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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


“Five years ago you drove me away from your father’s kitchen one night, when I come to ask for something to eat, and you said I warn’t there for any good; and when I swore I’d get even with you if it took a hundred years, your father had me jailed for a vagrant.
Did you think I’d forget? The Injun blood ain’t in me for nothing.
And now I’ve got you, and you got to settle, you know!”

He was threatening the doctor, with his fist in his face, by this time.
The doctor struck out suddenly and stretched the ruffian on the ground.
Potter dropped his knife, and exclaimed:

“Here, now, don’t you hit my pard!” and the next moment he had grappled with the doctor and the two were struggling with might and main, trampling the grass and tearing the ground with their heels.
Injun Joe sprang to his feet, his eyes flaming with passion, snatched up Potter’s knife, and went creeping, catlike and stooping, round and round about the combatants, seeking an opportunity.
All at once the doctor flung himself free, seized the heavy headboard of Williams’ grave and felled Potter to the earth with it—and in the same instant the half-breed saw his chance and drove the knife to the hilt in the young man’s breast.
He reeled and fell partly upon Potter, flooding him with his blood, and in the same moment the clouds blotted out the dreadful spectacle and the two frightened boys went speeding away in the dark.

Presently, when the moon emerged again, Injun Joe was standing over the two forms, contemplating them.
The doctor murmured inarticulately, gave a long gasp or two and was still.
The half-breed muttered:

“That score is settled—damn you.”

Then he robbed the body

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Five years ago / you drove me away / from your father’s kitchen / one night, / when I come / to ask for something to eat, / and you said / I warn’t there / for any good; / and when I swore / I’d get even with you / if it took / a hundred years, / your father had me jailed / for a vagrant.

    다섯 해 전에, 너는 내가 너희 아버지 주방에서 무언가 먹을 걸 요청했을 때 날 쫓아냈고, 나쁜 의도로 왔다는 말을 했지. 내가 백 년이 걸려서라도 너에게 복수하겠다고 맹세했을 때, 너희 아버지는 나를 부랑자로 감옥에 보냈어.

  2. ⦁ vagrant: 부랑자
    – A vagrant was found sleeping under the bridge. (한 부랑자가 그 다리 밑에서 잠을 자고 있는 것이 발견되었다.)

    ⦁ jailed: 감금되다
    – He was jailed for two years. (그는 2년 동안 감금되었다.)

  3. Did you think / I’d forget? / The Injun blood / ain’t in me / for nothing.

    내가 잊길 바랐니? 내 안의 인디언 피는 괜히 있는 게 아니야.

  4. ⦁ forget: 잊다
    – Don’t forget to lock the door. (문을 잠그는 것을 잊지 마라.)

    ⦁ nothing: 아무것도 아닌
    – He has nothing to do with this. (그는 이 일과 아무 상관이 없다.)

  5. And now / I’ve got you, / and you got to settle, / you know!

    지금 내가 널 잡았고, 이제 네가 해결해야 해, 알겠지!

  6. ⦁ settle: 해결하다
    – They need to settle their differences. (그들은 그들의 차이를 해결해야 한다.)

    ⦁ know: 알다
    – Do you know the way to the station? (역으로 가는 길을 아나요?)

  7. He was threatening the doctor, / with his fist in his face, / by this time.

    이때쯤 그는 주먹을 얼굴 앞에 들고 의사를 위협하고 있었다.

  8. ⦁ threatening: 위협하다
    – He was threatening them with a knife. (그는 칼로 그들을 위협하고 있었다.)

    ⦁ fist: 주먹
    – He clenched his fist in anger. (그는 화가 나서 주먹을 꽉 쥐었다.)

  9. The doctor struck out suddenly / and stretched the ruffian / on the ground.

    의사는 갑자기 주먹을 내질렀고, 악당을 땅바닥에 쓰러뜨렸다.

  10. ⦁ struck: 때리다
    – The lightning struck the tree. (번개가 나무를 쳤다.)

    ⦁ ruffian: 악당
    – The ruffian looted the shop. (그 악당은 가게를 약탈했다.)

  11. Potter dropped his knife, / and exclaimed:
    “Here, now, / don’t you hit my pard!” / and the next moment / he had grappled with the doctor / and the two were struggling / with might and main, / trampling the grass / and tearing the ground / with their heels.

    포터는 칼을 떨어뜨리며 외쳤다: “이봐, 내 친구 때리지 마!” 그다음 순간 그는 의사와 격투를 벌였고, 두 사람은 힘껏 싸우며 풀을 짓밟고 발 뒤꿈치로 땅을 파헤쳤다.

  12. ⦁ grapple: 격투하다
    – The two wrestlers grappled on the mat. (두 레슬러가 매트에서 격투를 벌였다.)

    ⦁ exclaimed: 외치다
    – She exclaimed in surprise. (그녀는 놀라서 외쳤다.)

  13. Injun Joe sprang to his feet, / his eyes flaming with passion, / snatched up Potter’s knife, / and went creeping, / catlike and stooping, / round and round about the combatants, / seeking an opportunity.

    인디언 조는 벌떡 일어나, 열정에 불타는 눈으로 포터의 칼을 잡아채고, 고양이처럼 몸을 웅크리며 천천히 원을 그리며 싸우는 두 사람 주위를 맴돌며 기회를 노렸다.

  14. ⦁ sprang: 뛰어오르다
    – He sprang over the fence. (그는 울타리를 뛰어넘었다.)

    ⦁ opportunity: 기회
    – She took the opportunity to explain. (그녀는 설명할 기회를 잡았다.)

  15. All at once / the doctor flung himself free, / seized the heavy headboard / of Williams’ grave / and felled Potter to the earth / with it—/and in the same instant / the half-breed saw his chance / and drove the knife / to the hilt / in the young man’s breast.

    갑자기 의사는 몸을 풀며 윌리엄의 무덤에 있는 무거운 머리판을 잡아채어 포터를 땅바닥에 쓰러뜨리고, 동시에 혼혈아인 인디언 조는 기회를 보고 칼을 젊은 남성의 가슴에 끝까지 찔러넣었다.

  16. ⦁ flung: 던지다
    – She flung the book onto the table. (그녀는 책을 테이블 위에 던졌다.)

    ⦁ seized: 잡다
    – He seized her arm. (그는 그녀의 팔을 붙잡았다.)

  17. He reeled / and fell partly upon Potter, / flooding him / with his blood, / and in the same moment / the clouds blotted out / the dreadful spectacle / and the two frightened boys / went speeding away / in the dark.

    그는 휘청이며 포터의 일부 위에 쓰러져, 자신의 피로 흠뻑 적시고, 동시에 구름이 그 끔찍한 광경을 가리며 두 겁먹은 소년은 어둠 속으로 질주해 갔다.

  18. ⦁ reeled: 휘청거리다
    – He reeled back in shock. (그는 충격으로 뒤로 휘청거렸다.)

    ⦁ spectacle: 광경
    – The sunset was a beautiful spectacle. (석양은 아름다운 광경이었다.)

  19. Presently, / when the moon emerged again, / Injun Joe was standing / over the two forms, / contemplating them.

    잠시 후, 달이 다시 떠올랐을 때, 인디언 조는 두 형체 위에 서서 그들을 응시하고 있었다.

  20. ⦁ emerged: 나타나다
    – The lion emerged from the bushes. (사자는 덤불에서 나타났다.)

    ⦁ contemplating: 응시하다
    – She sat quietly, contemplating the sunset. (그녀는 조용히 앉아 석양을 응시했다.)

  21. The doctor murmured inarticulately, / gave a long gasp or two / and was still.

    의사는 알아들을 수 없는 소리를 내며 길게 숨을 들이쉬고, 조용해졌다.

  22. ⦁ murmured: 중얼거리다
    – He murmured something under his breath. (그는 작은 목소리로 무언가를 중얼거렸다.)

    ⦁ gasped: 숨을 헐떡이다
    – She gasped for air. (그녀는 숨을 헐떡였다.)

  23. The half-breed muttered:
    “That score is settled—damn you.”

    그 혼혈아는 중얼거렸다: “그 빚은 갚았다—망할 놈.”

  24. ⦁ muttered: 중얼거리다
    – He muttered something to himself. (그는 혼자서 중얼거렸다.)

    ⦁ settled: 해결된
    – Everything is settled now. (모든 것이 이제 해결되었다.)

  25. Then he robbed the body.

    그리고 그는 시체를 약탈했다.

  26. ⦁ robbed: 약탈하다
    – The thief robbed the bank. (도둑은 은행을 약탈했다.)

    ⦁ body: 시체
    – They found a body in the river. (그들은 강에서 시체를 발견했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)