❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
The two boys flew on and on, toward the village, speechless with horror.They glanced backward over their shoulders from time to time, apprehensively, as if they feared they might be followed.Every stump that started up in their path seemed a man and an enemy, and made them catch their breath; and as they sped by some outlying cottages that lay near the village, the barking of the aroused watch-dogs seemed to give wings to their feet.“If we can only get to the old tannery before we break down!” whispered Tom, in short catches between breaths.“I can’t stand it much longer.”Huckleberry’s hard pantings were his only reply, and the boys fixed their eyes on the goal of their hopes and bent to their work to win it.They gained steadily on it, and at last, breast to breast, they burst through the open door and fell grateful and exhausted in the sheltering shadows beyond.By and by their pulses slowed down, and Tom whispered:“Huckleberry, what do you reckon’ll come of this?”“If Doctor Robinson dies, I reckon hanging’ll come of it.”“Do you though?”“Why, I know it, Tom.”Tom thought a while, then he said:“Who’ll tell? We?”“What are you talking about? S’pose something happened and Injun Joe didn’t hang? Why, he’d kill us some time or other, just as dead sure as we’re a laying here.”“That’s just what I was thinking to myself, Huck.”“If anybody tells, let Muff Potter do it, if he’s fool enough.He’s generally drunk enough.”Tom said nothing—went on thinking.Presently he whispered:“Huck, Muff Potter don’t know it
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The two boys / flew on and on, / toward the village, / speechless with horror.
두 소년은 / 계속해서 날아갔고, / 마을을 향해, / 공포로 말문이 막혔다.
They glanced backward / over their shoulders / from time to time, apprehensively, / as if they feared they might be followed.
그들은 두려움에/ 가끔씩 어깨 너머로 / 뒤를 힐끔 보았다. / 마치 그들이 쫓길까봐 두려워하는 것처럼.
Every stump / that started up in their path / seemed a man / and an enemy, / and made them catch their breath; / and as they sped by / some outlying cottages / that lay near the village, / the barking of the aroused watch-dogs / seemed to give wings to their feet.
그들이 가는 길에 / 솟아오른 모든 그루터기가 / 사람처럼 보였고 / 적처럼 보였고, / 그들을 숨이 막히게 만들었다; / 그리고 그들이 속도를 높이며 / 마을 근처에 있는 / 외곽의 몇몇 오두막들을 지나가며, / 깨어있던 감시견들의 짖는 소리가 / 그들의 발에 날개를 달아주는 것처럼 느껴졌다.
“If we can only get to the old tannery / before we break down!” / whispered Tom, / in short catches between breaths.
“우리가 무너지기 전에 / 그 오래된 무두질 공장에 / 도착할 수 있다면 좋겠어!” / 톰이 속삭였다. / 숨을 고르며 짧게 말했다.
“I can’t stand it much longer.”
“나 더이상 못 참겠어.”
Huckleberry’s hard pantings / were his only reply, / and the boys / fixed their eyes / on the goal of their hopes / and bent to their work / to win it.
허클베리의 거친 숨소리가 / 유일한 대답이었고, / 소년들은 / 그들의 희망에 대한 목표에 / 눈을 고정시키고 / 목표를 달성하기 위해 / 일을 계속했다.
They gained steadily on it, / and at last, breast to breast, / they burst through the open door / and fell grateful and exhausted / in the sheltering shadows beyond.
그들은 꾸준히 달렸다, / 그리고 마침내, / 그들은 번갈아 / 열린 문을 통해 / 보호받는 그림자로 / 고맙고 지친 채로 넘어졌다.
By and by / their pulses slowed down, / and Tom whispered:
잠시 후 / 그들의 맥박이 느려지면서, / 톰이 속삭였다:
“Huckleberry, / what do you reckon’ll / come of this?”
“허클베리, / 네 생각에 / 이게 어떻게 될 것 같아?”
“If Doctor Robinson dies, / I reckon hanging’ll / come of it.”
“로빈슨 박사가 죽으면, / 내 생각엔 교수형이 / 될 것 같아.”
“Do you though?”
“정말 그렇다고 생각해?”
“Why, I know it, Tom.”Tom thought a while, / then he said:
“왜냐하면, 난 알아, / 톰.” 톰은 잠시 생각하다가, / 말했다:
“Who’ll tell? / We?”
“누가 말할 건데? / 우리가?”
“What are you talking about? / S’pose something happened and / Injun Joe didn’t hang? / Why, he’d kill us some time or other, / just as dead sure / as we’re a laying here.”
“무슨 소리야? / 만약 뭔가 일이 일어났는데 / 인디언 조가 교수형을 당하지 않는다면? / 왜냐면, 그가 언젠가는 우리를 죽일거야, / 우리가 여기에 누워있는 것만큼 확실해.”
“That’s just what / I was thinking to myself, / Huck.”
“그게 바로 내가 / 생각했던 거야, / 허크.”
“If anybody tells, / let Muff Potter do it, / if he’s fool enough./He’s generally drunk enough.”
“누군가 말해야 한다면, / 머프 포터가 하게 해, / 그가 바보라면./그는 보통 충분히 취해있어.”
Tom said nothing—went on thinking.Presently he whispered:
톰은 아무 말도 하지 않고 — 계속 생각했다.곧 그는 속삭였다:
“Huck, / Muff Potter / don’t know it.
“허크, / 머프 포터는 / 그걸 몰라.
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