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This was putting the thing in a new light; what was cruelty to a cat might be cruelty to a boy, too.
She began to soften; she felt sorry.
Her eyes watered a little, and she put her hand on Tom’s head and said gently:

“I was meaning for the best, Tom.
And, Tom, it did do you good.”

Tom looked up in her face with just a perceptible twinkle peeping through his gravity.

“I know you was meaning for the best, aunty, and so was I with Peter.
It done him good, too.
I never see him get around so since—”

“Oh, go ’long with you, Tom, before you aggravate me again.
And you try and see if you can’t be a good boy, for once, and you needn’t take any more medicine.”

Tom reached school ahead of time.
It was noticed that this strange thing had been occurring every day latterly

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. This was putting / the thing / in a new light; / what was cruelty / to a cat / might be / cruelty to a boy, too.

    이것은 상황을 새롭게 보게 만드는 것이었다; 고양이에 대한 잔혹함이 소년에게도 잔혹함일 수 있었다.

  2. ⦁ cruelty: 잔혹함
    – The man’s cruelty to animals was unacceptable. (그 남자의 동물에 대한 잔혹함은 용납할 수 없었다.)

    ⦁ light: 빛
    – The sunlight filled the room with a warm light. (햇빛이 방을 따스한 빛으로 가득 채웠다.)

  3. She began / to soften; / she felt sorry.

    그녀는 마음이 약해지기 시작했다; 미안함을 느꼈다.

  4. ⦁ begin: 시작하다
    – She began her new job with enthusiasm. (그녀는 열정적으로 새 일을 시작했다.)

    ⦁ sorry: 유감스러운
    – I am sorry for your loss. (당신의 손실에 대해 유감입니다.)

  5. Her eyes watered / a little, / and she put her hand / on Tom’s head / and said gently:

  6. 그녀의 눈에 눈물이 살짝 고였고, 그녀는 톰의 머리에 손을 올리고 부드럽게 말했다:

    ⦁ water: 눈물이 고이다
    – His eyes watered when he saw the tragic news. (그는 비극적인 소식을 듣고 눈물이 고였다.)

    ⦁ gently: 부드럽게
    – She held the baby gently in her arms. (그녀는 아기를 부드럽게 안았다.)

  7. “I was meaning / for the best, / Tom.

    And, Tom, / it did do you good.”

    “톰, 나는 최고의 결과를 원했을 뿐이야. 그리고, 톰, 그것은 너에게 도움이 되었어.”

  8. ⦁ mean: 의미하다
    – I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. (당신의 감정을 상하게 할 의도는 없었어요.)

    ⦁ good: 좋은
    – Exercise is good for your health. (운동은 건강에 좋다.)

  9. Tom looked up / in her face / with just a perceptible / twinkle peeping through his gravity.

  10. 톰은 아주 미세하지만 중대한 눈빛으로 그녀의 얼굴을 올려다봤다.

    ⦁ perceptible: 감지할 수 있는
    – The temperature change was perceptible. (온도 변화가 감지되었다.)

    ⦁ gravity: 중대함
    – He spoke with gravity about the issue. (그는 그 문제에 대해 신중하게 말했다.)

  11. “I know / you was meaning / for the best, / aunty, / and so was I / with Peter.

    It done him good, too.

    I never see him / get around / so since—”

  12. “이모, 나는 이모가 최고의 결과를 원했음을 알아요. 나도 피터에게 똑같이 생각했던 것처럼. 그것이 그에게도 도움이 되었어요. 그것 이후로 그가 그렇게 돌아다니는 것을 본 적이 없어요—”

    ⦁ aunty: 이모
    – My aunty always bakes delicious cookies. (우리 이모는 항상 맛있는 쿠키를 구워요.)

    ⦁ get around: 돌아다니다
    – It’s hard for him to get around after the accident. (사고 이후 그가 돌아다니는 것은 힘들다.)

  13. “Oh, go ’long / with you, Tom, / before you aggravate / me again.

    And you try / and see / if you can’t be / a good boy, for once, / and you needn’t take / any more medicine.”

  14. “오, 이봐 톰, 또 다시 나를 화나게 하기 전에 가버려. 그리고 단 한 번이라도 착한 소년이 될 수 있는지 보도록 노력해봐, 더 이상 약을 먹을 필요 없을 거야.”

    ⦁ aggravate: 화나게 하다
    – His constant complaints aggravate me. (그의 끊임없는 불평이 나를 화나게 한다.)

    ⦁ medicine: 약
    – I need to take my medicine three times a day. (나는 하루에 세 번 약을 먹어야 한다.)

  15. Tom reached / school ahead of time.

    It was noticed / that this strange thing / had been occurring / every day latterly.

  16. 톰은 학교에 예상 시간보다 일찍 도착했다. 모두가 이 이상한 일이 최근 매일 일어나고 있음을 알아차렸다.

    ⦁ reach: 도착하다
    – We reached the summit after a long hike. (우리는 긴 하이킹 끝에 정상에 도착했다.)

    ⦁ strange: 이상한
    – A strange noise came from the attic. (다락방에서 이상한 소리가 들려왔다.)

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