❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Close upon the hour of noon the whole village was suddenly electrified with the ghastly news.No need of the as yet un-dreamed-of telegraph; the tale flew from man to man, from group to group, from house to house, with little less than telegraphic speed.Of course the schoolmaster gave holiday for that afternoon; the town would have thought strangely of him if he had not.A gory knife had been found close to the murdered man, and it had been recognized by somebody as belonging to Muff Potter—so the story ran.And it was said that a belated citizen had come upon Potter washing himself in the “branch” about one or two o’clock in the morning, and that Potter had at once sneaked off—suspicious circumstances, especially the washing which was not a habit with Potter.It was also said that the town had been ransacked for this “murderer” (the public are not slow in the matter of sifting evidence and arriving at a verdict), but that he could not be found.Horsemen had departed down all the roads in every direction, and the Sheriff “was confident” that he would be captured before night
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Close upon the hour of noon / the whole village / was suddenly electrified / with the ghastly news.
정오에 가까워졌을 때 / 온 마을이 / 끔찍한 소식에 / 갑자기 충격을 받았다.
No need of the as yet un-dreamed-of telegraph;
the tale flew / from man to man, / from group to group, / from house to house, / with little less than telegraphic speed.
아직 꿈꾸지 않았던 전보가 / 필요 없었다;
이야기가 / 사람에서 사람으로, / 그룹에서 그룹으로, / 집에서 집으로 / 거의 전신 속도로 퍼졌다.
Of course / the schoolmaster gave holiday / for that afternoon; / the town would have thought strangely / of him / if he had not.
물론 / 학교 선생님은 / 그날 오후 휴가를 주었다; / 마을 사람들은 / 이상하게 생각했을 것이다 / 그가 그렇게 하지 않았다면.
A gory knife / had been found / close to the murdered man, / and it had been recognized / by somebody / as belonging to Muff Potter—/ so the story ran.
피 묻은 칼이 / 발견되었다 / 살해된 남자 근처에서, / 그리고 그것은 / 누군가에 의해 / 머프 포터의 것으로 인식되었다—/ 그렇게 이야기가 전해졌다.
And it was said / that a belated citizen / had come upon Potter / washing himself / in the “branch” / about one or two o’clock / in the morning, / and that Potter / had at once sneaked off—/ suspicious circumstances, / especially the washing / which was not a habit / with Potter.
그리고 / 늦게 나타난 시민이 / / 포터를 발견했다고 했다 / 그가 “branch” /에서 세수하는 걸 / 이른 아침 1시나 2시쯤에 / 그리하여 포터는 / 즉시 사라졌다고—/ 의심스러운 상황들이었다, / 특히 세수하는 것은 / 포터의 습관이 아니었다.
It was also said / that the town / had been ransacked / for this “murderer” / (the public are not slow in the matter / of sifting evidence / and arriving at a verdict), / but that he / could not be found.
또한 / 마을이 / 이 “살인자”를 찾기 위해 / 샅샅이 뒤졌다고 했다 / (대중은 증거를 선별하고 / 판결에 도달하는 과정에서 / 느리지 않다), / 그러나 그를 / 찾을 수 없었다고 했다.
Horsemen / had departed / down all the roads / in every direction, / and the Sheriff / “was confident” / that he would be captured / before night.
기수들이 / 출발했다 / 모든 길로 / 모든 방향으로, / 그리고 / 보안관은 / “확신했다” / 그가 밤이 되기 전에 잡힐 것이라고.
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