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So they went tiptoeing stealthily down, the one behind the other.
When they had got to within five steps of the snorer, Tom stepped on a stick, and it broke with a sharp snap.
The man moaned, writhed a little, and his face came into the moonlight.
It was Muff Potter.
The boys’ hearts had stood still, and their hopes too, when the man moved, but their fears passed away now.
They tip-toed out, through the broken weather-boarding, and stopped at a little distance to exchange a parting word.
That long, lugubrious howl rose on the night air again! They turned and saw the strange dog standing within a few feet of where Potter was lying, and facing Potter, with his nose pointing heavenward.

“Oh, geeminy, it’s him!” exclaimed both boys, in a breath.

“Say, Tom—they say a stray dog come howling around Johnny Miller’s house, ’bout midnight, as much as two weeks ago; and a whippoorwill come in and lit on the banisters and sung, the very same evening; and there ain’t anybody dead there yet.”

“Well, I know that

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. So they went tiptoeing / stealthily down, / the one behind the other.

    그래서 그들은 살금살금, 한 명은 다른 명의 뒤를 따라갔다.

  2. ⦁ tiptoeing: 발끝으로 걷기
    – The kids were tiptoeing through the house. (아이들이 집을 발끝으로 걷고 있었다.)

    ⦁ stealthily: 은밀하게
    – She moved stealthily through the room. (그녀는 방을 은밀하게 이동했다.)

  3. When they had got / to within five steps / of the snorer, / Tom stepped on a stick, / and it broke / with a sharp snap.

    그들이 코 고는 사람에게서 다섯 걸음 이내에 다가갔을 때, 톰이 나무를 밟았고, 날카롭게 ‘똑’ 소리가 났다.

  4. ⦁ snorer: 코를 고는 사람
    – He is a heavy snorer. (그는 심하게 코를 곤다.)

    ⦁ sharp: 날카로운
    – She felt a sharp pain. (그녀는 날카로운 통증을 느꼈다.)

  5. The man moaned, / writhed a little, / and his face came / into the moonlight.

    그 남자는 신음했고, 조금 몸을 비틀었으며, 얼굴이 달빛 속에 들어왔다.

  6. ⦁ moaned: 신음했다
    – He moaned in pain. (그는 고통 속에서 신음했다.)

    ⦁ moonlight: 달빛
    – The garden looked beautiful in the moonlight. (정원은 달빛 속에서 아름다워 보였다.)

  7. It was Muff Potter.

    그는 머프 포터였다.

    The boys’ hearts had / stood still, / and their hopes too, / when the man moved, / but their fears passed away now.

    소년들의 심장은 멈추었고, 희망도 사라졌지만, 남자가 움직일 때 그들의 두려움은 지나갔다.

  8. ⦁ hearts: 심장
    – Her heart was racing. (그녀의 심장이 뛰고 있었다.)

    ⦁ fears: 두려움
    – He could not conceal his fears. (그는 자신의 두려움을 숨길 수 없었다.)

  9. They tip-toed out, / through the broken weather-boarding, / and stopped at / a little distance / to exchange a parting word.

    그들은 파손된 외벽 패널을 통해 발끝으로 걸어 나가, 조금 떨어진 곳에서 작별의 말을 나누기 위해 멈췄다.

  10. ⦁ tip-toed: 발끝으로 걸었다
    – He tip-toed quietly down the hall. (그는 복도를 조용히 발끝으로 걸어 내려갔다.)

    ⦁ weather-boarding: 외벽 패널
    – The old house had broken weather-boarding. (낡은 집은 파손된 외벽 패널을 가지고 있었다.)

  11. That long, / lugubrious howl / rose on the night air again!

    그 길고 음울한 울음소리가 밤 공기 속에 다시 울려 퍼졌다!

    They turned / and saw the strange dog / standing / within a few feet / of where Potter was lying, / and facing Potter, / with his nose / pointing heavenward.

    그들은 돌아서서 포터가 누워 있던 곳에서 몇 피트 떨어진 채 포터를 향해 서 있고, 코를 하늘로 향하고 있는 이상한 개를 보았다.

  12. ⦁ lugubrious: 음울한
    – His lugubrious manner brought everybody down. (그의 음울한 태도가 모두를 우울하게 했다.)

    ⦁ facing: 향해 있는
    – The house is facing the sea. (그 집은 바다를 향해 있다.)

  13. “Oh, geeminy, / it’s him!” / exclaimed both boys, / in a breath.

    “오, 지미니, 그가 맞아!” 하고 두 소년이 한 목소리로 외쳤다.

  14. ⦁ exclaimed: 외쳤다
    – She exclaimed in surprise. (그녀는 놀라서 외쳤다.)

    ⦁ breath: 숨결
    – He spoke in one breath. (그는 한 번에 말했다.)

  15. “Say, Tom—they say a stray dog / come howling around / Johnny Miller’s house, / ’bout midnight, / as much as two weeks ago; / and a whippoorwill / come in / and lit on the banisters / and sung, / the very same evening; / and there ain’t anybody / dead there yet.”

    “말해봐, 톰—떠돌이 개가 약 2주 전에 자정쯤에 조니 밀러 집 주변에서 울부짖었고, 바로 그 저녁에 휘포윌이 들어와 난간에 앉아 노래를 불렀지만, 아직 아무도 죽지 않았어.”

  16. ⦁ howling: 울부짖는
    – The wind was howling through the trees. (바람이 나무 사이로 울부짖고 있었다.)

    ⦁ evening: 저녁
    – We had a nice dinner in the evening. (우리는 저녁에 맛있는 저녁 식사를 했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)