❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
They tramped gayly along, over decaying logs, through tangled underbrush, among solemn monarchs of the forest, hung from their crowns to the ground with a drooping regalia of grape-vines.Now and then they came upon snug nooks carpeted with grass and jeweled with flowers.They found plenty of things to be delighted with, but nothing to be astonished at.They discovered that the island was about three miles long and a quarter of a mile wide, and that the shore it lay closest to was only separated from it by a narrow channel hardly two hundred yards wide.They took a swim about every hour, so it was close upon the middle of the afternoon when they got back to camp.They were too hungry to stop to fish, but they fared sumptuously upon cold ham, and then threw themselves down in the shade to talk.But the talk soon began to drag, and then died
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
They tramped gayly along, / over decaying logs, / through tangled underbrush, / among solemn monarchs / of the forest, / hung from their crowns / to the ground / with a drooping regalia / of grape-vines.
그들은 즐겁게 썩어가는 통나무들 위를 넘어가고, 엉킨 덤불 속을 지나며, 포도덩굴의 늘어진 장식으로 머리부터 땅까지 덮인 숲의 엄숙한 거목들 사이를 걸어갔다.
Now and then they / came upon snug nooks / carpeted with grass / and jeweled with flowers.
가끔씩 그들은 잔디로 깔깔하고 꽃으로 장식된 아늑한 계곡을 만나곤 했다.
They found plenty / of things to be delighted with, / but nothing to be astonished at.
그들은 기뻐할 만한 것들을 많이 발견했지만, 놀랄 만한 것은 없었다.
They discovered that the island / was about three miles long / and a quarter of a mile wide, / and that the shore it lay closest to / was only separated from it / by a narrow channel / hardly two hundred yards wide.
그들은 그 섬이 길이는 약 세 마일이고 넓이는 약 사분의 일 마일이며, 가장 가까운 해안과는 겨우 200야드 정도의 좁은 수로로 분리되어 있다는 것을 알게 되었다.
They took a swim / about every hour, / so it was close / upon the middle of the afternoon / when they got back to camp.
그들은 한 시간마다 수영을 해서, 그들이 캠프로 돌아왔을 때는 한낮이 가까워졌을 때였다.
They were too hungry / to stop to fish, / but they fared sumptuously / upon cold ham, / and then threw themselves down / in the shade / to talk.
그들은 너무 배가 고파서 낚시를 할 수 없었지만, 차가운 햄으로 호사스럽게 식사하고, 그늘에 누워서 얘기하기 시작했다.
But the talk soon / began to drag, / and then died.
하지만 대화는 곧 늘어지기 시작했고, 결국 끊어졌다.
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