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“Why didn’t you leave? What did you want to come here for?” somebody said.

“I couldn’t help it—I couldn’t help it,” Potter moaned.
“I wanted to run away, but I couldn’t seem to come anywhere but here.” And he fell to sobbing again.

Injun Joe repeated his statement, just as calmly, a few minutes afterward on the inquest, under oath; and the boys, seeing that the lightnings were still withheld, were confirmed in their belief that Joe had sold himself to the devil.
He was now become, to them, the most balefully interesting object they had ever looked upon, and they could not take their fascinated eyes from his face.

They inwardly resolved to watch him nights, when opportunity should offer, in the hope of getting a glimpse of his dread master.

Injun Joe helped to raise the body of the murdered man and put it in a wagon for removal; and it was whispered through the shuddering crowd that the wound bled a little! The boys thought that this happy circumstance would turn suspicion in the right direction; but they were disappointed, for more than one villager remarked:

“It was within three feet of Muff Potter when it done it.”

Tom’s fearful secret and gnawing conscience disturbed his sleep for as much as a week after this; and at breakfast one morning Sid said:

“Tom, you pitch around and talk in your sleep so much that you keep me awake half the time.”

Tom blanched and dropped his eyes

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “Why didn’t you leave? / What did you want / to come here for?” / somebody said.

    “왜 떠나지 않았어? / 여기 왜 오고 싶었던 거야?” / 누군가가 말했다.

  2. ⦁ leave: 떠나다
    – I always leave work at 5 pm. (나는 항상 오후 5시에 퇴근한다.)

    ⦁ somebody: 누구
    – Somebody left their bag on the bus. (누군가 버스에 가방을 두고 갔다.)

  3. “I couldn’t help it—I couldn’t help it,” / Potter moaned.

    “어쩔 수 없었어—어쩔 수 없었어,” / Potter가 신음했다.

  4. ⦁ help: 돕다, 어쩔 수 없는
    – Can you help me with this? (이걸 도와줄 수 있니?)

    ⦁ moan: 신음하다
    – She moaned in pain. (그녀는 고통에 신음했다.)

  5. “I wanted to run away, / but I couldn’t seem / to come anywhere but here.” / And he fell / to sobbing again.

    “나는 도망치고 싶었지만, / 여기 말고는 어느 곳도 갈 수 없었어.” / 그리고 그는 다시 / 흐느끼며 주저앉았다.

  6. ⦁ run away: 도망가다
    – He tried to run away from home. (그는 집에서 도망치려고 했다.)

    ⦁ sob: 흐느끼다
    – She started to sob uncontrollably. (그녀는 통제할 수 없이 흐느끼기 시작했다.)

  7. Injun Joe repeated / his statement, / just as calmly, / a few minutes afterward / on the inquest, / under oath; / and the boys, / seeing that the lightnings / were still withheld, / were confirmed / in their belief / that Joe had sold himself / to the devil.

    Injun Joe는 그의 진술을 / 아주 평온하게 / 몇 분 후에 / 조사 중에 / 선서하고 / 반복했다.; / 그리고 아이들은 / 번개가 아직도 멈춰있는 것을 / 보고 / Joe가 / 자신을 악마에게 / 팔았다는 믿음이 / 확고해졌다.

  8. ⦁ inquest: 조사
    – The inquest was held to find out the cause of death. (사망 원인을 밝히기 위해 조사가 열렸다.)

    ⦁ withhold: 보류하다
    – He decided to withhold the information. (그는 정보를 보류하기로 결정했다.)

  9. He was now become, / to them, / the most balefully interesting object / they had ever looked upon, / and they could not / take their fascinated eyes / from his face.

    그는 이제, / 그들에게, / 그들이 한 번도 본 적 없는 / 가장 불길하지만 흥미로운 대상이 / 되었고, / 그들은 그의 얼굴에서 / 눈을 / 뗄 수 없었다.

  10. ⦁ baleful: 불길한
    – She gave him a baleful look. (그녀는 그에게 불길한 눈초리를 보냈다.)

    ⦁ fascinating: 매혹적인
    – The book was absolutely fascinating. (그 책은 정말 매혹적이었다.)

  11. They inwardly resolved / to watch him / nights, / when opportunity should offer, / in the hope of getting / a glimpse of his dread master.

    그들은 내심 결심했다 / 그를 / 밤마다 / 기회가 있을 때 / 감시하기로, / 그의 두려운 주인을 / 엿볼 희망으로.

  12. ⦁ inwardly: 내심으로
    – He inwardly doubted her intentions. (그는 내심 그녀의 의도를 의심했다.)

    ⦁ glimpse: 잠깐 보다
    – She caught a glimpse of the thief. (그녀는 도둑을 힐끗 보았다.)

  13. Injun Joe helped / to raise the body / of the murdered man / and put it / in a wagon / for removal; / and it was whispered / through the shuddering crowd / that the wound / bled a little!

    Injun Joe는 죽은 사람의 시신을 / 들어 올리고 / 수송을 위해 / 마차에 / 실었다.; / 그리고 떨리는 군중 사이에서 / 상처가 / 조금 / 피가 난다고 / 속삭였다!

  14. ⦁ raise: 들어 올리다
    – They raised the flag. (그들은 깃발을 올렸다.)

    ⦁ whisper: 속삭이다
    – She whispered a secret to him. (그녀는 그에게 비밀을 속삭였다.)

  15. The boys thought / that this happy circumstance / would turn suspicion / in the right direction; / but they were / disappointed, / for more than one villager / remarked: / “It was / within three feet / of Muff Potter / when it done it.”

    그 아이들은 이 행운의 상황이 / 의심을 / 올바른 방향으로 돌릴 것이라고 / 생각했지만, / 그들은 / 실망했다, / 왜냐하면 여러 마을 주민들이 / 말했다.; / “그것은 / Muff Potter에서 / 3피트 이내에 / 있었다 / 그것을 했을 때.”

  16. ⦁ suspicion: 의심
    – There is suspicion around her actions. (그녀의 행동에는 의심이 있다.)

    ⦁ villager: 마을 주민
    – The villager welcomed us warmly. (마을 주민은 우리를 따뜻하게 환영했다.)

  17. Tom’s fearful secret / and gnawing conscience / disturbed his sleep / for as much as a week / after this; / and at breakfast / one morning Sid said: / “Tom, / you pitch around / and talk in your sleep / so much / that you keep me awake / half the time.”

    Tom의 무서운 비밀과 / 갉아먹는 양심이 / 그의 잠을 방해했다 / 이 후 일주일 동안; / 그리고 아침 식사 때 / 어느 날 아침에 Sid가 말했다: / “Tom, / 너는 / 여기저기 뒹굴면서 / 너의 잠꼬대가 / 너무 심해서 / 나를 잠 못 자게 해 / 절반은.”

  18. ⦁ conscience: 양심
    – His conscience didn’t allow him to lie. (그의 양심은 그가 거짓말을 못 하게 했다.)

    ⦁ disturb: 방해하다
    – The loud noise disturbed my work. (큰 소음이 내 일을 방해했다.)

  19. Tom blanched / and dropped / his eyes.

    Tom은 / 창백해지고 / 그의 눈을 / 내리깔았다.

  20. ⦁ blanch: 창백하게 하다
    – He blanched at the sight of blood. (그는 피를 보고 얼굴이 창백해졌다.)

    ⦁ drop: 떨어뜨리다
    – She dropped her keys on the floor. (그녀는 열쇠를 바닥에 떨어뜨렸다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)