❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
But if ever I get off this time, I lay I’ll just waller in Sunday-schools!” And Tom began to snuffle a little.“You bad!” and Huckleberry began to snuffle too.“Consound it, Tom Sawyer, you’re just old pie, ’long-side o’ what I am.Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy, I wisht I only had half your chance.”Tom choked off and whispered:“Look, Hucky, look! He’s got his back to us!”Hucky looked, with joy in his heart.“Well, he has, by jingoes! Did he before?”“Yes, he did.But I, like a fool, never thought.Oh, this is bully, you know.Now who can he mean?”The howling stopped.Tom pricked up his ears
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
But if ever / I get off / this time, / I lay / I’ll just waller / in Sunday-schools!
하지만 이번에 빠져나갈 수만 있다면, 주일학교에나 출석해버릴 거야!
And Tom / began to snuffle / a little.
그리고 톰은 / 조금씩 훌쩍이기 시작했다.
You bad!” / and Huckleberry / began to snuffle / too.
너 나빠!” / 허클베리도 / 훌쩍이기 시작했다.
Consound it, Tom Sawyer, / you’re just old pie, / ‘long-side o’ what I am.
이런 앗망하군, 톰 소여. 넌 나에 비하면 정말 별것도 아니야.
Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy, / I wisht / I only had / half your chance.
오, 맙소사, 나는 네 기회 절반이라도 가졌으면 좋겠어.
Tom / choked off / and whispered:
톰은 / 소리를 낮추고 / 속삭였다:
Look, Hucky, look! / He’s got his back to us!”
봐, 허키, 봐! / 저 사람이 우리에게 등을 돌리고 있어!”
Hucky / looked, / with joy / in his heart.
허키는 / 봤다, / 마음속에 기쁨을 품고.
Well, he has, / by jingoes! / Did he before?
정말 그렇네, / 정말로! / 전에 그랬었나?”
Yes, / he did. / But I, / like a fool, / never thought.
응, / 그랬어. / 하지만 나는, / 바보같이, / 생각하지 않았어.
Oh, / this is bully, / you know.
오, / 이거 좋은데, / 알지?
Now / who can he mean?”
이제 / 그는 누구를 말하는 걸까?”
The howling / stopped.
울부짖음이 / 멈췄다.
Tom / pricked up / his ears.
톰은 / 귀를 쫑긋 세웠다.
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