calls him / Hoss.”
톰이 잠시 후: “미스터 윌리엄스라고 말할 걸 그랬어. 하지만 나는 의도한 게 아니었어. 모두 그를 호스라고 부르잖아.”
“A body / can’t be / too partic’lar / how they talk / ’bout these-yer / dead people, / Tom.”
“사람은 죽은 사람들에 대해 이야기할 때 조심해야 해, 톰.”
This was / a damper, / and conversation / died again.
이 말은 흥미를 떨어뜨렸고, 대화는 다시 끊겼다.
허클베리가 속삭였다: “나도 알았으면 좋겠어. 너무 엄숙하지 않아?”
“그럴 거야.”
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