❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
So Tom pried his mouth open and poured down the Pain-killer.Peter sprang a couple of yards in the air, and then delivered a war-whoop and set off round and round the room, banging against furniture, upsetting flower-pots, and making general havoc.Next he rose on his hind feet and pranced around, in a frenzy of enjoyment, with his head over his shoulder and his voice proclaiming his unappeasable happiness.Then he went tearing around the house again spreading chaos and destruction in his path.Aunt Polly entered in time to see him throw a few double summersets, deliver a final mighty hurrah, and sail through the open window, carrying the rest of the flower-pots with him.The old lady stood petrified with astonishment, peering over her glasses; Tom lay on the floor expiring with laughter.“Tom, what on earth ails that cat?”“I don’t know, aunt,” gasped the boy.“Why, I never see anything like it.What did make him act so?”“Deed I don’t know, Aunt Polly; cats always act so when they’re having a good time.”“They do, do they?” There was something in the tone that made Tom apprehensive
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
So Tom pried / his mouth open / and poured down / the Pain-killer.
그래서 톰은 그의 입을 억지로 열고 진통제를 부었다.
Peter sprang / a couple of yards / in the air, / and then delivered / a war-whoop / and set off / round and round / the room, / banging against furniture, / upsetting flower-pots, / and making general havoc.
피터는 몇 야드를 공중으로 뛰어오르더니, 전투 함성을 지르고는 방을 이리저리 돌아다니며 가구에 부딪히고, 화분을 엎고, 전반적으로 난리통을 만들었다.
Next he rose / on his hind feet / and pranced around, / in a frenzy of enjoyment, / with his head / over his shoulder / and his voice / proclaiming his / unappeasable happiness.
다음으로 그는 뒷발로 일어서서, 머리를 어깨 너머로 두고, 억제할 수 없는 행복을 외치며 즐거움에 미쳐 날뛰었다.
Then he went / tearing around / the house again / spreading chaos / and destruction / in his path.
그 다음 그는 다시 집안을 뛰어다니며 그의 길을 따라 혼란과 파괴를 퍼뜨렸다.
Aunt Polly entered / in time / to see him / throw a few double summersets, / deliver a final mighty hurrah, / and sail / through the open window, / carrying the rest / of the flower-pots / with him.
폴리 숙모가 그가 몇 번의 이중 공중제비를 하고, 마지막으로 강력한 환호를 지르고, 창문을 통해 나가면서 나머지 화분들을 가지고 나가는 것을 보기 위해 안으로 들어왔다.
The old lady / stood petrified / with astonishment, / peering over / her glasses; / Tom lay / on the floor / expiring with laughter.
그 노부인은 안경 너머로 경악한 채 굳어져 서 있었고, 톰은 바닥에 누워 웃다가 숨을 헐떡이고 있었다.
“Tom, / what on earth / ails that cat?”“I don’t know, aunt,” / gasped the boy.
“톰, 도대체 저 고양이는 왜 저래?”“몰라요, 숙모,”라고 소년은 헐떡이며 말했다.
“Why, I never see / anything like it.What did make him / act so?”
“왜, 나는 저런 걸 한 번도 본 적이 없어. 무엇이 그를 그런 식으로 행동하게 했지?”
“Deed I don’t know, / Aunt Polly; / cats always act so / when they’re having / a good time.”
“정말 몰라요, 폴리 숙모; 고양이들은 좋은 시간을 보낼 때 항상 그렇게 행동해요.”
“They do, / do they?” / There was something / in the tone / that made Tom / apprehensive.
“그들은 그렇게 해, 그렇지?” / 톰을 불안하게 만든 무언가가 / 그 어조에 있었다.
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