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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


But everybody was talking, and intent upon the grisly spectacle before them.

“Poor fellow!” “Poor young fellow!” “This ought to be a lesson to grave robbers!” “Muff Potter’ll hang for this if they catch him!” This was the drift of remark; and the minister said, “It was a judgment; His hand is here.”

Now Tom shivered from head to heel; for his eye fell upon the stolid face of Injun Joe.
At this moment the crowd began to sway and struggle, and voices shouted, “It’s him! it’s him! he’s coming himself!”

“Who? Who?” from twenty voices.

“Muff Potter!”

“Hallo, he’s stopped!—Look out, he’s turning! Don’t let him get away!”

People in the branches of the trees over Tom’s head said he wasn’t trying to get away—he only looked doubtful and perplexed.

“Infernal impudence!” said a bystander; “wanted to come and take a quiet look at his work, I reckon—didn’t expect any company.”

The crowd fell apart, now, and the Sheriff came through, ostentatiously leading Potter by the arm.
The poor fellow’s face was haggard, and his eyes showed the fear that was upon him.
When he stood before the murdered man, he shook as with a palsy, and he put his face in his hands and burst into tears

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. But everybody / was talking, / and intent / upon the grisly spectacle / before them.

    그러나 모든 이들은 말하고 있었고, 그들 앞의 흉측한 광경에 집중하고 있었다.

  2. ⦁ everybody: 모두
    – Everybody cheered when the hero arrived. (영웅이 도착했을 때 모두가 환호했다.)

    ⦁ intent: 집중하는
    – The scientist was intent on finding a cure. (그 과학자는 치료제를 찾는 데 집중하고 있었다.)

  3. “Poor fellow!” / “Poor young fellow!” / “This ought / to be a lesson / to grave robbers!” / “Muff Potter’ll hang for this / if they catch him!”

    “저런 불쌍한 사람!” / “저 불쌍한 젊은이!” / “이것은 무덤 도굴범들에게 / 교훈이 되어야 한다!” / “이걸로 Muff Potter는 / 잡히면 교수형에 처해질 것이다!”

  4. ⦁ fellow: 사람
    – He’s a decent fellow. (그는 괜찮은 사람이다.)

    ⦁ lesson: 교훈
    – This incident serves as a lesson for all. (이 사건은 모두에게 교훈이 된다.)

  5. This was the drift / of remark; / and the minister / said, / “It was a judgment; / His hand is here.”

    이것이 대화의 흐름이었다; / 그리고 목사가 말했다, / “이것은 심판이었다; / 그의 손길이 여기에 있다.”

  6. ⦁ remark: 발언
    – His remark offended many people. (그의 발언은 많은 사람들을 불쾌하게 했다.)

    ⦁ judgment: 심판
    – The final judgment will be announced tomorrow. (최종 심판은 내일 발표될 것이다.)

  7. Now Tom / shivered / from head to heel; / for his eye / fell upon the stolid face / of Injun Joe.

    이제 Tom은 / 머리부터 발끝까지 / 떨었다; / 그의 눈은 / 무표정한 얼굴에 멈춰 섰기 때문이다 / Injun Joe의

  8. ⦁ shiver: 떨다
    – She shivered in the cold wind. (그녀는 추운 바람에 떨었다.)

    ⦁ stolid: 무표정한
    – Despite the news, his expression remained stolid. (그 소식에도 불구하고 그의 표정은 무표정으로 남아있었다.)

  9. At this moment / the crowd / began to sway / and struggle, / and voices shouted, / “It’s him! / it’s him! / he’s coming himself!”

    이 순간 / 군중은 / 흔들리기 시작했다 / 그리고 몸싸움을 벌였다, / 그리고 목소리들이 외쳤다, / “저 사람이야! / 저 사람이야! / 그가 직접 오고 있어!”

  10. ⦁ sway: 흔들리다
    – The trees swayed in the wind. (나무들이 바람에 흔들렸다.)

    ⦁ struggle: 몸싸움을 벌이다
    – The two wrestlers struggled for dominance. (두 레슬러는 우위를 점하기 위해 몸싸움을 벌였다.)

  11. “Who? / Who?” / from twenty voices.

    “누구? / 누구?” / 스무 개의 목소리에서.

    “Muff Potter!”

    “Muff Potter!”

  12. ⦁ who: 누구
    – Who is coming to the party? (누가 파티에 올 건가요?)

    ⦁ twenty: 스무
    – We have twenty participants in the race. (우리는 경주에 스무 명의 참가자가 있다.)

  13. “Hallo, / he’s stopped!—Look out, / he’s turning! / Don’t let him get away!”

    “안녕, / 그가 멈췄다!—조심해, / 그가 돌고 있다! / 그를 도망치지 못하게 해!”

  14. ⦁ stop: 멈추다
    – The car stopped at the red light. (차가 빨간불에서 멈췄다.)

    ⦁ turn: 돌다
    – She turned to face him. (그녀는 그를 마주보도록 몸을 돌렸다.)

  15. People in the branches / of the trees / over Tom’s head / said / he wasn’t trying to get away— / he only looked / doubtful and perplexed.

    Tom의 머리 위 / 나뭇가지에 있는 사람들은 / 말했다 / 그는 도망치려고 하지 않았다—/ 그는 단지 / 의심스럽고 당황해 보였다.

  16. ⦁ branch: 나뭇가지
    – A bird sat on a high branch. (새가 높은 나뭇가지에 앉았다.)

    ⦁ doubtful: 의심스러운
    – She gave him a doubtful look. (그녀는 그에게 의심스러운 눈빛을 보냈다.)

  17. “Infernal impudence!” / said a bystander; / “wanted to come / and take a quiet look / at his work, / I reckon—didn’t expect any company.”

    “지독한 뻔뻔함이군!” / 한 방관자가 말했다; / “와서 조용히 / 자신의 일을 / 살펴보고 싶었던 모양이지, / 그는 손님을 예상하지 못했을 거야.”

  18. ⦁ infernal: 지독한
    – The infernal noise kept me awake all night. (지독한 소음이 밤새 나를 깨어있게 했다.)

    ⦁ impudence: 뻔뻔함
    – Her impudence in front of the judge was shocking. (판사 앞에서 그녀의 뻔뻔함은 충격적이었다.)

  19. The crowd / fell apart, / now, / and the Sheriff / came through, / ostentatiously leading Potter / by the arm.

    군중은 / 흩어졌다, / 이제, / 그리고 보안관이 / 지나왔다, / 과시적으로 Potter를 이끌며 / 팔을 잡고.

  20. ⦁ fall apart: 흩어지다
    – The old house was falling apart. (그 오래된 집은 무너져 가고 있었다.)

    ⦁ ostentatiously: 과시적으로
    – He drove his new car ostentatiously through the neighborhood. (그는 새 차를 과시하며 동네를 운전해 다녔다.)

  21. The poor fellow’s face / was haggard, / and his eyes / showed the fear / that was upon him.

    가엾은 이의 얼굴은 / 야위었고, / 그의 눈은 / 두려움을 / 드러냈다 / 그에게 닥친.

  22. ⦁ haggard: 야윈
    – He looked haggard after working all night. (그는 밤새 일을 하고 나서 야위어 보였다.)

    ⦁ fear: 두려움
    – Her eyes were filled with fear. (그녀의 눈은 두려움으로 가득 차 있었다.)

  23. When he stood / before the murdered man, / he shook / as with a palsy, / and he put his face / in his hands / and burst into tears.

    그가 서 있을 때 / 살해된 사람 앞에서, / 그는 떨었다 / 마치 마비된 듯이, / 그리고 그는 얼굴을 / 손에 묻었다 / 그리고 눈물을 터뜨렸다.

  24. ⦁ palsy: 마비
    – His hands trembled as if with a palsy. (그의 손은 마비된 것처럼 떨렸다.)

    ⦁ burst: 터뜨리다
    – She burst into laughter. (그녀는 웃음을 터뜨렸다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)