❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
How can he tell?”“What’s the reason he don’t know it?”“Because he’d just got that whack when Injun Joe done it.D’you reckon he could see anything? D’you reckon he knowed anything?”“By hokey, that’s so, Tom!”“And besides, look-a-here—maybe that whack done for him!”“No, ’taint likely, Tom.He had liquor in him; I could see that; and besides, he always has.Well, when pap’s full, you might take and belt him over the head with a church and you couldn’t phase him.He says so, his own self.So it’s the same with Muff Potter, of course.But if a man was dead sober, I reckon maybe that whack might fetch him; I dono.”After another reflective silence, Tom said:“Hucky, you sure you can keep mum?”“Tom, we got to keep mum.You know that.That Injun devil wouldn’t make any more of drownding us than a couple of cats, if we was to squeak ’bout this and they didn’t hang him
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
How can he tell?
어떻게 그가 알 수 있을까?
What’s the reason / he don’t know it?
왜 그가 그것을 모를까?
Because he’d just got that whack / when Injun Joe done it.
왜냐하면, 인디언 조가 그것을 했을 때 / 그는 방금 그 타격을 받았기 때문에.
D’you reckon / he could see anything? / D’you reckon / he knowed anything?
그가 뭔가를 볼 수 있었을 거라고 생각해? / 그가 뭔가를 알고 있었을 거라고 생각해?
By hokey, / that’s so, / Tom!
참말로, / 그렇구나, / 톰!
And besides, / look-a-here—maybe that whack / done for him!
그리고 게다가, / 봐봐—아마 그 타격이 / 그를 죽인 걸 수도 있어!
No, ’taint likely, Tom. / He had liquor in him; / I could see that; / and besides, he always has.
아니야, 가능성 없어, 톰. / 그는 술이 있었어; / 나는 그걸 봤어; / 그리고 게다가, 그는 항상 그래.
Well, when pap’s full, / you might take and belt him over the head / with a church / and you couldn’t phase him.
자, 아빠가 취했을 때 / 너는 그의 머리를 교회로 때려도 / 그를 흔들 수 없어.
He says so, / his own self. / So it’s the same with Muff Potter, / of course.
그는 그랬다고 / 그 스스로 말해. 그래서 Muff Potter도 마찬가지야, / 물론.
But if a man was dead sober, / I reckon maybe that whack / might fetch him; / I dono.
하지만 만약 어떤 남자가 정말 맑은 정신이라면, / 아마도 그 타격이 / 그를 쓰러뜨릴 수도 있어; / 난 몰라.
After another reflective silence, / Tom said:
“Hucky, you sure / you can keep mum?”
또 다른 생각에 잠기는 침묵 후에, / 톰이 말했다: / “허키, 넌 확신해 / 비밀을 지킬 수 있을 거지?”
“Tom, we got to keep mum. / You know that.
That Injun devil / wouldn’t make any more of / drownding us / than a couple of cats, / if we was to squeak ’bout this / and they didn’t hang him.
톰, 우리는 비밀을 지켜야 해. / 너도 알잖아. / 그 인디언 악마는 / 우리를 익사시키는 것을 / 단지 몇 마리의 고양이보다 더 신경 쓰지 않을 거야, / 만약 우리가 이 일에 대해 말하면 / 그리고 그가 처형되지 않는다면.
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