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Just at this point he met his soul’s sworn comrade, Joe Harper—hard-eyed, and with evidently a great and dismal purpose in his heart.
Plainly here were “two souls with but a single thought.” Tom, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, began to blubber out something about a resolution to escape from hard usage and lack of sympathy at home by roaming abroad into the great world never to return; and ended by hoping that Joe would not forget him.

But it transpired that this was a request which Joe had just been going to make of Tom, and had come to hunt him up for that purpose.
His mother had whipped him for drinking some cream which he had never tasted and knew nothing about; it was plain that she was tired of him and wished him to go; if she felt that way, there was nothing for him to do but succumb; he hoped she would be happy, and never regret having driven her poor boy out into the unfeeling world to suffer and die.

As the two boys walked sorrowing along, they made a new compact to stand by each other and be brothers and never separate till death relieved them of their troubles.
Then they began to lay their plans.
Joe was for being a hermit, and living on crusts in a remote cave, and dying, some time, of cold and want and grief; but after listening to Tom, he conceded that there were some conspicuous advantages about a life of crime, and so he consented to be a pirate

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Just at this point / he met / his soul’s sworn comrade, / Joe Harper—hard-eyed, / and with evidently / a great and dismal purpose in his heart.

    바로 이 시점에서 그는 그의 영원한 동료인 조 하퍼를 만났는데, 조는 눈매가 날카로웠고, 마음에 큰 슬픔을 담고 있음을 분명히 느꼈다.

    ⦁ met: 만났다
    – I met an old friend at the coffee shop. (나는 카페에서 오래된 친구를 만났다.)

    ⦁ dismal: 음침한, 슬픈
    – The weather forecast for the weekend is quite dismal. (주말의 날씨 예보는 매우 우울하다.)
  2. Plainly here were / “two souls with but a single thought.”

    명백히 여기에 “하나의 생각을 공유하는 두 영혼”이 있었다.

    ⦁ Plainly: 명백하게
    – He spoke plainly about the problems they were facing. (그는 그들이 직면한 문제에 대해 명확하게 말했다.)

    ⦁ single: 단 하나의
    – He didn’t say a single word during the meeting. (그는 회의 동안 한 마디도 하지 않았다.)
  3. Tom, wiping / his eyes / with his sleeve, / began / to blubber out / something / about a resolution / to escape / from hard usage / and lack of sympathy / at home / by roaming abroad / into the great world / never to return; / and ended / by hoping / that Joe would not forget him.

    톰은 소매로 눈물을 닦으며 집에서의 어려운 생활과 동정심의 부족에서 벗어나기 위해 세상을 떠돌다가 다시는 돌아오지 않는 결심에 대해 흐느끼기 시작했으며, 조가 자신을 잊지 않기를 바란다고 말했다.

    ⦁ resolution: 결심
    – She made a resolution to start exercising regularly. (그녀는 규칙적으로 운동을 시작하기로 결심했다.)

    ⦁ sympathy: 동정심
    – He showed great sympathy towards the victims of the disaster. (그는 재난 피해자들에게 큰 동정심을 보였다.)
  4. But it transpired / that / this was a request / which Joe had just / been going to make of Tom, / and had come / to hunt him up / for that purpose.

    하지만 이 요청은 조가 톰에게 막 하려고 했던 것이며, 그 목적을 위해 그를 찾으러 온 것임이 밝혀졌다.

    ⦁ transpired: 밝혀졌다
    – It later transpired that the information was false. (나중에 그 정보가 거짓임이 밝혀졌다.)

    ⦁ request: 요청
    – He made a request for more time to complete the project. (그는 프로젝트를 완료하기 위한 시간을 더 요청했다.)
  5. His mother / had whipped him / for drinking some cream / which he had never tasted / and knew nothing about; / it was plain / that / she was tired of him / and wished him / to go; / if she felt / that way, / there was nothing for him to do / but succumb; / he hoped she would be happy, / and never regret / having driven her poor boy out / into the unfeeling world / to suffer and die.

    그의 어머니는 그가 맛본 적도 없고 아무것도 모르는 크림을 마셨다고 그를 때렸다; 그녀가 그에게 지쳤고 떠나기를 바란다는 것이 분명했다; 그녀가 그렇게 느낀다면, 그가 할 수 있는 것은 항복하는 것뿐이었다; 그는 그녀가 행복하길 바라며, 그녀의 가난한 소년을 무정한 세상으로 내몰아 고통을 당하고 죽게 한 것을 후회하지 않기를 바랐다.

    ⦁ whipped: 때렸다
    – The boy was whipped for breaking the window. (그 소년은 창문을 깨서 맞았다.)

    ⦁ succumb: 항복하다
    – She succumbed to the peer pressure and tried smoking. (그녀는 또래의 압력에 굴복하여 흡연을 시도했다.)
  6. As the two boys / walked sorrowing along, / they made a new compact / to stand by each other / and be brothers / and never separate / till death relieved them / of their troubles.

    두 소년이 슬픔에 잠겨 걸어가면서, 그들은 서로를 지지하고 형제가 되어 죽음이 그들의 고통을 덜어줄 때까지 절대로 헤어지지 않기로 새로운 계약을 맺었다.

    ⦁ compact: 계약
    – They formed a compact to work together on the project. (그들은 프로젝트에 함께 일하기로 계약을 맺었다.)

    ⦁ relieved: 완화된
    – She felt relieved after the exam was over. (시험이 끝난 후 그녀는 안도했다.)
  7. Then they / began / to lay their plans.

    그리고 그들은 계획을 세우기 시작했다.

    ⦁ lay: 놓다, 세우다
    – He laid the book on the table. (그는 책을 테이블 위에 놓았다.)

    ⦁ plan: 계획
    – They made plans for the weekend. (그들은 주말 계획을 세웠다.)
  8. Joe was for / being a hermit, / and living / on crusts / in a remote cave, / and dying, / some time, / of cold / and want / and grief; / but after listening / to Tom, / he conceded / that there were some conspicuous advantages / about a life of crime, / and so he consented / to be a pirate.

    조는 은둔자가 되어 먼 동굴에서 빵 껍질을 먹고 살다가 언젠가 추위와 결핍과 슬픔으로 죽기를 원했지만, 톰의 말을 듣고 나서 그는 범죄자의 삶에 명백한 장점이 있다는 것을 인정했고, 그래서 해적이 되기로 동의했다.

    ⦁ conceded: 인정했다
    – He conceded that he was wrong. (그는 자신이 잘못했음을 인정했다.)

    ⦁ conspicuous: 눈에 띄는
    – The singer’s dress was very conspicuous at the party. (그 가수의 드레스는 파티에서 매우 눈에 띄었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)