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Tom’s mind was made up now.
He was gloomy and desperate.
He was a forsaken, friendless boy, he said; nobody loved him; when they found out what they had driven him to, perhaps they would be sorry; he had tried to do right and get along, but they would not let him; since nothing would do them but to be rid of him, let it be so; and let them blame him for the consequences—why shouldn’t they? What right had the friendless to complain? Yes, they had forced him to it at last: he would lead a life of crime.
There was no choice.

By this time he was far down Meadow Lane, and the bell for school to “take up” tinkled faintly upon his ear.
He sobbed, now, to think he should never, never hear that old familiar sound any more—it was very hard, but it was forced on him; since he was driven out into the cold world, he must submit—but he forgave them.
Then the sobs came thick and fast

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Tom’s mind / was made up / now.

    톰의 마음은 이제 결정되었다.

  2. ⦁ mind: 마음, 생각
    – She has a brilliant mind. (그녀는 뛰어난 두뇌를 지녔다.)

    ⦁ decided: 결정된
    – The case was decided by the court. (그 사건은 법원에서 판결이 났다.)

  3. He was gloomy / and desperate.

    그는 우울하고 절망적이었다.

  4. ⦁ gloomy: 우울한
    – The weather looks gloomy today. (오늘 날씨가 우울해 보인다.)

    ⦁ desperate: 절망적인, 필사적인
    – He made a desperate attempt to escape. (그는 필사적으로 탈출을 시도했다.)

  5. He was / a forsaken, friendless / boy, / he said; / nobody loved him;

    when they found out / what they had driven him to, / perhaps they would be sorry; / he had tried / to do right / and get along, / but they would not let him; / since nothing would do them / but to be rid of him, / let it be so; / and let them blame him / for the consequences— / why shouldn’t they?

    그는 / 버림받고 / 친구 없는 / 소년이라고 / 말했다; / 아무도 그를 사랑하지 않았다; / 그들이 알게 되면 / 그들이 그를 몰아간 것을 / 아마도 후회할 것이다; / 그는 노력했다 / 옳은 일을 하려고 / 그리고 잘 지나가려고, / 하지만 그들은 그를 허락하지 않았다; / 그들에게는 어떤 일도 될 수 없었으니까 / 그를 없애는 것 말고는, / 그렇게 하자; / 그리고 그들에게 그를 비난하게 하자 / 그 결과에 대해— / 왜 그러지 말아야 하는가?

  6. ⦁ forsaken: 버림받은
    – The old house looked lonely and forsaken. (그 오래된 집은 외롭고 버림받은 것처럼 보였다.)

    ⦁ consequences: 결과
    – The consequences of the decision were serious. (그 결정의 결과는 심각했다.)

  7. What right / had the friendless / to complain?

    친구 없는 사람은 무엇을 불평할 권리가 있겠는가?

  8. ⦁ right: 권리
    – Everyone has the right to freedom. (모든 사람은 자유에 대한 권리가 있다.)

    ⦁ complain: 불평하다
    – She complained about the noise. (그녀는 소음에 대해 불평했다.)

  9. Yes, / they had forced him / to it / at last: / he would lead / a life of crime.

    그래, / 그들은 그를 강요했다 / 결국: / 그는 범죄의 삶을 살 것이다.

  10. ⦁ forced: 강요된
    – He felt forced to accept the offer. (그는 그 제안을 받아들여야 한다고 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ crime: 범죄
    – The police are fighting against crime. (경찰은 범죄와 싸우고 있다.)

  11. There was / no choice.

    선택의 여지는 없었다.

  12. ⦁ choice: 선택
    – You have a choice between two options. (당신에겐 두 가지 선택이 있다.)

    ⦁ no: 없다, 아니다
    – There is no time to lose. (잃을 시간이 없다.)

  13. By this time / he was far down Meadow Lane, / and the bell for school / to “take up” / tinkled faintly / upon his ear.

    이때쯤 / 그는 Meadow Lane를 멀리 내려갔고, / 학교 종이 / “수업 시작” 종이 / 희미하게 / 그의 귀에 울렸다.

  14. ⦁ faintly: 희미하게
    – I could hear music faintly in the background. (배경에서 음악이 희미하게 들렸다.)

    ⦁ tinkle: 딸랑딸랑 울리다
    – The bell tinkled softly. (그 종은 부드럽게 울렸다.)

  15. He sobbed, / now, / to think he should never, / never hear that / old familiar sound / any more—it was very hard, / but it was forced on him; / since he was driven out / into the cold world, / he must submit—but he forgave them.

    그는 흐느꼈다, / 지금, / 더 이상 / 그 친숙한 소리를 / 다시는 들을 수 없다고 / 생각하자— 그것은 매우 힘들었다, / 하지만 그것은 그에게 강요된 것이었다; / 그가 쫓겨났기 때문에 / 차가운 세상으로, / 그는 복종해야 했다—그러나 그는 그들을 용서했다.

  16. ⦁ sobbed: 흐느꼈다
    – She sobbed uncontrollably. (그녀는 주체할 수 없이 흐느꼈다.)

    ⦁ submit: 복종하다, 제출하다
    – He had to submit to the rules. (그는 규칙에 복종해야 했다.)

  17. Then / the sobs came / thick / and fast.

    그러자 / 흐느낌이 / 점점 / 더 많아졌다.

  18. ⦁ thick: 두껍게, 짙게
    – The fog was thick and visibility was low. (안개가 짙어서 가시거리가 낮았다.)

    ⦁ fast: 빠른, 빠르게
    – She ran fast to catch the bus. (그녀는 버스를 잡기 위해 빠르게 뛰었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)